Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 170 170. Upgrading the Tavern

But Yousen is different, he has a high training value, and improving his skills can quickly get corresponding benefits in return.

Improving seeds is not a simple matter, only the primary skill level is far from enough. The reason why Yousen was able to succeed before was that his talent was high enough and his traits helped, and on the other hand, it was pure luck. good.

In order to allow him to improve and produce better seeds faster, it is necessary to 'loan' him in advance.

"Improve seeds? I'm good at this!" It's more than just good at it. After hearing Su You say that she needs to improve seeds, Yousen rushed back to his room and took out a lot of seeds from it.

Su You listened to him introduce the seeds in his hand like a few treasures, and thought there would be nothing special, but in the end, he actually found a few valuable improved seeds.

One is the improved windgrass seed. Yousen has lowered its requirements for the growing environment. In translation, this seed can be planted in primary farmland without the need to upgrade to intermediate farmland.

One is the seeds of red grass, the yield of the improved seeds has increased slightly.

There are also some seeds that Suyou has not collected for the time being, such as tomatoes, watermelons, and peppers... The improved part of these three is the growth time.

"I'm willing to donate all these seeds to the territory." In fact, You Sen was hesitant to take them out before, and Su You's gift of skill books can be said to have directly given him a chance to take out the seeds.

Su You was not too polite, and immediately asked Yousen to plant the improved windgrass seeds on the vacated field just now.

Three and a half pieces of farmland were vacated, one piece was planted with windgrass, one piece was planted with wheat, and the other piece was planted with rice, and the remaining half piece was to be planted by Yousen to find something similar to the ripening time of the potatoes planted before, so that when the time came It can be harvested together with potatoes, or the farmland can be unified to plant the same crop, which can trigger the effect of Harmony I.

"Okay, I'll learn the skills after planting." Although these seeds are not bad, they are far from Suyou's standard for improved seeds.

The improved crops she wanted were not of this kind.

Yousen also understands that his so-called improved seeds are nothing more than a trifle, so after accepting the skill book, he also promised Su You that he will work hard to upgrade and cultivate better crops.

"Then these fruits..." Yousen pointed to the wheat, rice and corn all over the ground, and asked if they needed to be given to Meke as before.

"You're busy, I'll go and give it to Meke." It just so happened that she could count how many crops she had harvested.

The two wheat fields harvested a total of nearly [-] stalks of wheat, and when it was sent to the mill for processing, it would be [-] parts of flour.

There is only one field of rice planted, so only more than 200 stalks are harvested, which also needs to be processed by the grinder, which can produce more than 200 rice.

At the beginning, corn was half of the same variety as potatoes, so the output was not much, only about [-] or so.

Except for wheat and rice, which have a superposition limit of one hundred, most of these crops have a superposition limit of fifty, and the superposition limit of fruits will be even lower, only twenty or thirty, and very few have fifty.

Because there are so many crops in this batch, it directly takes up half of her backpack space.

As Su You walked in the direction of the tavern, she was thinking about whether to upgrade the tavern, because the upgraded tavern would not only have a larger space, but most importantly, the interior space of the tavern would have its own warehouse.

The size of this warehouse is the same as that of the first-level warehouse, and it can also store any items.

If you store food with a shelf life, it will also extend the shelf life, and the effect will be better than ordinary warehouses.

After arriving at the tavern, Su You already had an idea in her heart... She did not take out the contents of the backpack directly, but opened the information panel of the tavern, and glanced at the materials for upgrading the tavern——

[tavern] can be upgraded
Consumption: composite wood board*10, composite stone board*10, glass*20
Upgrade time: 60 minutes

Very good, she has all the upgrade materials.

Not only was there, but it happened to be in her backpack... So Su You decisively chose to upgrade.

Seeing that there were still some backpack materials left, she went to station 1 and upgraded the station.

During the upgrade process, some buildings are in a state where the doors are closed and cannot be entered. If there are people inside, they will be automatically driven out by the system.

Like Maker, he was kicked out.

Seeing the figure appearing inexplicably outside the tavern, Su You gave a dry cough and wanted to pretend that she didn't see anything, but...

"Did you do something? How did I get kicked out?" Meke seemed a little upset, but this was considered a good situation, because he was just resting just now.

If you kick him out while he's cooking, this guy will most likely go berserk.

"It's nothing, I just want to upgrade a tavern." Su You replied confidently.

Then, before Meck was about to question her, "Why did you upgrade at this time if you didn't upgrade sooner or later?", she took the lead and said: "Isn't this also to give you multiple warehouses for food ingredients? What about the insurance time?"

"..." Meke glanced at her and didn't speak, but he didn't keep his face dark.

"I have a batch of ingredients that have just matured here, and I will hand them over to you...I have a recipe." As she said, a stalk of wheat, a stalk of rice, and a stalk of corn appeared in Suyou's hand.

It can be said that Meke's mood suddenly changed from cloudy to sunny.

Maker: "What about the recipe?"

The recipe... Of course it hasn't been written yet!

Su You casually took out a pen and paper, and stuffed them into Meck's hand: "You write it down yourself."

Just now, her hands are still very sore from making bows and arrows. I'm afraid she can make a bunch of ghostly symbols when she writes.

In terms of memorizing recipes, Meck still has plenty of patience.

While Su You was talking, he was recording. In the blink of an eye, those few sheets of paper were filled with incomprehensible symbols.

Seeing the words that were comparable to earthworms, Su You was silent for a while and then said, "Do you understand?"

Facing Su You's question, Meke also asked confidently: "Why can't you understand?"

"Oh, as long as you can understand it." Anyway, it's not a recipe for her to read, as long as he can understand it himself.

Because the tavern was still being upgraded, Meke had nowhere to go, so he could only hold the corn that Su You brought and started roasting the corn with his own fire magic to pass the time.

Su You didn't want to watch him roast corn, so she went to the workshop to check on Buguo's situation, and then took another batch of materials to build another well, a warehouse, and made a batch of octagonal lamps by the way. Lamps, benches and other decorations.

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