But at this moment, when Bu Guo was thinking, there was a noisy movement from the direction of the entrance of the trading area. Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look, and finally saw a carriage gradually stopped.

And in front of this carriage, there were dozens of horses laden with goods—it was a caravan!

And it must be a big caravan!

If it was just a small caravan, they might not even be able to afford a few good horses, let alone a carriage!

Bu Guo's eyes lit up when she saw the caravan, because she remembered the last time, the first time she traded for Su You.

The object of that transaction was the caravan.

Compared with ordinary people, caravans must have more funds. After all, because of their work characteristics, caravans can use a larger range after they have space packages.

For example, it is used to store money, and it is also used to store extremely precious commodities.

In this way, even if there is any trouble in the process of running a business, as long as the person can survive, as long as the space package can be preserved, the loss can be minimized.

Of course, for Bu Guo, the most important thing is that the caravan has money!
The caravan is very, very rich!

If the space bag can be sold to the caravan, and this is a large caravan, then let alone fifty gold coins, Bu Guo thinks that even one hundred gold coins is not impossible.

But what makes Bugo and others feel a little strange is that although the carriages and horses of the caravan stopped at the entrance of the trading area, no one entered the trading area, as if they didn't know the existence of this place at all. Same.

After a while, the carriages in the trading area left directly, and even the horses carrying other goods left directly...

Bugo: ...

"The caravan outside is being entertained by the lord, they won't come in." Lake, who suddenly appeared in the trading area, came to Bugo and Lyle, and whispered the situation outside to them. listen.

To put it simply, a large caravan came. They passed by here and wanted to come here to rest and replenish. At this time, Su You was entertaining the caravan outside, and at the same time, she also asked the two troublemakers to be thrown out, and then she was ready to come back. Lake came in to find Bugo to get something.

"The lord asked me to come and get the formula." The formula here naturally refers to the formula of the first-level space package.

The price of this formula must be far higher than the space package, and it must not be affordable by all the money of all the people present.

The main reason why Su You asked Bu Guo to come up with this formula was not to sell it, but to let everyone know that there is such a thing in the setting sun territory.

After these people leave, they will naturally help promote it spontaneously. When the time comes, Su You just needs to wait for someone to come to buy it.

But it is a coincidence that a caravan happened to come at this time...Anyway, anyone who sells is selling. If the caravan can offer a suitable price, Su You definitely hopes to sell the things earlier in exchange for A lot of money, and by the way, sweep a wave of goods in this caravan.

"Oh, the formula is here." Bu Guo responded, and then handed the formula to Lake with some gloom.

Lake: "The lord also said, let your side finish quickly, and then help negotiate with the caravan."

Bugo: "!"

Bu Guo: "Okay, I'll be there right away."

After hearing Lake's words, Bu Guo, who was still gloomy, suddenly changed his face, and his depressed expression was replaced by a smile.



"This is the space bag that Lord Su said?" The person who spoke was Tang Lu, the vice-captain of the big caravan that was flaunting in the trading area just now.

As for the captain, he is not in this team.

Large caravans usually have more than one team. Although there is only one captain, there can be many vice-captains, and each vice-captain can lead a caravan for business.

At this time, Tang Lu was holding a package about the size of two palms, which looked like a soft cloth or a package made of leather material—this was the space bag.

"Do you need me to demonstrate for Captain Tang?" Su You said while observing Tang Lu's expression.

Tang Lu observed for a long time but did not find anything unique about this package. From her point of view, this package was just like an ordinary package, except that the material was a bit unrecognizable to him. magic,

Although she couldn't see anything special about it, she couldn't think of why Su You would tell such a lie that could be exposed...

After thinking for a moment, Tang Lu said, "Wait a minute."

Afterwards, Tang Lu turned her head to look at the people behind her, "Let's take everyone to settle down."


The short conversation ended, and the person who was talking to Tang Lu led everyone else out of the room.

One minute later, only Tang Lu and Su You were left in the room.

Su You took back the space bag, and then put away the things in the room like a magic trick in front of Tang Lu, put them away, and showed Tang Lu from all angles. After a few back and forth, Tang Lu I am convinced of the role of this space pack.

"Three hundred gold coins." After confirming that the item was genuine, Tang Lu decisively quoted a price.

Su You shook her head, as if she was not satisfied with the price.

Tang Lu naturally knew that her bid was a bit low, but that's the way the deal is, she couldn't offer an extremely high price from the beginning, otherwise there would be no room for negotiation.

"Captain Tang, please wait a moment."

"Lord Su is waiting for someone?" Tang Lu was actually a little surprised from the beginning, why there was no negotiator by Su You's side for such an important transaction.

At first she thought that Su You was the same as herself, and she was a bargainer, but she didn't expect that it was that person who hadn't come yet.

"Well, I've wasted Captain Tang's time. I'll give Captain Tang a small gift later."

Tang Lu waved her hand indifferently: "It's okay, I don't have anything else to do anyway, just wait."

In fact, I didn't wait for a particularly long time in the end, but within 5 minutes, there was a knock on the door.

Bugo: "My lord, Bugo is here."

"come in."

Hearing Bu Guo's immature voice, Tang Lu's curiosity was aroused, but she didn't expect that the person outside the door would be a child who seemed to be in his teens. She thought that he was just born with a voice. Looking immature, until she saw Bu Guo, the expression on Tang Lu's face became a little stiff.

"This is..." Tang Lu looked at the little girl who was just a little taller than the table in front of her, and she was in a completely dazed state.

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