Chapter 190 190. Assisting in Transportation
Because it is only produced in the Cold Wind Valley, it is very rare in the market, and its value is a bit higher than that of ordinary herbs.

Logically speaking, since Tang Lu's caravan has so many herbal medicine reserves, it should also be in the herbal medicine business, and shouldn't miss such a good opportunity to make money.

Unless...unless they don't even know there is such a place as Cold Wind Valley!

But Cold Wind Valley is not a top-secret place, and it is a large caravan... Su You was very puzzled, but what Bai Qiu said next confirmed her guess.

Bai Qiu: "I don't know where this Cold Wind Valley is? I really haven't heard of it. If Lord Su doesn't mind, can you explain something to me?"

Bai Qiu is also astute, otherwise Tang Lu would not have appointed him as acting captain.

Their previous topic was clearly those herbs that he didn't recognize, but after Su You learned that he didn't recognize them, she suddenly talked about Cold Wind Valley... It's not difficult for people to guess that these herbs and this Cold Wind Valley There is an inevitable connection!
It's not that Bai Qiu is conceited, but that he has a very clear understanding of the strength of their caravan.

In his opinion, if even their caravans don't know something, there is a high probability that few people in this world know about it... Thinking that he might get a place that produces herbs that almost no one else knows about, Bai Qiu thought Very excited.

After all, if they find out about the existence of this place, it will be a monopoly business!
He wasn't worried that this herbal medicine was useless. If it was useless, then Su You wouldn't specifically mention buying it.

However, although Su You couldn't understand why they didn't know about this place, it didn't mean that Su You had to tell them about such a treasure directly!

Bai Qiu also saw that Su You was not going to tell him directly about the Cold Wind Valley, so the two had another discussion on this aspect.

During this period, Bu Guo also took Su You's list of medicinal materials and a pile of gold coins, and went to negotiate with another member of the caravan.


Su You: "Since that's the case, then that's it. I'll pay the caravan to run errands for me. What I need is the medicinal materials on this list."

After some back-and-forth discussions, both parties took a step back, and Su You changed from selling information about Cold Wind Valley to asking the other party to help bring herbs for her.

Bai Qiu was unwilling to pay too high a price for information about this place, and this was also because he was a cautious person. Even though he knew that Su You's demeanor before did not seem to be fake, and the probability of lying was extremely small, he couldn't take the risk.

He is not a serious captain like Tang Lu, but an acting captain.

He doesn't have much power, and he doesn't know about space packages and formulas. He doesn't know that Su You has greater interests involved with his caravan, so it's normal to doubt Su You.

Su You also knew that he had doubts about her, but she didn't have to, and she couldn't convince the other party of the existence of Cold Wind Valley, so she simply changed the way of transaction.

Let the other party go to Cold Wind Valley to buy herbs for me at the original price, that is, to help run an errand, and I will pay the money and information.

Seeing that Su You had already compromised to such an extent, Bai Qiu naturally wouldn't continue to insist, so he naturally took a step back.

It's not that caravans have never done errands before, but the difference is that they used to be paid for running errands, but this time the reward is the information of a location, so it's equivalent to free errands in disguise.

"Thank you, Lord Su, for your understanding. I wonder how much the herbs Lord Su needs? What are the requirements for the time or frequency?" Bai Qiu also knew that the caravan ran errands for nothing, and it was very likely that the news of monopolizing the herbs was a big advantage for them, so in the In the following negotiations, there were also a lot of concessions.

Su You: "This trip requires [-] gold coins for herbs. The quantity and types are based on the list. If there is any leftover, it will still be used to buy herbs. There is no limit to the number of types."

At present, she has five hundred gold coins on her body, and it is not too urgent to take out two hundred gold coins.

If it weren't for the fact that there were more things to buy from the caravan, and because of the increase in population flow in the territory, the money on the bounty board was wasting a lot, and Su You would have wanted to take another hundred gold coins to buy herbs.

Hearing Su You's words, Bai Qiu hardly thought about it, and immediately nodded in response.

After all, it was a large caravan with a four-figure working capital, and the total value of the goods was tens of thousands, but the addition of Su You's two hundred gold coins was nothing.

Let alone two hundred, even if it doubles again, it's nothing.

Bai Qiu: "No problem, Lord Su's request, I can accept. As long as the Cold Wind Valley exists, as long as these herbs exist, our Tianhong caravan will definitely fulfill your request."

Tianhong Caravan, that is, the name of the caravan Tang Lu and Bai Qiu belonged to.

Under normal circumstances, only medium or large caravans and small caravans will be named for caravans.

For example, Yunli before, in fact, in the eyes of people like them, they are not caravans at all, and there is no such thing as a 'small caravan' in their eyes. These people can only be regarded as wandering businessmen at best.

In the business of caravans, they deal with money all the time, and if they are not careful, they will lose their fortunes. Therefore, those who are unable to reach the size of a medium-sized caravan are only one step away from breaking up the cliff, so it doesn’t matter if they don’t get a name. meaning.

Having said that, although Su You only paid for a piece of location information, but because the value of this information can be huge, it is naturally impossible to offset it by just asking them to help bring two hundred gold coins.

Not only Bai Qiu didn't believe this, Su You didn't believe it either.

"Captain Bai, don't make it too early. What I want is not just this commission. I want to set at least one year's co-transportation (assisting transportation) commission. During this year, the Tianhong caravan needs Help the setting sun territory bring what it needs every half a month."

Although Su You is just an ordinary person in the real world, at most an ordinary person with better game skills, she doesn't have any special negotiating skills or business acumen, what she relies on is her understanding of the world.

A very thorough understanding.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have proposed to ask the caravan to help with the transportation. Ordinary people would not be able to think of such an alternative transaction condition for a while.

She is very thankful that in order to successfully pass the game, she spent almost all night without sleep, studying game strategies, understanding various information and data, and reading the background information released by the official—you must know that when she was preparing for an important exam, she could Neither tried so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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