Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 191 191 Skill Hall and Job Transfer Hall

Chapter 191. 191. Skill Hall and Job Transfer Hall
Thinking of this, I can't help but sigh with emotion, thanks to the fact that the time of this game and the time of the exam are not in the same year, otherwise...

Off topic.

When Su You said that she needed a long-term purchasing commission, Bai Qiu frowned slightly.

However, he also knew that Su You's request was reasonable, so he didn't refuse, but only added details.

For example, the specific schedule of the Association Games has been changed from the [-]th to the [-]th, because their caravan’s operation cycle is [-] days, if it is once on the [-]th, then the itinerary must be revised midway... with so many things Modifying the itinerary is a very troublesome thing.

In this regard, Su You agreed after thinking about it, but she was unwilling to make concessions on the amount of the joint transportation afterwards.

The co-transportation amount refers to the value of the items purchased each time. For example, the co-transportation amount this time is two hundred gold coins.

There must be an upper limit on this amount, otherwise, if Su You asked them to help transport tens of thousands of supplies at a time later, would it be possible that they would also have to accept it?
Although Su You paid for the purchases, they were just helping to run errands, but the more things needed to be transported, the less goods their own caravan could carry.

If there are fewer goods, the earning will be less, not to mention that Su You's co-transportation is free, which is equivalent to running errands for Su You at a loss of money!

If everything Su You said is true, then it’s okay for them to lose a little money, just treat it as the money they bought the news before, but they can’t lose too much, or they might as well just take out the money to buy this article at this time. information.

As for the amount of the joint movement, the two discussed again, and after a lot of effort, they finally made a decision.

"That's it. This time it doesn't count. From our next cycle, the time will be counted. Every [-] days, we will carry out a joint operation for Lord Su. The upper limit for the first time is [-], and the upper limit can be increased by [-] each time after that. There are a total of [-] joint games, and the upper limit of the last two can be increased to [-] gold coins and [-] gold coins as an exception."

Su You listened carefully, and then readily agreed.

It was said to be one year, but in fact, if there were [-] joint sports, it would have been more than a year, so even if the amount was a little less than she expected, it would not be unacceptable.

What's more, Bai Qiu also added that the amount of the last two times was calculated separately, one time was [-] gold coins, and the other time was [-] gold coins, the average was about the same.

"Okay, let's sign the contract." The contract is actually the contract here. With this contract, neither party can escape.

Especially the Tianhong caravan, the reputation is the iron rice bowl of the caravan, if the reputation is ruined, the caravan will be finished, so they will not go back on what they say.

After the contract was signed, Su You took out a pen and paper and drew a rough map.

"Through the vicissitudes of life, the surrounding area will inevitably change. This map may not be accurate. You need to remember the following points when looking for Cold Wind Valley..." Su You said it on her mouth, then wrote it on her hand, and then put this piece of paper together with The herb list and two hundred gold coins were handed over to Bai Qiu.

After reading it, Bai Qiu carefully asked a few more questions, then wrote down Su You's answers separately, and put them away carefully.

"Since I have nothing else to do, I'll go and see the other things in the caravan." At the price of a location information, in exchange for a large reputable caravan to run errands for the territory twenty times, Su You at this time I'm in a great mood.

She took the remaining two hundred or so gold coins and walked around the caravan again.

After all, it is a large caravan with many types and quantities, and there are all kinds of weird things. If it is not for the cash-strapped, Su You really wants to buy a certain box that contains a whole box of books.

What the territory lacks now is not basic materials. After all, there are basic buildings, and there is no need to worry about food, clothing and housing. If she wants to upgrade the territory now, she must upgrade the buildings one by one, and then add more advanced buildings.

Such as libraries, such as skill halls and occupation halls, and stables.

The role of the library is to increase happiness, and when residents read books, they can also increase their basic attributes according to the types of books.

Suyou does have the materials to build the library, but the most important thing about the library is not the room outside, but the collection of books inside.

As long as there are books, anywhere can be a library, but unfortunately Su You doesn't have so many books for the time being, so she doesn't plan to build a library for the time being.

However, the skill hall and occupation hall can be built first.

The former can print skill books for residents to learn, so that there is no need to worry about insufficient skill books; the latter can change jobs for skilled residents, and can also transfer jobs regardless of talent Residents change jobs to corresponding jobs. For example, the magic rune book that allows npcs to change jobs to magicians is used in this building.

Youai is about to save enough to exchange for the contribution of the Magic Rune Book, so Su You also started to buy materials for building the skill hall and professional hall.

The materials used to build these two buildings are basically similar, so Su You also bought double the materials.

[Skill Hall]: Composite Wooden Board*20, Composite Slate Board*20, Marble Board*10, Brick*100, Blue Tiles*500, Stained Glass*100, Rosewood*50
[Job transfer hall]: Composite wood board*20, composite stone board*20, marble board*10, bricks*100, red tiles*500, stained glass*100, red sandalwood*50
Most of the materials are available in Suyou, and what needs to be purchased are actually two types of tiles (blue tiles and red tiles), two types of wood (rosewood, red sandalwood), and stained glass.

In fact, whether it is tiles or glass, Suyou can make it, but this kind of one with specific modifiers, such as 'green' tiles, 'colored flower' glass... This kind of material requires the skill of 'craft' npc made it.

The workbench can't make this kind of thing.

It is also because the workbench cannot make this kind of thing, and this thing can only be bought in the early stage, so the price is not low.

There are ten tiles in a set, one silver coin for each set, and fifty sets of fifty silver coins for five hundred tiles, and one gold coin for the thousand tiles will be consumed.

Stained glass is also more expensive. This thing is sold directly by a single piece. A piece of fifty copper coins is the same price as copper ore. Two hundred pieces are also sold for one gold coin.

Although it doesn’t look like much, when upgrading buildings in the later stage, these types of tiles and glass can be said to be consumed by hundreds, and there will be some other materials consumed, which is equivalent to dozens of dozens of tiles for one upgrade. gold.

Or how to say that building a territory is a process of eating money... These two hundred gold coins seem to be a lot, but after a while, there are only the last sixty or so left.

(End of this chapter)

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