Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 195 195 Take off your shoes!

Chapter 195 195. Take off your shoes!
But these movements disappeared very quickly, as if all this was just an illusion.

After a while, the doors of a total of four rooms were opened almost at the front and rear, and many people came out sneakily and stealthily from behind the door.

Two of them seem to be carrying a huge sack, because it is opaque, so they have no idea what's inside... But no matter who sees this sack, they always feel that there seems to be something weird.

Because it was night, and the corridors of the station were not lit at night, the surroundings were dark.

Originally, this is not conducive to any action, but it may be because it is late at night, so no one else can see their action, but this is the best opportunity for them to act.

"Let's go!" An unknown voice almost whispered, and there were faint footsteps in the corridor.

Although they tried hard to control the sound of their footsteps, perhaps because of the material of the floor, the noise of their walking was still a bit loud.

It is a waste of time to walk one step and stop three times, and it is also very tiring.

"Take off your shoes!" At this time, someone suddenly said that. After a few seconds of silence, there was another movement of taking off shoes in the corridor.

After taking off their shoes, the sound of their walking was much quieter.

Not only can others not hear their footsteps, but they can't even hear their footsteps themselves!
In this way, they went all the way from the second/third floor to the lobby on the first floor of the inn.

Because there is no one living on the first floor, they were a lot more courageous at this time, and it was at this time that someone asked in a low voice: "Hey, which clever guy said to take off his shoes? Is this really an idea?" Not bad! After taking off the shoes, there is no movement, what a coup!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was waiting for the person who had the 'coupling trick' to speak, but after waiting for several seconds, there was silence.

Just at this moment, a gust of wind blew past, not to mention blowing open the windows of the inn, and this gust of wind also blew on these people, and all of a sudden, the hairs of everyone stood up.

"You, you...don't be silent..." The person who spoke earlier had a trembling sound in his words, and in line with the gust of wind before, these people were shocked again in an instant.

They had done something unconscionable. In the dead of night and the darkness everywhere, they were terrified because they were worried about being discovered, but suddenly such a thing happened, even if they didn't want to, didn't believe it, they couldn't help thinking Ghost direction to think.

"Okay, shut up if you don't want to say it, and leave quickly, so as not to be discovered." The person who spoke was obviously the leader among these people. After hearing his words, the group of people settled down.

However, at this moment, the first floor of the post station suddenly lit up. Because of the strong contrast of the light, they closed their eyes subconsciously. Although it was only a few seconds, it was precisely because of these few seconds that the darkness between the dark places The few people in the crowd rushed out together, and then crushed them all to the ground.

Among these few people, there were a few who were weak and slow to react, and were quickly knocked down to the ground, making a loud noise.

There were three people who reacted, but one of them was carrying a sack, so even if he did, he couldn't react in time.

The other two people are different from these people, their skills are obviously better than others, so they immediately dodged the sneak attack, and then fought with Lyle and Lake.

This is arresting people and everyone's, the movement must be a big deal, so those outsiders upstairs who had already rested were woken up a lot.

After discovering that it was the movement from downstairs, except for those who are timid and those who have excellent sleep quality and are still immersed in their dreams so far, everyone who is a little curious quietly whispered. Watch from the upstairs fence.

What's more, they simply went downstairs, but they were soon stopped by the stairs.

"What happened?"

"Why did you start fighting? It's the middle of the night, so I can't get a good night's sleep!"

"Tsk, from this point of view, things are not simple. I still want to sleep, and I am not afraid of dying in bed."

"Hey, little brother, what's the situation with these people."

"Isn't this the owner of the inn? Why are you here? Tell me what happened!"


Someone recognized Yuai and saw that he was helping to stop people here, so they should be able to guess that there should be people in the territory among the people fighting downstairs.

If it wasn't like this, he wouldn't be here to watch so calmly.

Even if you are worried about being accidentally injured and dare not step forward to persuade the fight, then you have to find a way to solve this matter quickly, otherwise no one will be able to rest in the middle of the night.

The reason why Youai did not participate in the battle was because he was the boss of the inn in the eyes of all outsiders, and he was not suitable to join, which would only make these guests think about it.

What he should do now is to explain and appease the guests.

Youai: "Don't worry, these guys are just petty thieves. Because I discovered the problem, I found someone to squat here in advance, just waiting for them to show their feet... In order not to be frightened, and to Avoid startling others, so this is not mentioned to outsiders."

In order to prove his point, Youai also pointed to the sacks on the ground: "These should be the stolen goods of this group. If it wasn't for the stolen goods, why would you want to sneak out of the territory with something in the middle of the night?"

"In order to compensate everyone for the impact today, yesterday's room fee is free. You can take your room card (that is, the room card) and go to the counter on the first floor to collect the money this morning!"

What Youai said was well-founded, and the room fee was waived for one day, so the balance in everyone's heart was naturally biased towards Youai.

What's more, this group of people acted strangely, not to mention wearing all black, the strangest thing is that they don't even wear shoes... Not only that, they also carry a few sacks, which is not what normal people can do Come out!

Traveler A: "A stealer? No way! I have to go back and see if my things are missing!"

After one person said this, the rest of the people who put down their luggage and left the station today were startled and hurried back to their rooms.

"I have to go back and have a look!"

"This group of guys who have suffered thousands of knives, why do they have to do such sneaky things?"


Because of such a sentence, the crowd of onlookers decreased by more than half in an instant, leaving only the last sporadic three or five people.

After they left, the battle downstairs was basically decided.

(End of this chapter)

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