173 Chapter 173. Trouble 2
The 'this set of equipment' mentioned by Dolly naturally cannot be the enhanced version of the animal skin equipment, but the previous semi-finished product.

Anyway, this is what these two people said by themselves. They said that the two sets of equipment are similar, so what are they buying?
Selling enhanced animal skin equipment for ten silver coins is just to gain a reputation. After today, Dolly will increase the price. If they are willing to spend five silver coins to buy ordinary animal skin equipment, it is not impossible. almost the same.

But since these two people are here to do things, it is definitely impossible for them to be willing to buy semi-finished equipment. After all, their purpose is always the finished animal skin equipment that Dolly has brought out for sale.

So, when they heard Dolly's words, they began to shout again.

"Hey, what's the matter with this store? It's not happy to be pointed out that the price is too expensive, but now it actually asks customers to buy semi-finished products."

"How dare you sell these crap? It's good that we are willing to buy it, but it's a scam to charge such a high price!"

"I'm afraid this is not a trick..." Just as one of them was yelling, he suddenly felt something sharp on the back of his head.

This kind of strong and dangerous touch made him speechless for a moment, and he couldn't make a sound.

"What are you talking about lying to?"

Strong man 1 couldn't help shivering when he heard the cold voice coming from behind him.

He trembled and wanted to turn his head, but soon the sharp object stabbed straight at the back of his head.

Although there was no injury, no bleeding, and even the pain was not particularly strong, but the fear brought about by the unknown seemed to amplify his pain nerves countless times.

This scene shocked everyone present, so far no one took action to stop Duoya.

That's right, it was Duoya who made the sound just now, and the thing against the back of his head was the arrow that Duoya carried with him.

The arrow head is very sharp enough to pierce many things, such as tiger skin, so it is also very simple to pierce a person's head.

The other person who was with this strong man was also frightened at first, but now that he came back to his senses, when he turned his head and saw that it was only a girl who was about the same age as the owner of the sewing shop, the panic in his heart was replaced by contempt .

"Who are you? We're teaching a black-hearted businessman a lesson. What's the matter with you?!" As he spoke, he was ready to take the arrow from Duoya's hand.

It's just that his reaction is not as good as that of Duoya who is agility, especially Duoya has been staring at these two people all the time, so when he has the intention of preparing to attack, Duoya directly dodges back a few steps, and then skillfully Take out the bow and arrow and aim.

Without the threat of sharp objects, the strong man 1 turned his head suddenly, only to see Duoya aiming at him with a bow and arrow.

For a while, the limbs that had regained their strength because of the danger dissipated, softened their hands and feet again because they saw the sharp arrows.

Both of them swallowed their saliva subconsciously, because they could clearly feel that the short-haired woman in front of them was not easy to mess with. Her posture seemed professional and not bluffing.

Few people can hold the bow for such a long time, but she did it, and there is no sign of shaking hands, which can only show that this is a very experienced old archer.

"What are you going to do?!" Since they couldn't fight, the two of them were ready to use their verbal skills.

But before the two of them could say anything, Duoya loosened his hand, and an arrow shot straight towards one of the people's feet, and then plunged into the gap between the stone floor tiles.

Just at this moment, the two people's legs trembled in fright, and the person who was shot at the foot was so frightened that he almost collapsed on the ground.

No one will think that Duoya missed the shot, because they can all see that Duoya did it on purpose.

She didn't want to hurt these two people directly, because doing it at this time would only make the inner leverage of other people who don't know the truth biased towards these two people, and it would also push the matter to an irreversible point.

But some deterrence is still necessary.

Because of the commotion here, more and more people gathered around, but because they didn't know what happened and didn't want to get involved, they just gathered around and discussed without taking any other actions.

The few people who knew the truth also mixed into the crowd because they didn't want to get into trouble.

"People who make troubles are not welcome in the Sunset Territory. Do you two want to go by yourself, or should I send you away?" Duoya still held the bow and arrow in one hand, and leaned back slightly with the other hand, ready to get up from his back at any time. He took out arrows from his quiver.

Because of this sentence, the other onlookers had a vague guess about the process of this matter... This woman is a resident of the territory, and these two men are here to make trouble, so she took the initiative to teach them a lesson.

From this point of view, this is a matter between the territory and these two people, and has nothing to do with them, so the onlookers just gathered together to eat melons, but no one wanted to intervene.

This is the same as when these two strong men were messing around with Dolly before. Although there were other people in front of the store at that time, they didn't want to cause trouble, so they knew that what Dolly said should be right, and they also knew that the two Personal was intentional, but they didn't help her talk.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

I thought this matter was over here, but I didn’t expect that these two people were probably scared by Duoya once before, and they felt angry in their hearts, and they thought that Duoya would not dare to do anything in front of so many people, so they were bold Started yelling.

"What bullshit sunset territory, you don't welcome us, I don't want to come!"

"Let's take a look for yourself. The price of the equipment in this store is twice the market price. We both said it was expensive, but the boss still insisted on fooling us."

"A black shop is a black shop, and this territory is also black-hearted. If you don't let it be said, do it if you say it. It's very capable."

"Leave as soon as you go... The rest of you should also be careful, or you won't be forced to buy and sell at that time, blame us for not reminding you."


These two people sang together, their lips were really sharp.

But Duoya has always been impatient to hear this, so she directly took out two arrows from the quiver and aimed them in the direction of the two of them.

"You two better shut up." Although the two of them felt that Duoya would not really do anything, when the sharp arrow really aimed at their skulls, the two of them still fell silent.

Then, Doya looked behind the two of them.

"You explain." Duoya said to Doli who was already in a hurry in the store.

(End of this chapter)

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