Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 185 Chapter 185 High Quality Copper Long Sword

Chapter 185 185. High Quality Copper Long Sword
The most rare material is naturally the space stone.

The way to obtain the space stone is to kill the leader-level creatures, which may be very difficult and dangerous for ordinary people, but for a big businessman like Tang Lu who can easily withdraw [-] gold coins unconditionally As far as the team is concerned, it is nothing at all.

Caravans are not only about money, only merchants, and they also have their own fighting power.

"Are you serious?" Tang Lu's eyes changed slightly, and she stared straight at Su You.

"Of course it's true." Su You nodded firmly.

In fact, Tang Lu knew that ten times the price was not expensive, but the root cause of her hesitation was that she was worried about buying a useless formula.

The so-called useless recipes are recipes that cannot be made, such as without materials.

But if what Su You said was true and she could provide a way to obtain the raw materials in the formula, then the price was not without room for negotiation.

"Lord Su, please wait for a while, I need to go back and discuss this matter with the captain." Tang Lu felt that based on her understanding of the captain, as long as she told her so, she would definitely throw the money to herself and let her Handle this matter according to her own ideas, because she believes in Tang Lu.

But Tang Lu can't live up to the captain's trust. There are many right and wrong in such a large caravan like theirs. People who don't like her, or expect her to make mistakes, and take this opportunity to pull the captain from his position. There are not many people.

For their caravan, more than 3000 gold coins are not an unreasonable price, and if they are lost, they will not hurt their muscles and bones, but if they don't get paid back, there will definitely be many troublesome things.

So she still has to go back and discuss with everyone, so that at least it can be considered as a matter of prior discussion, and there is room for sharing responsibilities.

"Yes, Captain Tang thinks it will take a few days?" Su You also knew that the other party must not be able to come up with so much money at once, so she just asked Tang Lu how much time she needed to discuss.

After all, after the territory was opened, they were not the only caravans coming and going. It was impossible for Su You to keep the formula for her all the time.

"Up to seven days, and I will visit Lord Su with the results." It will take at least two or three days from the sunset territory to the caravan base camp, and six days to go back and forth, and one day for discussion.

Seven days, this is Tang Lu's compressed time to the extreme.

"That's seven days." Su You put away the recipe: "Captain Tang is leaving today?"

"I will take a few people back, and the caravan will rest here for a few days." If the entire caravan is moving, and there are so many goods, let alone three days, it may not be possible to go back in seven days, so Tang Lu decided to bring a few people back with light clothes. During the time she went back, the caravan rested here.

Tang Lu was extremely mobile. After talking with Su You, she led three or four people away on horseback.

The remaining people in the caravan did what she said, and they still stayed in the sunset territory to rest. It just so happened that Su You took this opportunity to take money and prepare to go to the caravan to buy a bunch of things.

Bu Guo followed suit, and the purchase lasted from noon to night.

All kinds of basic materials, such as clay, sand, animal skins, cloth, cotton, etc. Suyou can almost buy as many as you have. Basically, you buy thousands or tens of thousands of each, although there are many , but because they are all basic materials, the total price is less than ten gold coins.

There is also ore. Suyou bought a thousand of the copper ore with a unit price of [-] copper coins, and directly emptied the caravan's inventory. The iron ore inventory is less, but there are also six or seven hundred. was swept away.

After buying these things, whether it's Su You's backpack or the warehouse, everything has been filled to the brim.

For this reason, Su You left for a while, and upgraded all the warehouses to the second level with the materials he just bought. At the same time, he found two places to build two warehouses.

The grid of the first-level warehouse is [-], and the grid of the second-level warehouse is [-]. The upper limit of stacking remains unchanged, still [-].

It takes a little time to upgrade the warehouse, so Su You stopped after buying these basic materials, and planned to wait for the warehouse upgrade before continuing shopping.

It happened that she could also use this time to sort out these materials.

Cotton, cloth, animal skins and other materials were all sent to the sewing shop, and at the same time, Su You also made a loom in the sewing shop.

The loom is a workbench, which can work automatically and perform sewing-related manufacturing at a faster speed than a general-purpose workbench, and can also be used as a tool by someone who knows sewing.

The ore resources were naturally sent to the blacksmith shop.

When Su You was delivering the materials, she happened to bump into Cang Lan who didn't choose to rest, but was forging a long sword.

"My lord." Cang Lan was startled when she saw Su You approaching, and almost didn't grasp the forging hammer in her hand.

"I'm just here to deliver the materials. You can concentrate on your own business and don't worry about me." As she spoke, Su You placed a few boxes in the blacksmith's shop, and stuffed all the copper ore and iron ore into them. .

Cang Lan has already forged the bronze sword in her hand during the time she did these things.

After Su You asked about Cang Lan, she picked up the bronze sword and looked at it.

[High-quality copper long sword]

Category: Equipment

quality: green
Durability: 150/150
Attributes: Attack (20+2), Armor Break (2%), Critical Strike (1.5%)

Introduction: A well-made copper sword with medium attack power, medium attack speed, and certain armor-piercing and critical strike attributes.

The copper long sword with 22 points of attack power can be said to be a very good quality weapon. You must know that Lyle's fang dagger only had 30 points of attack power.

It seems that Cang Lan's blacksmith talent is really good.

"This long sword is very good, you are very powerful." After Su You praised Cang Lan, she then asked her the choice that she hadn't given an answer in the morning: "How about it, have you thought about it?"

Cang Lan was still immersed in the joy of Su You's praise of herself, but when she suddenly heard her ask herself if she thought about it, she was stunned for a while before realizing what she was referring to.

"Think about it, I want to make money according to my actual ability." This means piece-rate wages, and I can make money with a commission.

Su You nodded, and then set Cang Lan as an employee of the blacksmith shop, and at the same time set the salary data.

"Junior blacksmiths can get 10% of the net profit of the item's market price for every item they forge, and they can also get an additional 10% of the money if they successfully sell an item."

"Thank you, Lord Lord." Canglan's eyes lit up, and the words of thanks were sincere, without any compliment or hypocrisy.

(End of this chapter)

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