Chapter 192 192. The more bald, the stronger
Su You returned with a full load, stuffed ten gold coins into Buguo, and before Buguo could react, she took the pile of materials into the warehouse.

Because the backpack couldn't fit, Su You also randomly grabbed two residents and gave them ten copper coins each, asking them to take the wooden carts to help deliver the materials to the warehouse.

Don't look at the gold coins that were consumed just now, and it was hundreds of gold coins. Now I feel that ten copper coins are less. You must know that if you save a little, ten copper coins are the amount of two meals for ordinary people. .

However, it takes ten minutes to send a material, and there is an income of ten copper coins. For these people, it is no different from picking it up for nothing!
Seeing this, the people around felt a little regretful that the person standing next to Su You just now was not themselves, otherwise they would be the ones who were caught as laborers at this time!

Su You: "Thank you for your hard work."

After sending the two residents away, Su You began to find the materials for building the skill hall and job transfer hall from the warehouse.

[Do you want to consume composite wood boards*20, composite stone boards*20, marble boards*10, bricks*100, blue tiles*500, stained glass*100, rosewood*50 to build a skill hall? 】

[Under construction: Skill Hall, estimated time: 24 hours]

【Do you want to consume composite wood boards*20, composite stone boards*20, marble boards*10, bricks*100, red tiles*500, stained glass*100, red sandalwood*50 to build the transfer hall? 】

[Under construction: transfer hall, estimated time: 24 hours]


The skill hall and job transfer hall were placed by Su You next to Station 2, that is, in front of the mission hall, and they were side by side.

Although the library will not be built for the time being, Su You still vacated a place for the library to be built. The library is built on the left side of the job transfer hall.

Two more buildings planned on the sketch were completed, Su You marked the sketch, and then took the herbs to the medical center.

When she came to the medical hall, Su You saw that the door was empty, and thought it was the same inside, but she didn't expect to see four people after walking in.

But these four people don't look like they have trauma... I don't know if it's because the wounds are covered by clothes, or because they are not traumas, but ordinary illnesses.

Vivian, who was still looking distressed, looked a little happy after seeing Su You.

"...Why are you here?" Vivienne said as she walked towards Su You with her skirt in her hand, and the eyes of these people followed Vivian's movements to Su You's body.

"Here to deliver herbs." Su You showed Vivienne the contents of the wooden cart.

Vivienne looked at the wooden cart following her movements, and she didn't know what she saw, her eyes suddenly became a little excited, then Vivian reached out and grabbed a few herbs, and then returned to the counter of the medical hall, Then he took a piece of straw paper to wrap the herb, and threw it to someone.

"The painkillers you want, go home and stew it yourself, add a pot of water each time, this pack can be boiled three times, don't waste the herbs." Vivienne said while holding the abacus beads in a decent shape Start reckoning.

"Three flowers and fruits are twelve coppers, white seven are one inch and six coppers, and one Jingxin bamboo plant is ten coppers, a total of 28 coppers. Pay." Although Vivienne has a bad personality, she is still very serious about her profession. .

It's true that she likes to play tricks on people, but she also knows how to behave, and she won't fool around when it comes to curing diseases and saving lives.

Su You also knows the recipes of this game, not only the recipes that can be used to make pills, but also the recipes that usually treat diseases, so she also knows the amount and type of these herbs reported by Vivian They are all symptomatic - this is indeed the prescription of pain relief soup.

But maybe Vivienne's appearance just now was too casual, coupled with her age... Although judging people by their appearance is wrong, the modern "older, stronger" and "balder, stronger" are almost applicable in this world.

In short, some of these people did not believe in Vivienne's medical skills, and questions and doubts followed.

"What kind of pain relief prescription is this? I don't think I've heard of it before."

"Are you really a doctor in this hospital? You can't joke about the matter of human life."

Vivienne was not a good-tempered person in the first place, and what happened before, so when the two people questioned her, she didn't show an angry look on her face, but smiled and gave them the herbal medicine The bag was brought back again.

Although she was smiling, Su You felt that Vivienne seemed to be extremely angry when she saw this scene.

Vivian: "Am I a doctor or are you a doctor? Isn't it normal that I recognize Fang Zi and you don't? If you all recognize it, why come to the medical center to find someone?"

Vivienne: "I asked you whether the injury was male, female, old or young? You didn't say; asked how the situation was? You didn't say; asked where the injury was? Or didn't say; I said I would go and see for myself, you guys I don't agree either... This is not okay, and that is not okay. You say it is a matter of human life, but I look like you don't care about that person's life or death. If that is the case, I don't worry about it. Hurry up, hurry up, don't stand in my way here, don't blame me for being rude if you don't leave!"

Although Su You saw that the atmosphere was not right, she didn't think about any other problems at first, so after Vivian took the herbs, she also sorted the herbs in the cart and put them in the medicine shop behind the medical hall. In the cabinet, so that it is convenient to take and use when the time comes.

But halfway through, I heard these passages.

In this world, there are patients who do not cooperate with doctors' treatment, so Su You would not be surprised to meet them at this time.

It's just that if you don't cooperate, you don't cooperate, and you don't say anything about it. Even men, women and children don't know about it, and it's really rare that patients don't let you see it.

"The medical center is a place to cure diseases and save people, not a place to play riddles. No matter how powerful a doctor is, he is only a miracle doctor, not a god, let alone a magic stick. It is impossible to tell what disease you have by fortune-telling... What disease is it that makes you so afraid of being killed?" People found out, could it be...?" Su You glanced at these people, seeing their twinkling eyes, a little doubt arose in her heart.

"As I said before, there is only one young girl in this clinic, and she looks useless, you have to come here..."

"Okay, shut up!" A man who seemed to have some right to speak yelled loudly, and then showed a little apology on his face: "I hope the girl... I hope this doctor will not care about what happened just now. There were some accidents and I didn’t want to see outsiders, but because of the seriousness of the illness, the pain was unbearable all day long, so we wanted to come and prescribe some painkillers to go home.”

(End of this chapter)

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