Su You is very lucky to have such a talent who has combat power and doesn't rely solely on force when dealing with emergencies.


"Leader... why are you here?" After seeing off the two troublemakers, Lyle and the others came back.

Because the matter had been resolved, the crowd dispersed, and they saw Su You who had been covered by the crowd before.

In order not to expose Su You's identity, Lyle refrained from nearly calling out 'Lord Lord'.

"I'll just take a look." Su You didn't lie, she really just took a look.

"Buguo should start to set up a stall. You two should go over there and help watch." Since there are people making troubles on Dolly's side, besides, Buguo is only a child, and the things she sells are very expensive. The value is better and higher than what you get here at the sewing shop.

If someone really messed up, Bu Guo really had no way to solve it, so Su You asked Lyle and Lake to help Bu Guo look at it.

"Okay, let's go there now." Duoya is helping to take care of Dolly, and after the incident just now, no one should make trouble again at this time, so they don't need to stay here any longer.

As for Youai, Suyou didn't let him idle. Now that so many people came to the territory, it was just when there was a shortage of manpower, so Suyou arranged for Youai to go to the post station to register and collect money.

And Su You herself was not able to relax.

She took a piece of paper and didn't know what to write, so she pasted it on the bulletin board after writing, and then took out a set of tables and chairs and placed it next to the bulletin board.

Anyone passing by can see the words above the bulletin board at a glance - 'Sunset Territory Recruits'.

Under these five words, Su You also drew an arrow, and the direction the arrow pointed was where Su You was sitting.

Su You just sat for a whole morning.

During this morning, a total of nine people came to inquire about joining the Sunset Territory.

And among these nine people, seven of them are similar to Youai, they are all ordinary npcs... even inferior to Youai, because these people don't have any special traits, and they don't have any talent. Although Youai has low talent, at least he has a talent.

Although this kind of npc has no room for improvement, the development of the territory cannot do without the addition of this kind of ordinary npc. Although they don't have any special abilities, they are also a labor force, so Suyou will not refuse anyone.

As long as there is an intention to join, and the initial loyalty value is not particularly low, Su You will agree to these people's joining.

Of the seven people, only four wanted to join the territory in the end, and Su You passed all of them.

Su You: "Although joining the territory does not cost money, you need to spend your own money to purchase the residence in the territory."

Su You had already mentioned about the residence when they consulted before.

Although everyone can join the territory for free, as long as they pass her review, only those with special skills will be allocated houses. Ordinary npcs without skills can only buy houses with their own money.

The houses here are actually residential houses.

The cost of buying a residence qualification for a residential house is [-] silver coins. If you want to monopolize the entire residential house by yourself, you have to spend [-] gold coin.

It doesn't matter if you don't have the money to afford a residential house in the early stage, you can live in a post station. Of course, living in a post station also costs money.

For members of the territory, the price of the post station can be slightly lower. It only needs ten copper coins a day. If it is a one-time monthly subscription, it only needs 250 copper coins. If you live for eleven months, you can get another month as a gift.

These people have no opinion on this regulation. After all, if they have opinions, they will not choose to join the territory. This is the case for the other three people who did not join the territory.

Resident A: "Then who do we need to find to arrange accommodation?"

Su You pointed in the direction of a station: "There is a man named Youai in the station, you just say that you have joined the territory, ask him to arrange a residence for you, and give him the money."

Before letting Youai go to the post station, Suyou had already told Youai about the new residents' residence, so she wasn't worried that he didn't understand how to arrange it.

"If you don't have enough money, you can go to the reward list to pick up some tasks."

After arranging a place for these people and telling them how to make money, Su You started to deal with two other npcs who were not ordinary.

They are not ordinary, but they are definitely not as good as those recruited from taverns like Doya and Meke, otherwise there would be no need for taverns to exist.

The first is a young man with only one 'mediocre' quality like Yoey.

In addition, he has elementary fishing skills, and his talent is also fishing, but only 75 points, which is a value that is neither high nor low.

Although the fishing skills are not particularly useful in the early stage, after the fishing level is high, there is a chance to catch some rare fish. After cooking, this kind of fish will inevitably have certain attributes or aura bonuses.

After this skill reaches the master level, the fishing skill will be more than just fishing, because you can also catch various rare materials at that time.

Although the probability is very low, this is also one of the easiest ways to obtain rare materials.

Although this is very contrary to common sense, it is not important. Anyway, this world is not a normal world.

Su You hoped that this person would join the territory. Anyway, this is an npc with skills, but... this person's vision seems to be a little high.

After he asked Su You about the situation in the Sunset Territory, the expression on his face changed. Although he tried his best to hide it, Su You could still see that it was an emotion called disgust.

For this kind of npc, Su You wouldn't say that she has any bad feelings. After all, she also knows the current situation of the territory. Compared with other territories, it is not particularly good, and it is normal for some people to look down on it.

But since the other party doesn't like her own territory, she doesn't need to accept it, because this kind of person has two minds, and it is impossible to be completely loyal to the territory.

Although ability is also very important, but the most important thing is loyalty.

"You just said that people with skills will be allocated free housing when they join the territory, right?" The young man with fishing skills raised his head, his attitude vaguely revealed a hint of arrogance, and even his tone of voice was slightly raised intonation.

Su You nodded calmly, ignoring his impolite attitude.

"Well, I want to join your territory." The young man said while observing the opposite residential area with critical eyes.

After taking a general look at the situation over there, he spoke with some reluctance——

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