"Sorry, I didn't hear clearly just now, can you say it again?"

While speaking, Su You also sized up the person in front of her.

At this time, standing in front of her was a woman dressed in a very distinctive dress. She was wearing clothes with animal patterns, and the materials of the clothes on her body seemed to be related to animals, such as the animal tooth necklace on her neck, and the necklace on her hand. A chain of animal beads, and a hairpin made of the bone teeth of an unknown creature on its head.

Because the dress is so unique that others will first subconsciously ignore her own appearance.

But in fact, this very 'wild' woman looks very delicate and weak, which gives people the completely opposite feeling from what she is wearing, and the embarrassment and shyness on her face It can also prove that her personality should belong to the type of introversion and timidity. This strong contrast makes people wonder what her truest image and personality are.

——Of course, the premise is that she is not pretending.

"Well, I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask, is this the recruitment point for the territory?" The woman's voice was slightly louder than before, but it was still softer than ordinary people, and it sounded a bit strenuous.

Regardless of whether it was pretending or not, Su You didn't mean to make things difficult for others, so after hearing her words clearly, she repeated what she said with other people as usual.

"Well, yes, this is the recruitment point. If you want to join the territory, you must first pass the review... If you have a skill, you can be assigned to a special residence..." Because Su You has said these words many times, so now He spoke very fluently, and he finished all the content in a few minutes.

Although the woman seemed very shy and timid before, she listened very carefully when Su You spoke.

When Su You finished speaking, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but at this moment, Su You could clearly find that her pants seemed to be ripped by something.

"Sorry, please wait..." The woman first apologized to Su You, and then suddenly squatted down: "Xiao Hui, I have something to do, can I play with you later?"

Su You paused, and then turned her head to look, only to find a little gray... dog that was perfectly blocked by the table because her height was not enough for the table?

Seeing the little gray dog ​​rolling around under the woman's hands, combined with the other's attire, Su You felt as if she could guess the other's identity, or what her occupation was.

On the Sunset Continent, there is such a profession, they may not have much fighting power themselves, but they can use them for themselves by driving wild beasts.

—animal trainer.

Su You suspects that the woman is an animal trainer.

"Sorry for wasting your time." After comforting the little gray dog, the woman stood up, and then slowly informed her of her information.

According to her narration, Su You also gradually completed her information.


Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 70
Favorite: 25
Talent: Beastmaster (90),
Skill: Junior Animal Tamer (Bottleneck)

Traits: Affinity (special affinity will have special effects on small animals and plants), timidity (there is a probability of triggering a state of being unable to act when facing fierce enemies), introversion (will not take the initiative to do it unless necessary) social interaction with people)


The initial loyalty value is extremely high, the talent is extremely high, and the skills have reached the bottleneck. Although there is only one positive trait and two negative traits, but because the negative traits are not particularly bad, this animal trainer named Lilith is still Very good.

Even Su You, an npc with no skills or talent, would stay, let alone Lilith.

"Okay, I have basically understood your information. You have passed the review. May I ask if Miss Lilith wants to join the Sunset Territory?" Su You could clearly find that when she said these words, Lilith's face There was an expression of joy at first, and then he became a little nervous and uneasy, and even a little embarrassed.

"Of course I want to join the territory! But, but, um, I want to ask, if I want to buy a whole house, but the money I have..." Lilith's voice became softer and her face became more and more red .

Seeing her so nervous, Su You felt as if she had been infected and became inexplicably nervous.

Su You: "Can you tell me why you want a whole house?"

Lilith showed some embarrassment on her face, and looked down at Xiaohui on the ground.

Seeing her move, Su You said in her heart, 'Sure enough'.

Lilith really wants to live alone because of this little gray dog!

Lilith: "Xiaohui doesn't like strangers very much, and his personality is not very good. I am worried that I will hurt others if I live with others."

This reason is very reasonable, but... It's not as good as a newborn baby-sized puppy, what power can it have to hurt others?
Su You thought it was a bit weird, but since Lilith and herself were just meeting for the first time, they were not familiar with them, and Lilith hadn't joined the territory yet, so Su You didn't directly ask anything else. Favorability has an effect.

"Currently there are many vacant rooms in the territory. I can arrange a place for you where no one else lives, but you must save enough money to buy another house as soon as possible." Although the rules cannot be broken, as long as there are reasonable reasons , everything is negotiable.

Anyway, a large number of residential houses have just been upgraded, and there are too many empty rooms, so it doesn't matter if you share an extra room.

Of course, it is still impossible to want to go whoring for nothing, and the rules cannot be broken.

"Really?" Lilith's eyes lit up, and her mood became extremely joyful.

And the little greyhound who had been clinging to her feet yelled twice excitedly after seeing its master happy, although it didn't understand the reason.

"Well, but you have to save enough money as soon as possible." There is room for negotiation, but it doesn't mean that exceptions can be made, otherwise there will be no rules, and the more exceptions, the more chaotic the territory will be.

"No problem! I will definitely save enough money as soon as possible... I, I can pay half of the deposit first!" Lilith took out 25 silver coins from her pocket.

At the same time, Su You also received Lilith's application to join the territory.

[Wanderer 'Lilith' applied to join the Sunset Territory, do you agree? 】

Su You took Lilith's money, and then took her to the most remote residential house 15.

This place has just been built, so there are no people living in the surrounding area, and it looks very lonely.

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