Chapter 183 183. Gulu Gulu
II: [The plants are restless, the beasts are restless, and the whole forest is plunged into an inexplicable gloomy and weird atmosphere. Every night, an inexplicable energy will be emitted from a high tower, and it will be enveloped by this energy The area seems to be affected by some...]

III: [Gulu Gulu, there seems to be something up and down? 】


After leaving the medical hall, Su You looked at the information panel of the territory.

Because a lot of people came, the law and order of the territory has dropped from 98 to 80, and this is only the first day, and this day has not even passed. After the aura of I] ends, what kind of mess will this territory look like.

Su You must increase the strength of the territory as much as possible, or improve the law and order of the territory by building certain buildings and arranging certain personnel.

In addition, the prosperity and prestige of the territory have increased significantly, which is a good thing.

There is also the population of the territory, which was originally eleven people, but after Wang Yi and Wang Er left, it became nine people. Today, Cang Lan and Vivienne joined, and four other unknown ordinary npcs joined, so The population of the territory came to fifteen people.

But this is not enough. After all, fifty people are needed to upgrade, and Su You also needs more labor to help collect resources.

In addition, she still has the monster spawner that has not been dealt with.

This morning, she just took people there to clean up all the monsters that had been spawned in the past few days, but the monster spawner was still there.

But this is also for Su You's insurance.

Originally, she wanted to take them directly into the spawner dungeon after taking care of the refreshed ghost skeletons today...but this was too hasty.

They have only cleaned up ninety monsters, and they have to enter the battle state to deal with even more powerful monsters. The state has not recovered at all, and the most important thing is that today's time is also very urgent.

So Su You didn't make such an arrangement, but asked them to come back, prepare to rest for another day, and then wait for her newly recruited nanny...that is, Vivian.

There are two, if you add Yuai, it will be two and a half magicians, as well as Doya and Lyle Lake, as long as the difficulty of this dungeon is a normal one, the difficulty of the monster spawner dungeon refreshed ten days ago , it is impossible to pass the customs.

Su You read the territory information from the beginning to the end, and finally focused on the third territory incident - what is this?
She didn't remember such...inexplicable territorial incidents.

"Could it be an untriggered locking event?" There are many kinds of territorial events, one of which needs to be triggered by the player himself, and the event that does not occur naturally is the 'locking event'.

Although it needs to be triggered, since it has appeared in the event list, it means that this world has already generated this event.

After reading the description of this event several times, Su You didn't know what to think of, and directly closed the panel.

After walking two steps, she thought of Bu Guo again, so she turned around and walked into the next post station.

The caravan led by Tang Lu lived in Station 1, and the station that Su You upgraded when she upgraded the tavern was also Station 1.

After the upgrade, the space of the station has become larger, with a kitchen, a dedicated hot water room, and even an extra floor. The original three-story station has now become four floors.

The first floor is still a place to eat, but because there is no cook in the small kitchen, everyone can only go to the tavern to buy something for the time being.

The second floor is still a double room, but the number of double rooms has changed from the original eight to ten, which is equivalent to accommodating twenty people.

The third floor was originally a pure single room, but after the upgrade, the original ten single rooms were changed from six to double rooms, which is equivalent to accommodating sixteen people.

The fourth floor may be to make up for the reduction of single rooms on the third floor, so like the original third floor, it has become a pure single room, with a total of twelve rooms.

But the difference between the fourth floor and the original third floor is that the single rooms on the fourth floor are divided into three, six or nine classes... In fact, it is the Tianzi No. [-] room that I often heard before.

It's just that the post station doesn't distinguish in this way, it divides the rooms into upper, middle and lower classes.

The first-class rooms are large, fully furnished, and the environment is good. There are four rooms in total.

The medium-sized rooms are about the same size and have all the necessary things. There are eight rooms in total.

As for the so-called inferior rooms, they were actually the four rooms that were squeezed into the third floor. Because they were squeezed together with the double room, the space was small and there were many noisy people.

Calculated in this way, a total of 48 people can live in the second-level station, which is equivalent to twice that of the first-level station.

But these rooms seem to have a lot of space, but after the big caravan came, it seemed not enough.

Tang Lu's caravan consisted of 45 people, which happened to occupy almost the entire inn, so she, like Yunli before, also directly booked the entire inn.

Thanks to Su You, who upgraded the inn when he upgraded the tavern, otherwise, the caravan might not be able to live in one inn, and they would even score some people to live in another inn. Travelers or vagabonds have nowhere to live.


Su You entered the post station and went up to the fourth floor. She wanted to knock on the door, but unexpectedly, she walked up the last step, and the door of the room where Tang Lu and Bu Guo were staying before was already opened.

"Lord Lord."

"Lord Su."

Two people, one big and one small, who came out of the room greeted Su You after seeing Su You, and Bu Guo ran directly to Su You, pulled her clothes and whispered a lot.

Tang Lu didn't care, she rubbed the space bag she bought in her hands, and her inner thoughts had already traveled thousands of miles away.

With this thing... their caravan will be able to take on that mission when the time comes...

"Captain Tang." Su You softly called her back to God: "I wonder if Captain Tang is interested in the space package itself?"

Hearing Su You's words, Tang Lu was taken aback for a moment, and after understanding the meaning of this sentence, she tightened her grip on the space bag.

"Lord Su is talking about...recipe?" Tang Lu couldn't believe that Su You would actually sell this kind of thing... You must know that having the recipe is equivalent to having endless space bags.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the value of this space package, it is just around the corner that the Sunset Territory will become the richest territory in the world.

But once the formula is sold, it is equivalent to giving away the chicken that lays the golden eggs. Even if Su You still has the ability to breed this kind of chicken, as the number of such chickens increases, sooner or later, whether it is The golden egg, or the chicken, would be worthless.

(End of this chapter)

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