Chapter 193 193. Black Crow
After this person finished speaking, another person also added in cooperation: "It's not that we don't trust doctors, the main reason is that the family members also take other medicines on weekdays, and they are afraid of conflicts, so I just asked a few more questions to prevent accidents... …We just bought the package of medicine, Ah Er, pay for it.”

The man who was called 'A Er' immediately counted 28 copper coins out of the purse.

Vivian snorted softly, although she was still upset, but since the other party said so, she still threw the medicine bag over for the sake of the innocent patient.

"Hurry up, don't let me see you again." Before the words finished, these people had already left in a hurry.

Immediately afterwards, these people left the door of the medical hall with their front feet, and Vivian walked to the door behind them and closed the door of the medical hall.

When she turned her head to look at Su You, she could clearly see that Xianglai's smiling face was very gloomy now.

Vivian: "These people are wrong, they have a black smell on them."

Black black, an unknown but dizzy herbal medicine, has a similar effect to the "drenched sweat medicine" that was often heard in the past.

After all, Su You knows the game very well, it can almost be said to be a walking encyclopedia, so she naturally recognizes what a black crow is, but it's not so good that she can tell it by smell.

"So you delayed them on purpose?" Since Vivian had already smelled the smell of black crows, there was an explanation for Vivian's behavior that didn't fit her personality just now.

If it weren't for the fact that there was something wrong with these two people, the fate of these people would probably be the same as those two people who accidentally bumped into her in the trading area, but Vivian didn't do anything.

"Hmm~" Vivienne sat on the chair and lazily supported the table with her elbows, "Didn't you say that you would buy some herbs and deliver them in the afternoon, so I will wait a little longer."

From the very beginning, Vivian knew these people knew each other. They told Vivian that someone in the team was injured. You can come to the medical hall and ask if there is anything that can relieve pain.

But Su You hadn't come here at that time, no matter how powerful Vivian was, she couldn't conjure herbs out of thin air to cure diseases and save people, and she also smelled black crows, so she knew that things might not be so simple, so she delayed for a while.

Lilith: "Your lord came in time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to delay it~ It would be a pity if I missed something by then."

Vivienne not only likes to play tricks on people, she also likes to watch the fun.

But this kind of thing is not easy at first glance, she can't handle it, and it's hard not to report it, so I let Su You, who is most suitable for handling this matter, handle it, so that she can join in the fun when the time comes.

Although she knew that Vivienne did this just to watch the excitement, Su You still expressed her gratitude.

After all, her behavior can be regarded as discovering some potential threats for the territory... There can be a strong black smell on her body, it is hard not to make people think about certain aspects.

"They should take some action tomorrow at the latest." After all, she just expressed very obvious doubts about them.

She did it on purpose, to make them find themselves suspicious so they would act.

Otherwise, such a hidden danger has been hidden in the territory, and Su You is not at ease.

"Let's go, be careful yourself." If these people are really not kind people, in their eyes, Vivienne is a doctor who has no power to restrain chickens.

If they really needed a doctor, they might attack Vivian.

However, so far, Vivienne has not used magic to heal patients, so apart from Su You and Meke, there should be no third person who knows that she is a magician.

A magician may not have the ability to attack, but there must be many ways to protect himself, especially this magician is Vivienne.

Even though she knew Vivian would be fine, Su You still expressed concern.

"The lord seems to be worried about the wrong person, and Vivian can't wait for them to come to me~" After saying that, Vivian blinked playfully.

If it weren't for the content of her words, she would have been a well-behaved little girl next door just by looking at her appearance, but in fact, she was just a little devil in the skin of an angel.

Su You had no doubts about what Vivian said.

It's not appropriate to tease ordinary people, but if the object of teasing is a bad person, as long as you control your limits, you won't have any psychological pressure no matter what you do.

Vivian: "But thank you Lord for your concern~"

Just when Su You had already walked to the door, when she heard this sentence suddenly, the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly.



Knowing that these people had problems, Su You immediately found Youai.

These people are still in the territory so late, which proves that most of them are staying in the territory, and the person who is responsible for registering the overnight stay in the station is Youai.

Four of them came to buy medicine, proving that the actual number was at least six or seven.

Although there are many people in the territory recently, no matter how many there are, groups of six or seven people are still relatively obvious, so after Su You described it a little, Youai dug out the brochure.

"My lord, you should be talking about this group of people." I don't know whether these people are not professional enough, or Yuai is really good, but Yuai has already discovered something wrong with this group of people before: "They A total of four rooms have been reserved, all of which are double rooms. When they came to register, they were divided into two groups. Although they didn't know each other, I noticed that they had negotiated with each other in private."

They clearly know each other, but they have to register in two waves... That's fine, maybe there is something wrong with them, so they arrived at the territory one after the other, and divided into two waves.

But even though they knew each other, they still pretended not to know each other, and deliberately avoided each other. This is a big problem.

Youai: "Actually, I also wanted to inform the lord, but there are too many registered people, and the lord seems to be busy this afternoon..." To put it mildly, it means that you have something to do, but in fact, Youai can't find it. To Suyou.

"I originally wanted to go to the City Lord's Mansion later, but it seems that I don't need it now."

In the past two days, people frequently registered to stay or leave. Youai couldn't leave the station. Su You was still negotiating with the caravan at another station in the afternoon, and basically didn't show up. It's normal that Youai couldn't find her.

"They don't live together?" It's not just that they don't live together. One of these two groups lives on the far left side of the first floor, and the other lives on the far right side of the second floor. It can be said that they are the farthest apart in the entire station. distance.

If you really know each other, even if you want to avoid it deliberately, you won't be able to avoid it so far.

(End of this chapter)

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