It was impossible for her to think that the owner of the voice that sounded like a child just now was really just a child!
"This is Bu Guo, Captain Tang. The person I'm waiting for is her." These words directly affirmed Tang Lu's unsure thoughts.

Bu Guo smiled at Tang Lu, and then politely said hello.

"Hello Captain Tang, I'm Bugo."

"...Hi, Bu Guo." Tang Lu opened her mouth, and finally managed to hold back these words with some difficulty.

But after all, Tang Lu is the vice-captain of a large caravan, after all, she is someone who has experienced big storms, so even if she was shocked at this time, she quickly adjusted her emotions and did not let these emotions affect her subsequent negotiations. .

"Then I'll go first, you two talk slowly."

Although it is not impossible for Su You to stay, after all, she is the lord, and Bu Guo is still a child, but she still has other things to do.



After leaving the post station, Su You immediately saw the girl in a skirt sitting on a bench by the roadside.

"Hey, you're so slow, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Seeing Su You coming out of the station, the girl blinked, then stood up from the chair and walked to Su You's side.

If people who don't know her see this gesture, at most it will feel like a little squeamish little sister complaining about acting like a spoiled child to someone she knows.

"I kept you waiting." Looking at the pretty girl in front of her, Su You smiled, and then brought her into the medical hall.

The girl, or Vivienne, after entering the medical hall, although she didn't show any expression on her face, she was actually carefully observing the internal layout of the medical hall.

"Is this what you call a medical center? It looks so crude."

Maybe it's because of the difference in appearance, or maybe it's because Vivian's tone of voice is different. Obviously, she said similar things to the young man with fishing skills before, but the young man's words will only make people feel disgusted .

As for Vivienne, although what she said was serious, she did not have any mocking or disgusting tone, as if she was telling a fact, so even if what she said was not very pleasant, it would not be disgusting.

"Well, this is the medical hall, and then this will be your come here." Su You took Vivienne to the cubicle next to the medical hall: "According to your preference, you can be in the hospital when the time comes." Here are some arrangements you like."

"Really? You can arrange it however you want?" Vivienne's eyes widened slightly, and her light green eyes made her look like an elf at this moment... It's a pity that this is a black elf with a really bad heart.

Because the layout Vivian said at this time has something to do with her liking for pranks, she wants to set up this compartment as a scary room, and then as long as she is in a bad mood, she will not open the main entrance of the hospital, so that those people can come from The compartment door walks in.

Of course, Vivian also knows how to measure, most of the time she will definitely open the main entrance of the medical clinic, otherwise Su You will definitely not allow her to mess around.

"Of course, you can arrange it however you want. As long as you are willing to stay, I will build a special playground in the territory." In a few words, Su You vividly described Vivian's favorite haunted house and theater of.

It's as if this is not Suyou's future plan, but that there is a playground in the territory at this time. There are scary haunted houses in the playground, and there is also a theater that can make people's faces expressive.

"Hmm..." Vivienne was very hesitant now.

Because Su You really caught her weakness.

Whether it's a theater or a haunted house... the former is an unfulfilled dream of hers, and although she has never heard of the latter, judging from the situation described by Lord Su, it seems that this is something she really likes very much. something new.

When she thought that she would be able to participate in the haunted house and make people scream by pretending to be various creatures, just thinking about it, Vivienne felt that she was in a very happy mood at this time.

Seeing Vivian hesitate, Su You said something again, and then Vivian showed a perfect smile towards her as if she had made up her mind.

"Well, since the lord has said so, Vivienne is still very willing to join the territory and develop and build the territory together with everyone, so that the territory will grow bigger and stronger."

[Junior Healing Magician Vivienne applied to join the territory, please review and process the application in time. 】

Su You passed Vivian's application in an instant, and then, under her expectant eyes, took out a booklet from her package.

"Be careful, don't scare yourself." Su You discovered when she checked Vivienne's information before, her quirk is to enjoy stimulation and other people's mood swings.

But enjoying excitement doesn't have to be limited to others, she can too.

So Su You made a complete book of ghost stories overnight... She wasn't sure if it would attract Vivienne, but it was always right to prepare it.

And she seemed to have figured out Vivian's character, because after she only showed her one or two stories, Vivian became very interested in ghost stories.

After Vivian got the ghost story booklet, she immediately sat down in the medical hall, and then began to read this booklet of ghost stories.

Now Su You still doesn't know what impact this book of ghost stories will have on Vivian... It has given Vivian, who is already bad and mischievous, a way to tease people, and she is also very keen on Use this method on wounded patients who come for treatment.

Of course, this is all for the future. Su You doesn't know, even if she knows, as long as Vivienne doesn't cause any actual physical damage to those injured, all Su You can do is light a candle for them silently.


【Sunset Territory】

Lord: Su You

Territory level: advanced camp (with a population of 50 and a prosperity of 500, it can be upgraded to a small village)

Territory Status: Open Territory (Open Territory can attract everyone to visit)
Territory law and order: 80
Territory social: none
Territory Happiness: Average (from worst to best: bad→bad→general→good→satisfied→excellent)

Territory Prosperity: 124
Territory reputation: 30
Territory population: 15/21
Territory Halo: [Fame I]
Territory events:

I: [They are aware of the strength of this place, and the fear of power makes them shrink back. The record of this place will deter them. In a short time, they will no longer bother here because they are afraid of power, but they will never give up. They will only be stronger next time...]

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