Chapter 189 189. Cold Wind Valley

Ordinary people would basically not choose to live in such a place, because it is too deserted, and most human beings are 'group animals'.

But Lilith fits in here, and she loves it.

"These two rooms are unoccupied, and the whole set is at your disposal. When you save enough money, this place will belong to you... you guys."

While speaking, Su You glanced at Lilith's little gray all the time.

Su You: "Lilith, what kind of creature is your partner? It doesn't look like an ordinary dog ​​to me?"

Hearing Su You's words, a very nice smile suddenly appeared on Lilith's face. If Su You had opened Lilith's information panel at this time, then she would definitely find that her favorability value has increased a lot.

Lilith: "No, Little Gray is not a dog, it's a wolf."

Although Su You had guessed that it might be a wolf from Xiao Hui's cry just now, Su You still showed a look of sudden realization.

"I see, I'm so sorry." Su You was a little embarrassed, as if she cared about mistaking a wolf cub for a dog cub.

Lilith shook her head, her attitude towards Su You suddenly changed.

"It doesn't matter, Xiao Hui doesn't really look like a wolf. Many people have misunderstood it..." Lilith didn't mind, and it wasn't surprising that Su You would admit it, because she wasn't the only one who had seen Xiao Hui ten times. Among several people, no one recognized it as a wolf cub.

"Then you should settle down first. If there is a need, you can go to the front to find someone. Her name is Duoya, she is a hunter, and she often brings back some raw meat." If it is a beast that wants to be domesticated as a pet, most people will wipe out its ferocity According to nature, feed cooked meat to prevent being counterattacked one day.

But animal tamers are different, they have unique methods of taming animals, and wild animals are their most loyal partners.

And most of them tame animals for fighting, so they need to preserve the wildness of the beasts. For this reason, they will choose to feed raw meat, and even prepare live small animals to simulate hunting events if necessary.

The former is a pet, and the latter is a partner. The treatment of beasts is different, and the results are naturally different.

This is also why Lilith has a good impression of Su You, because no animal trainer would like to hear others say that his partner is just a pet.

Lilith: "Thank you."

After receiving Lilith's thank you, Su You left.

After that, Su You still returned to the recruiting point to continue recruiting.

About when two more people were recruited, she saw Lilith walking out of the residential area with her little wolf cub, and then went to the reward board. It seemed that she had accepted some mission, and then left the territory.

Su You didn't bother to check what mission Lilith had accepted, but continued to recruit.



Although the effect of the halo is very good, it is only a first-level halo after all, so in the afternoon, the effect of the halo obviously weakens a little.

Obviously, if five people came in the morning, about three people would choose to stay, but in the afternoon, a total of twelve people came to ask about the situation, but only three people joined the territory in the end, and these three people were all ordinary NPCs. .

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Su You also put away the recruitment sign.

After these two days of recruitment, the current population of Suyou's territory has reached 27 people, among which there are ten people with skills, namely: Doli, Duoya, Buguo, Vivian, Canglan, Lilith, Lyle, Lake, Meck, Eunsen.

Although Yuai can release water magic, but because of his limited abilities and talents, he is still only an apprentice magician so far, not a real magician at all, and he does not have the skills of a 'junior magician'.

With so many people, the development of the territory will only become faster and smoother in the future.

Tonight is the end of the halo of [Fame I], in order not to waste this last bit of time, Su You visited the caravan again with money and Bu Guo.

This time, in addition to those relatively basic materials, Su You bought a lot of relatively rare, but not cheap items.

Like herbs.

Now that there is a medical center, there must be herbs that can cure diseases and save lives, otherwise, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Vivienne's healing magic can only heal trauma and restore blood volume. If there is any headache and brain fever, it still needs to rely on scientific methods.

"Wu Guo, Three Flower Grass, Purple Leaf Orchid, Cold Wind Grass, Meditation Bamboo, Four Leaf Flower, Bird Fruit..."

Listening to Su You crackling out the names of a lot of herbal medicines, and being appointed as the 'temporary captain' by Tang Lu, Bai Qiu, who was temporarily in charge of all matters of the caravan, looked at her in shock.

In the middle of reporting, Su You found that he was looking at her, so she looked back generously.

"Is there any problem with Captain Bai? But what kind of herbal medicine is not available?"

It was simply because he did not expect Su You to know so many herbs, so Bai Qiu, who was so surprised, shook his head repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, I was rude. I just didn't expect Lord Su to know so much." You must know that although he is also a person who has seen the world, in order to prevent being fooled by others in the process of running a business, which would make the transaction lose money, The most important course is to be familiar with the name, use, source, and value of each product... But even so, among the herbs Su You mentioned, there are several that he has never heard of.

"All these herbs mentioned by Lord Su are available, but the cold wind grass, the meditation bamboo, and..." Bai Qiu repeated six or seven of the names of the herbs that Su You just mentioned, and then said Showing embarrassment: "Forgive me for my shallow knowledge, there are no such things in the caravan, and we have never recognized them."

Su You stared at the few kinds of herbs written by Bai Qiu, and then seemed to remember something.

"Captain Bai, have you ever heard of Cold Wind Valley?" Su You just discovered that the unseen herbs that Bai Qiu ordered were produced in Cold Wind Valley.

Cold Wind Valley, this is a place rich in herbs, due to the special terrain, and the aborigines there have a rule of 'need to guard the Cold Wind Valley for life', so their food and clothing are all self-produced and sold.

But some things cannot be produced by themselves, so whenever there is a caravan passing by, they can use some things that are not precious, but very much needed by the residents of Cold Wind Valley, in exchange for a large amount of herbs.

Although these herbs are not precious, they are very powerful and have a wide range of uses.

(End of this chapter)

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