Lyle and Lake, who were chasing after themselves, hadn't seen what happened, they only saw that the two people who were running away in a hurry suddenly fell to the ground.

Not only the two of them were stunned for a moment, but other people present were also stunned.

"Dirty my skirt, you want to run without apologizing?" As soon as the words came out, the two people seemed to have an answer to why they lay on the ground.

Could it be that this girl did something?
Without waiting for them to think about it, the girl didn't know what she had done, and the two suddenly wailed and cried out in pain on the ground, and even rolled all over the ground in pain.

But the strange thing is that no one found anything wrong with them.

There were no traces, no wounds, and nothing else appeared... If it weren't for the way the two of them were struggling and howling and their real appearance, they would have wondered if the two of them were just pretending.

"Ha ha……"

However, this is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that looking at the miserable appearance of these two people, even if normal people don't feel sympathy, they will feel a little scary.

After all, a well-behaved person suddenly fell to the ground and howled, and there seemed to be no problem... Who wouldn't be afraid of this?
But this girl was different. Others were afraid, but she was smiling, and she was smiling very happily, which made those who were still worried about whether this girl was hurt by these two people feel a little shuddering.

This girl is like a devil, they don't need to worry about it at all, and they even have to worry about whether they will be angered by her because of being here.

Within a few seconds, the two people rolling on the ground suddenly twitched, and then stopped moving.

This is all right, and everyone around them immediately took three steps back.

Is this... dead?

"Oh, it's boring." The girl kicked the two people, then sighed unhappily, and then she looked at the other people who were far away from her. There was no bad emotion on her face, but a little Thoughtful.

"Hi, ask them..." Lyle hesitated for a while, and finally took two steps forward to ask about the situation of the two people on the ground.

Although what happened to these two people had nothing to do with them, nor did it have anything to do with the territory, but after all, it happened in their territory. Lyle was really worried about whether the death of these two people would have any impact on the territory.

But okay.

"He's not dead, he just passed out." The girl's words made everyone present heave a sigh of relief.

Although they have never met these two people on the ground, and the life and death of these two people has nothing to do with them, but there is still a huge gap between someone dying in front of you and fainting in front of you. big.

"Do you still need to teach them a lesson?" Lake wanted to throw these two people out, otherwise they were lying at the door of the trading area, really blocking the position.

"You guys, I don't want to play anymore." The girl waved her hands indifferently. This gesture looked very relaxed and casual, and the words used in the language were even more scalp-numbing.

What do you mean she doesn't want to play anymore?

So she thinks she was just playing with that just now?
Not to mention that Lyle was speechless, even Lake, who was always good at chattering, was a little speechless.

"I'll take care of these two people, you stay." As he spoke, Lyle directly carried the two people on the left and the right, and his natural strength made it seem effortless when he carried two grown men .

"Amazing." Seeing this, the girl praised with a smile.

If it was someone else, or if he heard the praise without knowing the girl's true face, Lake might be a little proud, after all, he was praised for being amazing.

But after knowing the girl's strange behavior and personality, Lake now only feels a little horrified when he hears her voice.

Therefore, Lake's footsteps became more and more rapid, as if he wanted to leave this place quickly, for fear of becoming the next target of this girl.

After Lake left, everyone finished watching the play, and Bu Guo had already sorted out all the fake gold coins on the ground and piled them in the corner.

"The previous two quotations are invalid." Bu Guo said, while shifting his gaze to the man who quoted 37 gold coins just now: "Sir, do you continue to insist on the previous quotation of 37 gold coins?"

The man came back to his senses, then nodded quickly.

"37 gold coins, I want it!"

Although there was another farce just now, this farce will not affect the price of the space bag itself.

The man put 37 gold coins on the booth, then turned to look at Lyle: "Do you need to check?"

Because of what happened just now, if Lyle asks to check the gold coins again at this time, no one will think there is any problem. After all, the last person who tried to deceive them with fake gold coins has now been sent out of the territory unconscious .

"Thank you for your cooperation." Lyle smiled at him, then took out the dagger that Lake had returned to him and checked the 37 gold coins one by one.

Lyle: "The offer is valid."

When Lyle said this, one of the onlookers gritted his teeth, then took out his purse, and poured out all the gold coins in it.

"Forty gold coins!" From this man's expression, it is not difficult to see that these forty gold coins should be his whole family's possessions.

Because this purse is now empty.

"Forty gold coins are valid." After checking one by one, Lyle nodded and looked at the others.

The scene was a little stalemate for a while.

Although the price of the item will not change because of the farce, the farce just now did affect everyone's state, so that many people wanted to buy the space bag before, but now, only two people actually bid. personal.

Bu Guo was a little unhappy, because this could be said to be her Waterloo.

Although Su You's base price was [-] gold coins, after Bu Guo learned about the function of the space bag, he patted his chest and assured Su You that she would be able to sell it for at least [-] gold coins.

The results of it?
The result was a full ten gold coins!

Thinking of this, Bu Guo subconsciously turned his head to look at the lord who has not moved since he asked Lyle to check the gold coins just now... Huh?

Where is the master? !
When did she leave?
Bu Guo was stunned for a moment, she subconsciously wanted to look for Su You, but she also knew that she was the focus of attention now, so she resisted the urge to stand up and continued to think about how to wrap up this space. sell at a higher price.

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