Chapter 184 184. Selling the Formula

"That's right, it's a recipe, and it can be learned directly." In the cognition of npcs, recipes are also distinguished. One is handwritten, and this kind of recipe is just a simple recipe, just like the previous ones. The instructions are the same as the recipe.

The value of this formula is not high, after all, there are only materials, and better ones will have a production process, but it still needs to be explored, which is a waste of time.

But Su You said that the formula that can be learned directly is different. After learning, it is equivalent to learning without a teacher. It is like directly inputting the production method directly into the head of the person who is learning. When the time comes, as long as there are materials, you can directly make it. There is almost no chance of failure.

"Then let's go in and talk?" Since Tang Lu could buy the formula, she would naturally not let this opportunity pass.

As the vice-captain of a large caravan, Tang Lu understands the value of space bags very well... After all, this is something that even senior magicians cannot easily create!

The so-called space magic is actually a magic skill that consumes a lot of mana. Few high-level magicians can use it without restraint, let alone use this magic on a certain item, making such an item have the effect of space magic .

Although it is not unheard of that someone made a space bag that can store things regardless of the size a long time ago, most of them are just rumors. Before that, there is no real space bag. people know.

"Okay." After entering the room, Su You directly took out the formula.

Tang Lu endured her curiosity about the formula and asked Su You why she sold the formula.

Originally, it would be good to pay the money and deliver the goods in the transaction. Generally, one would not ask the reason for it. After all, this is the private matter of the other party.

But this time the formula is a bit special. If she really wants to buy it, she will definitely have to pay a huge price, so Tang Lu has to be more cautious.

"Let's be honest, Captain Tang, in fact, there are not many materials for making this space bag, only less than five, but one of the materials is difficult to obtain..." Su You did not explain what the material was, but she did not lie, and It is a simple explanation of the most real situation of the space package.

"Materials are rare, and there are naturally not many finished products that can be made. As a lord of a small territory, instead of guarding a treasure that cannot be opened, it is better to exchange this treasure for something that has practical significance... Captain Tang, are you right? "

When Su You was talking, Tang Lu had been carefully observing Su You's expression, but she didn't see anything wrong.

And what she heard Su You said was well-founded, and she didn't seem to be lying.

"Lord Su has two recipes?" Tang Lu asked this because Su You had already produced the finished space bag.

If there is a finished product, it means that someone has already made it, so Tang Lu asked Su You if there were two recipes.

Because she suspected that Su You had left a formula for her own people to learn, and the other was for sale.

If other people also have the formula for making space bags, then the value of this formula is definitely not as good as the only one in the world.

"No, this is the only recipe for the first-level space pack." Su You didn't lie, there is indeed only this one recipe for this first-level space pack.

Although she has other formulas, they are space packs of other levels... So this is not a lie, it can only be said to be a word game.

Tang Lu frowned, and took out the space bag in her hand.

"So where did the space pack sold by Lord Su come from?"

Facing Tang Lu's suspicion, Su You said without changing expression: "Of course it's something that was put together with the formula. When I saw it, I brought it back together."

Lying is bad, but sometimes it is necessary.

Su You didn't want to reveal that someone in the territory would make space bags, because it would be unsafe for Dolly and would also depress the value of the formula itself.

As for whether Tang Lu believed it, that was her business.

"Lord Su, please make a price." Tang Lu couldn't say whether Su You was lying or not, but she felt that some of Su You's words should be true.

For example, this is a formula that can be learned directly, which means that they can find a trusted person and let him learn this formula, and even they can learn this formula themselves.

For this alone, the value of this formula cannot be lowered.

Secondly, Su You said that the ingredients for this recipe are rare, which must be true.

If it wasn't for the rare materials, she would definitely choose to keep it for herself. Even if there are already people in the territory who can make this thing, she still needs to ensure the uniqueness of the formula so that no one will grab the business.

"The transaction price of the space package just now was 370 gold coins, so the price of this recipe will be set at ten times. Of course, I also know that such a large amount of money will not be available for a while, so Captain Tang can make a decision first."

Ten times 370 is [-] gold coins, which is not a small amount!

You must know that the total working capital of many small families may not be able to have more than 3000 gold coins. Even if Tang Lu is the deputy captain of a large caravan, she absolutely cannot have the right to take out so many gold coins at once.

And she doesn't have so many gold coins on her body.

You must know that before buying the space bag, the current working capital of this caravan is only a little over a thousand. Because of the purchase of the space bag, the funds have been reduced by one-third in an instant, leaving only more than 600.

Tang Lu calculated the price, and after thinking about it, she said, "[-] is not enough, it's too expensive. My highest authority in the caravan is only [-] gold coins."

The authority here refers to the amount that Tang Lu can withdraw directly from the caravan account after returning to the caravan base camp without the approval of other vice-captains and captains.

The amount that can be withdrawn is different for different people. Because of Tang Lu's ability, the amount she can withdraw is already the highest except for the captain herself. But even so, there is still a full half of the price difference from Su You's offer!

"This matter is not urgent. Captain Tang can discuss it with other people." Su You is really not in a hurry. Anyway, 370 gold coins have just been credited, plus dozens of gold coins sold by Bu Guo in the trading area, and those who are in the trading area. The booth fees of the people who set up stalls in the trading area and the income in the territory today, Su You now has close to [-] gold coins on hand.

This money is enough for her to buy many things in the caravan.

"If the transaction is happy, I can inform Captain Tang of the way to obtain the most rare ingredient in the recipe."

(End of this chapter)

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