Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 168 168. Trading Zone

[God of Life Doris God Statue is being built, estimated time: 24 hours. 】

The statue was placed by Su You behind the fire in the center of the city, which was also relatively close to the center of the territory. Although it was still under construction, Su You had already thought about how to arrange around the statue.

First, surround a pool, so that when the time comes, buy some ornamental aquatic organisms (koi, etc.) to raise in it, and then plant a circle of beautiful flowers and plants.

In fact, not every statue has to be arranged like this, just because it is the god of life.

Worshiping gods pays attention to 'perseverance and sincerity' and 'property of attributes'.

The former refers to insisting on coming to worship the statue every day to receive the blessing aura. As the worship time increases, the aura will become more and more powerful.

The second is that the attributes are suitable. The God of Life values ​​life, so the surrounding layout must be related to life.

It is obviously inappropriate and troublesome to raise other animals, but if you just raise a few small fish and plant some flowers and plants, it is still very simple.

Such an arrangement is not only simple and beautiful, but also conforms to the attributes of the God of Life, which can improve the effect of worship to a certain extent.


With the appearance of the statue, so far, all the buildings in the territory have been basically completed.

There are places to eat, clothe and live, as well as a medical center, as well as mission halls, statues, wells, and training grounds...

Su You looked at the sketch of the territory she had drawn, marked all the buildings that had been built, and then began to plan other buildings and regional arrangements in the remaining unbuilt parts.

She only announced the regional reward today, and people will not come until tomorrow at the earliest, so she still has time to arrange and arrange today to complete the construction progress of the territory better.

With the gradual completion of the territory sketch, a near-perfect territory planning drawing was born under her pen.

Su You put away the quill and came to the specially vacated position at the rear left side of the territory - in the sketch, she divided this place into a trading area.

Anyone (territorial residents, non-territorial residents) can set up a stall in a place that is classified as a trading area, but a certain booth fee needs to be charged.

The trading area is the location that can most stimulate the economic cycle of the territory when there are insufficient shops and commodity types in the early stage.

There is nothing good in the territory in the early stage, but the trading area allows non-territorial residents to set up stalls. As long as there is demand from the foreign population, there is room for trading. In this way, it does not matter whether there are goods in the territory, as long as there is a transaction.

Su You is also planning to set up a stall tomorrow, but she is not the one to set up a stall, so the business of buying and selling must be done by Bu Guo.

She has already thought about the things for the stalls. Apart from some common gadgets, the more valuable things include strengthened animal skin equipment, and the green-quality animal core that was dropped by killing the long-tailed crocodile before. , the basic sewing skill book obtained by opening the box, as well as the magic pattern book, as well as the first-level space bag, and the production formula of the first-level space bag.

There are not many things, and there are no rare things other than space bags and formulas, but these are enough to show the strength of the territory.

The current publicity of the territory is very limited, and the people who will come will basically not be very powerful people. Even if Su You brings out something good, they can't afford it.

What's more, it's actually not a good thing for a small territory to come up with too good things without enough hole cards.

Su You rummaged around, and found a flag icon called 'Trading Zone' from the building list.

[Do you want to start dividing the trading area? 】

[Note: Only one trading area can exist at the current level of territory. The size of the trading area is not limited, but it cannot be canceled at will. Please choose carefully. 】

Su You chose [Yes], and then a chalk-like marker appeared in her hand.

She used this marker to roughly circle the area of ​​the trading area, and then opened the building list again.

[Are you sure to use this range as a trading area? 】

With the appearance of this reminder, an extra flag appeared in Su You's hand.

This flag is dark blue, with no patterns on it, only the simple words 'trading area'.

As long as the flag is placed near the divided area, it means that the trading area is officially established.

"Just put" Su You looked around, found a suitable place for the entrance, and then placed the flag representing the trading area at the entrance of the trading area.

[The trading area has been formed. This area cannot be built, destroyed, or moved... When people in the territory have a trading need, they will automatically come here to start trading. 】

The trading area doesn't belong to a building, it's just an area, so Su You doesn't need to consume any materials to build anything. The divided area has nothing but a flag, and it looks like an ordinary open space.

Su You is going to make some tables for placing items and benches for stall owners to rest. These two things are almost enough in the early trading area.

Going back and forth from the workshop, Su You set up the rectangular table, and then took out a bunch of benches. At the same time, Bu Guo happened to pass by.

"I'll help you, where do you want to put it?" Bu Guo hesitated for a moment, then ran to Su You and picked up a bench.

Because of malnutrition, Bu Guo looks thin and small, and a long bench is half the size of her when hugged.

Su You was a little helpless, she wanted to refuse, but seeing Bu Guo's insistence, she didn't forcefully take the bench from her hand, but pointed to a position.

"Just put it there."

As soon as the words fell, Bu Guo ran over with the bench in his arms.

Looking at Bu Guo's thin figure, Su You felt guilty for making a young child labor...

"Okay, okay, there is nothing else to do. By the way, this place is the trading area. I need your help to set up a stall here tomorrow." In order to prevent Bu Guo from continuing to help, Su You decisively chose to change the subject.

After Bu Guo was attracted by this topic, Su You continued: "I will give you things tonight, and I will tell you the prices of those things. Just like last time, you can use it freely, and the extra parts will be distributed to you in proportion." your money."

"Okay." Bu Guo nodded resolutely. Although she only said one word, she was looking forward to it... She hoped that tomorrow would come sooner.

Accustomed to the stumbling life when wandering outside, suddenly living a stable and comfortable life, eating and dressing well every day, Bu Guo is really not used to it.

From a certain point of view, her willingness to help so actively is also an expression of insecurity, because she is worried that she will be abandoned if she is useless.

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