Then there is the blacksmith's shop... I don't know how busy Cang Lan was until the evening yesterday, but the blacksmith's shop officially opened today.

Although there are not many things in the store, there are indeed things on the shelves for everyone to choose from. Although they are all ordinary copper equipment, as long as there are many people, there will always be people who have these needs.

The medical hall is open today, but the medical hall is a special place, and people who are healthy and pain-free will not go there, so it looks very deserted compared to the other shops in the crowded city.

If you want to say that the building with the most daily interactions is the bulletin board and reward list.

The former announced the recruitment information of the territory, attracting countless people to watch; the latter provides a way to make money, and there are many types and quantities of tasks, so anyone who is short of money and not a lazy person will choose Take some quests.

For this reason, Su You also specially made a large number of tools and put them in the warehouse bound to the reward list, worrying that some people would not be able to complete the task because they did not have the tools after accepting the task.

After all, npcs are not players, they don't have backpacks, and it is very rare for people to carry tools such as axes and pickaxes.

Many people may have booked a long-term room at the post station because of the low prices in the small territory, planning to make money by offering rewards in the sunset territory.

For a while, the number of items and materials that appeared on the reward list skyrocketed.

Fortunately, the new warehouse has been built, the old warehouse has also been upgraded, and the storage space of the territory has been greatly improved, so that these materials will not have nowhere to store them.

While Su You was sitting on the small bench next to the bulletin board to recruit people, she was sorting out materials to supplement and upgrade the buildings in the territory.

The first thing she added was the number of residential houses, but she only increased the number of residential houses to fifteen. After fifteen, Su You did not continue to build residential houses.

Although 25 people are needed to upgrade the territory, which is equivalent to [-] residential houses, [-] residential houses can only accommodate [-] people, which is obviously not enough.

But in fact, there is not so much space to build so many residential houses, so Su You upgraded all the residential houses.

Upgrading the second-level residential house needs to consume [composite wood board*5, composite stone board*5, glass*10]. The upgraded second-level residential house has two floors, which can accommodate four people, and even each floor will have an independent small balcony.

While the environment has been improved, the most important thing is that the increase in internal space has improved the space utilization rate inside the territory.

When all [-] residential houses are upgraded to the second level, the maximum number of people that can be accommodated in the territory will be able to reach [-] people.

Because I bought a lot of materials before, and because many people have been doing the tasks on the reward list in the past two days, Su You has enough materials to upgrade all the residential houses.

Now the population of the territory is 15/21, and in less than a morning, it becomes 23/51... Any building needs to be built first and then upgraded, so the current situation of residential houses is ten second-level residential houses plus five First-class residential housing.

After the five first-level residential houses were built, Su You took the materials to upgrade all five residential houses to the second-level.

In addition to the residential houses, Su You also added water wells, and now basically there is a water well in the middle of every row of residential houses.

The building of the water well does not occupy a particularly large space, and it does not need to consume too much material for construction, but it can increase the reserve water storage of the territory and facilitate the use of the residents of the territory. It is one of the most basic daily buildings , so there is still a lot of construction necessary.

In addition to the well, because of sufficient materials, Suyou also added some other convenient buildings, such as baths, public toilets, and trash cans.

Although these buildings can't bring in income, and Suyou even needs to spend money to issue additional tasks to let people clean up the garbage in these buildings regularly, they can improve the happiness of the residents in the territory.

The increase in happiness brought by these buildings was very obvious in the early stage, at least because of the fact that many residents were recruited in the past two days, it was reduced to the 'average' happiness. After the construction of these buildings, the happiness 'Good' has been reached.

After solving the problem of happiness, Su You began to solve the problem of law and order.

Security can be improved by buildings, such as building defensive or offensive buildings like arrow tower walls.

However, the improvement of this type of building is decreasing step by step. The more you build, the worse the public security effect will be, but it will not be negative.

To fundamentally improve law and order, on the one hand, it is necessary to increase the loyalty value of the residents as soon as possible... As long as their loyalty value increases, the probability of chaos will be reduced, and the law and order will naturally increase.

In addition, Su You can also increase law and order by establishing 'Patrols' and 'Guardians'.

The role of the patrol team is similar to that of the police in that world. Whether it is the two strong men who made trouble in front of the sewing shop, or the man who deceived people with fake gold coins in the trading area, if there is a patrol team, then there is no need for Su. How to deal with you, they will naturally punish such people according to the territorial regulations set by Su You.

The role of the gatekeepers is to conduct a simple check on the people entering and leaving the territory, which can largely prevent some uneasy and kind people from entering the territory, and also allow Su You to learn some basic information about these people entering the territory in advance .

The problem now is that there can be goalkeepers. After all, goalkeepers don't need particularly high abilities.

But the patrol team cannot be set up for the time being, because there are not enough people in the territory itself, and there are not enough people who are capable of being a member of the patrol team... Su You looked at the list of residents in the entire territory, except for Lyle and Lake, Only a maximum of three individuals meet the patrol's competency requirements.

It's not enough just to meet the ability, the loyalty value of the patrol personnel to the territory is also very important, but... But these people who have just joined the territory for less than two days, what loyalty can Su You expect from them?
... After thinking about it, Su You added some defensive facilities, and then began to choose suitable candidates for the goalkeeper.

"You, hello... Please, may I ask, is this... a trick...?" A very soft voice sounded.

Because the voice was too low, and there were so many people on the street, Su You could only hear someone talking, but couldn't hear what she was saying.

Su You, who was still immersed in the list of buildings, paused for a moment, then closed the interface, raised her head——

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