174 Chapter 174. Trouble 3
Dolly froze for a moment, then immediately repeated what she had just explained to these two people.

The onlookers are not fools, and they don't know this territory, nor these two people, so they won't be partial to anyone in their hearts, so in the case of what Dolly said is reasonable and well-founded, comparing these two people only knows how to shout But for those who can't produce any evidence, and their words are full of mistakes and omissions, they must still be more willing to believe Dolly.

"Yo, what happened here." Lyle's voice came from outside the crowd.

Hearing his voice, Doya put down his bow and arrow, and at the same time, Lyle Lake, and Yuai, who was also surrounded just now, squeezed in from the crowd.

"These two are causing trouble." Duoya said simply, and the two brothers rolled up their sleeves and walked towards the two.

Although they don't know what happened, they all know Duoya's character, she is not a person who knows how to joke, so since she said that these two people are causing trouble, they are causing trouble.

To deal with troublemakers, it is not easy for them to do it directly in front of so many people. After all, today is a special day, but they will not be sullen. It is more 'polite' to 'invite' these two people out of the territory. They are very polite.

"What? Want to bully our small territory, no one?" Lyle said this with a smile, but no matter who saw his smile, he couldn't help but feel a little shuddering.

"Today is the first open day of the territory. We don't really want to use force, but if you don't cooperate, don't blame us." While speaking, Lake had already put on his gloves.

These two people are always bullying and afraid of being tough. They originally wanted to arouse other people's emotions and stir up anger, but I don't know if they overestimated their own language charm or underestimated other people's IQ. In short, they failed a lot. thorough.

Although Duoya was also very angry, she was very rational. She suppressed her anger, first shut up the two of them, and then asked Dolly to explain, directly peeling off the hypocrisy of the two in front of everyone.

Although this way of solving things is not necessarily the best, it must be the most suitable at the moment.

In the end, the two left the territory disheartened under the watchful eyes of Lyle and Lake.

Before they left, Youai couldn't help his itchy hands, and he didn't know what he was muttering. The next moment, a huge ball of water appeared above the heads of the two people.

The magic power controlling the water polo was taken away, and the water polo turned into a rain curtain and fell, dousing the two people into a drowned chicken.

Although there were not many people around when Youai made the move, some people still saw him doing some strange actions, and then when they saw the gestures of those two drowned chickens who dared not speak out, they could guess that it was Youai who made the move. .

Only magicians can have this ability.

They were surprised that this inconspicuous young man was actually a magician. At the same time, they were also a little puzzled and shocked why there were two magicians in this territory... It was agreed that there was only one fire magician who could cook food with magic teacher?

Why is there another water-type mage now... How many mages are there in this territory?
Why are there two magicians willing to stay in this seemingly inconspicuous and nothing special little territory?



After the farce ended, Dolly breathed a sigh of relief. She let go of the hand she had been holding tightly, and then wanted to step forward to ask if Doya was injured just now.

But before she had time to walk out of the store, several people surrounded her.

"Boss, here's an animal fur coat." Before he finished speaking, ten silver coins were slapped onto the table.

Dolly was startled, and Doya's voice sounded beside her ears: "You go ahead, I'll just watch here."

Saying that she wanted to watch it here, Duo Yazhen moved a stool and sat beside her, then she took out a cloth from her pocket and began to wipe the bow in her hand.

With Duoya here, Dolly felt a little more confident.

However, these people who gathered around were different from the two people who were driven away. They didn't come to provoke trouble, so when they saw Duoya sitting beside them, they just took a look and didn't pay much attention.

They went to the shelf where the equipment was placed, and began to carefully observe the equipment on it... I thought that what the boss said before was just an exaggeration. This equipment may indeed be different from ordinary equipment, but it should not be so powerful to what extent.

But I didn't expect to find out after careful observation that the equipment production process of this shop seems to be a bit special, at least these people have never seen this equipment production method elsewhere.

"Hey, Boss, your production method is a bit special."

"I thought the boss was exaggerating before, but I didn't expect that I had little knowledge. This is the first time I have seen this kind of equipment making method after living for so long."


It's normal that you haven't seen it, because Dolly's method of making this equipment incorporates the ability of a restorer.

While a restorer can repair incomplete items, it can also be used to repair the shortcomings of a complete item, which is equivalent to keeping improving.

This is a process that needs to be explored by one's own ability. It is not difficult, but it is definitely not easy.

Few people can possess the talent of a restorer while possessing the skill of a tailor, and can perfectly use the ability of a restorer.

Even if there were, they might not be able to think of combining these two skills, so Dolly's 'special craft' is really not an exaggeration.

"I want a set, too. I want a whole set. The boss will figure out how much it will cost." Because he saw that there were other parts of animal skin equipment on the shelf besides the animal skin clothing, and this person was not short of money, so he asked for it directly. A whole set of equipment was downloaded.

A complete set of equipment consists of four pieces, hats, clothes, bottoms, and shoes, totaling 25 silver coins... Clothes consume the most materials, so the price is extremely expensive, accounting for almost half of the price.

After the person who took the lead to say that he wanted to buy something, other people who were already a little excited also came over one after another.

For a while, the sewing shop was crowded with people.

After watching the whole process, Su You looked thoughtfully in the direction of Duo Ya after seeing this scene.

Ever since the farce started, Su You had thought about whether she needed to come forward, but after Duoya appeared, she was going to see how Duoya was going to deal with this matter first.

It turned out that Duoya's handling method was very good, and she was very satisfied, even better than expected, because she thought that with Duoya's character, she would do it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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