Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 171 171. The Visitor Arrives

The well 3 is built behind the blacksmith shop, and the warehouse 3 is built behind the residential house 2.

As for other things, octagonal lamps are hung on the new building, benches are placed at the entrance of the trading area, and stone lamps are placed inside the trading area to light up places without any light.


[The tavern has been upgraded. 】

As soon as Su You received the news, she went over and piled up half a backpack of ingredients into the warehouse of the tavern.

Before she came over, Meke, who had been guarding the door of the tavern, had come in a long time ago. He stuffed all the previous ingredients or finished products into the warehouse, and then took out the stones to build a building near the warehouse. Two grinders.

At this time, it happened to be meal time, the tavern lit a fire, and the aroma wafted around.

When everyone was having dinner together, Su You told everyone about the unblocking of the monster spawner cage tomorrow morning.

In fact, everyone has known about this for a long time, and it is just to unify the time of going out tomorrow and the arrangement of the territory at this time. Except for Dolly, Yousen and Bugo, who are not capable of fighting, everyone else in the territory will be ready tomorrow morning. to go out.

"Before I come back, if there are travelers or vagrants visiting, you can let them visit in the territory." Since there are no combatants left in the territory, Su You also gave the right to use buildings such as arrow towers and traps in the territory to Dolly, so that they also have the means of self-defense.

In order to resist the attack of dark creatures before, the arrow towers in the territory were arranged very densely, and the existence of arrow towers can be seen almost everywhere. If ordinary people really want to do something in the territory, they are asking for trouble.

However, in order to prevent accidents, Su You will still take everyone to go early and return early.

Because there will be a battle tomorrow, everyone has a very early rest tonight.



The next morning, Su You took Duoya and his party out.

Not long after they arrived near the monster spawner, they saw the ruined stone door suddenly light up.

Later, they saw the plot of Xia Dumpling 2.0.

The difference is that those dark creatures fell into the pit because they were unprepared. In the final analysis, they were somewhat responsible for their own carelessness and could not blame others.

But this time the ghost skeletons were even more miserable. They were sent directly to the top of the pothole, and then fell one by one, with no chance to react or escape.

And it's okay to fall, but there are traps in the pothole, and the wailing and howling of the ghost skeleton resounded through the sky for a while.

The ghost skeletons in the pits were dealt with by Duoya and the Arrow Tower. After the ghost skeletons respawned outside were attracted to a position by Su You with a miniature bomb, Meke spent most of his mana to cast a magic called 'Fire Cage'. Shut all these ghost skeletons in.

The ghost skeletons in the flame cage are enjoying the flame burning all the time. Their blood volume doesn't drop fast, but they continue to lose blood. As long as the cage doesn't disappear, it's only a matter of time before they die.

As for the ghost skeletons that were left alone and failed to be locked in, they were quickly dealt with by Lyle and Lake.

After dealing with the single ones, they started to deal with the monsters in the cage again.

Youai, who was pulled to make a contribution, was also attacking hard, but the water bomb attack he fired was too low, so he couldn't kill a few monsters until all the ghost skeletons were dead.

With the death of the last ghost skeleton, this campaign to siege monster spawners comes to an end.

Dealing with these ninety ghost skeletons was easier than expected. In less than an hour, these ghost skeletons turned into drops all over the ground.

"Yue, you heal them both." Suyou asked Youai to heal Lyle and the others first, and then she and Duoya began to clean up the fallen objects on the ground.

As for Meke, he left after releasing the flame cage, and it was Su You who asked him to go back to suppress the place.

After Yuai treated the more serious wounds on Lyle and the others, they also helped pick up the fallen objects on the ground.

But there are still a small number of ghost skeletons outside the trap, and most of them still die at the bottom of the pit. Now, as long as you stand at a high place and look at the bottom of the pit, you can see the falling all over the ground, densely packed.

Su You built a ladder, and went down with the others to pick up all the drops.

After picking up all the things on the ground, everyone returned to the territory.



After walking near the territory, Su You saw a lot of people scattered around the territory. Some of them entered the territory directly, and some were still stationed outside the territory. They didn't know what they were waiting for.

But since they came, they intended to take a look at the territory, otherwise there was no need to come here in vain, so after hesitation, many people entered the territory one after another.

Su You and his party also came back from outside, so these travelers and wanderers took them as visitors to the sunset territory as a matter of course.

During the period, a few people came up and seemed to want to ask if they had also heard the rumors about this territory and wanted to take a look at this territory. As a result, when these people knew that Lyle and the others were residents of this territory, everyone looked They vary, but all share a strong thirst for knowledge, a desire to ask them many questions.

"I read the reward that said that your territory is recruiting people. Is it true?"

"What are the requirements for recruiting? Do I need to pay?"

"I heard that there is still a magician in your territory, is it true?"


Before they were surrounded, Suyou and Duoya decisively stayed away from Lyle and the others, pretending that they didn't know each other, and then quickly returned to the territory.

There are many people outside the territory, and there are also many people inside the territory. At least Su You saw a dozen or so people on the street. Because many shops are closed, so after they walked around, their faces Obviously disappointed.

"Sure enough, it is a territory that has not been established for a long time. There are no people and nothing."

"But having said that, the basic buildings in this territory are quite complete, but there are not many shops in operation."

"This is also expected. I originally thought that there was nothing in this territory. The lack of people is not terrible. Anyway, there are many homeless people in this world. The most important thing for a territory is the management ability of the lord."

"You're right. Although I don't know how many days this territory has developed, but if it's really a newly established territory, it's pretty good to have this kind of development progress."

"But I'm still a little disappointed, after all we..."

Perhaps sensing Su You's gaze, the person who was about to speak suddenly stopped and turned to look.

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