Chapter 194 194. Night Actions

Youai: "When the second wave of people came, they actually asked if there was anyone in the room next door, but it happened that there were already people living here, but there were still other rooms on the same floor, but I looked at them a little strangely, So I didn't let them pick a room."

In fact, the post station can choose a room, but this is only for the case of a small number of people. After there are many people, in order to better arrange, then they are not allowed to choose a room unless they live in a single room.

Youai deliberately chose the farthest room for them, and when they asked about the availability of rooms on the second floor, Youai made an excuse of 'it's already booked'.

This excuse is not easy to see through. After all, there are many people in the territory recently, and Youai himself is the one who arranges the rooms. If he wants to make the second floor full, it is very simple, as long as he just arranges people on the second floor.

Moreover, it is impossible for these people to inquire one by one whether these rooms have been booked by someone... So they just looked a little dissatisfied, but they couldn't vent it to Youai, so they didn't have doubts.

"You did a good job." Su You can be said to be quite surprised now. She was surprised because she didn't expect Youai to have such a high AI.

With such a powerful ability to observe and deal with things, if it is a real human being, no matter what kind of person the other party is, Su You will not be surprised. After all, human thinking is completely controlled by himself.

But this is a bunch of data controlled by AI!

It's not that Su You is prejudiced against npcs, she usually treats them as real people.

But maybe because of her previous game experience, she was already stereotyped by those stupid low-level npcs with almost no AI, so now she finds that even an ordinary npc is infinitely close to, or even equivalent to When it comes to the thinking of a real person, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

However, she quickly realized it, and because she had more important things to do now, she didn't think too much about it.

"Take care of them, I'll go find other people." According to Youai, there are at least seven people on the other side, and Su You has no fighting power, so naturally he can't deal with them, so he still has to go to Lyle and the others.

Although it was already night, because the time was not too late, the sunset flower had just closed its petals, so although Lyle and the others were in their own home at this time, they did not fall asleep yet.

Su You found them and told them about the incident. Lyle and the others immediately became extremely vigilant after learning about it.

Lyle: "Does the lord know the strength of the seven opponents?" Although Lyle and the others have confidence in their own strength, self-confidence is not conceited.

The number of opponents is more than them, unless they are all a group of real ostentatious, otherwise it will be more troublesome for them to deal with any tricks.

"I don't know the strength, but I won't let you two act alone. Youai is also here." Although Youai is only a magician with a half bucket of clinking water, he is a magician anyway. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even if Youai is not a magician and does not know magic at all, he used to be a farmer. Working in the fields all year round made him have a strong physique, so he can also be regarded as a combat power.

But three people are still not enough.

But it just happened that Su You happened to like two people with better attributes than other residents, and she wanted them to be the gatekeepers.

If they are willing, this opportunity is just right to try their abilities. After the two of them join, there will be five people.

Five people against seven people, although the number is still not dominant, but as long as the opponent is not particularly powerful, it is not a problem for Lyle and Lake to be one against two.

Lyle: "They shouldn't be particularly powerful. If they are really that powerful, then there is no need to hide like this."

They were divided into two groups and pretended not to know each other. This not only showed that they were cautious, but also showed that their strength was limited and they were not fully sure of what they were doing.

Su You nodded, agreeing with what he said.

"What you said makes sense, but you still need to be careful, especially if they have black crows on them." Black crows belong to a relatively strong coma-inducing drug. Other messy things, when the time comes, they will not be clear, but they will be dark, which is also a big trouble.

"Don't worry, my lord, the two of us will naturally proceed with caution." Not only must they be careful, but they are not going to act now in order to avoid alarming the enemy.

The other party has not made any other moves yet. If they do it directly, they will be easily beaten up, making it look like the setting sun territory is trying to murder for money.


Lyle and Lake went to the post station pretending to have nothing to do, while Su You checked the territory map and found the two residents she mentioned earlier who were suitable as gatekeepers.

Don't care whether these two people are willing to join or not, but when they knew Su You's identity, they all showed sincerity and fear.

Although it is only a small territory, Suyou is the lord after all, and they can be regarded as "living under the fence", and have natural respect and respect for Suyou.

Su You would choose them, on the one hand, because their strength attributes are higher than ordinary people.

Although they are definitely not as good as Lake and Canglan who are born with the trait of 'vigorous', they are still somewhat stronger than ordinary adult men.

Secondly, the loyalty value of these two people is not low.

Obviously they all joined the territory yesterday, and the loyalty value was only in the 75s when they joined the territory, but now one 78, one [-], which is equivalent to an increase of more than ten loyalty points in one day.

The loyalty value is [-], [-], and [-], which are three different cut-off points. As long as it reaches [-], there is basically no possibility of rebellion, and you will even be willing to do it without harming your own interests. Next, serve the territory.

And these two people are at this stage, so when Su You found them and said, "Someone wants to endanger the territory and needs their help, and they will arrange a good job for them after the matter is over", they responded immediately. down.

So far, everyone has gathered, and the movements of those people have been closely watched by Yuai and Lyle, just waiting for them to take any action tonight...



In the middle of the night, there was some movement in several rooms on the diagonal between the second and third floors of the inn.

(End of this chapter)

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