Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 198 Chapter 198 The Golden Bell

Chapter 198 198. The Golden Bell

And since then, they seem to have been fed something special, and they are groggy every day, which also makes the two of them completely ignorant of the outside world.

But now she is very awake, and the wound on her body has completely healed, and she is not restrained... Could it be that the tribe came to rescue them?
No, this place is not like their home, but more like a place where humans live. They should still be on the territory of humans. If the tribe really came, then they should be in...

'Knock knock—'

Just when she was lost in thought, there was a sudden knock on the door, which directly startled the nervous person.

Just when she was hesitating whether to open the door or return to the bed and continue to pretend to be unconscious, the door suddenly opened.

"The people inside are still unconscious, just go in directly, there is no need to knock on the door." After the knock on the door ended, a woman's voice came from outside the door.

After that, the door was pushed open, and the woman who hadn't had time to make a choice sat by the bed, facing the two people outside the door, relatively silent.

Dolly: "..."

Bugo: "..."


Okay, what about fainting?
Bu Guo was silent, and then followed Dolly into the room.

"It's fine if you wake up. I came to see your situation by order of the lord, and I also brought some food." Dolly put the things on the table as she said.

Although the woman didn't know what happened, but when she heard the other party's "lord's order", combined with her previous suspicion that she and His Highness should be rescued by someone, it is not difficult to guess that the person who rescued them It should be the lord of this territory.

As long as the lord of a territory is not in collusion with those who tied them up, they should be temporarily trusted.

"Thank you." The woman stood up and thanked her, without revealing the complicated thoughts in her heart.

Dolly also saw her vigilance, so before she could ask, she took the initiative to tell everything that happened yesterday.

Dolly: "...I don't say this to make you appreciate, I just want to tell you that you are safe now."

The woman looked at her in surprise, not expecting that she would say such words at all.

But I have to say that Dolly's initiative to inform her of the situation did make her less wary. If it weren't for His Highness not yet awake, she would not be so cautious.

"Thank you, miss. When the lady wakes up, I will go with the lady to thank you, my lord."

Dolly nodded, and then exchanged names and their information with her.

The woman's name is Aning, and the name of the person on the bed is 'Ruiya'. The two are in a master-servant relationship. A few days ago, they went out to play, and they accidentally encountered gangsters. They were unable to resist, so they were arrested.

As for why those people arrested the two of them, Aning said it was to ask for money. After all, her family's young lady is of extraordinary status, and her family is in business, so there is no shortage of money.

Dolly expressed her understanding, but she also knew that what Aning said was absolutely half-truth, she might have concealed something, she might have fabricated something, the only constant was that the two of them were victims.

After chatting for a few more words, Dolly offered to leave.

"I'm sorry, I need to be busy with some things, so I can't stay here with you." Dolly smiled apologetically, and then brought Bugo in front of Aning: "This is Bugo, she will be here Accompany you, if Aning has any questions or needs, you can tell her, and if you want to go out for a stroll, you can ask her to guide you."

Although there are many people Su You can trust in the territory, they are basically busy.

Like Dolly, she can only stay here for a while before she has to go back to the sewing shop, and everyone else is similar.

The only one who is more leisurely, without a regular job and without worrying about food and clothing is Bu Guo.

And Bu Guo is still a child, compared to adults, our children will always be less wary.

After Dolly left, Bu Guo sat in the room and chatted with Aning.

"We were injured originally, but after waking up this morning, I found that the injuries on my body disappeared. Buguo, do you know who helped with the treatment? I want to thank her."

Thank you on the one hand, and on the other hand, Aning knew that the two of them had special identities, and ordinary methods could not cure them, so she was so surprised when she found that the wounds on her body disappeared.

Bu Guo didn't think too much about it, she turned her head to think about it, and then pointed in a direction: "Sister Vivienne should have saved you, she is amazing, she is a magician of the healing department!"

Although the ages of Vivienne and Bugo are both 'juvenile', juvenile is not an exact age, but a range.

A 12-year-old is a teenager, and a teenager, and Vivian is obviously the latter, much older than Bu Guo.

In other words, in this territory, Bugo is the youngest one, so no matter who she calls "brother and sister"...except for Meke, at his age, Bugo has to call "uncle".

Although Bu Guo has a natural distrust of strangers because of her past experience, this does not affect her admiration for magicians, so this sister shouted very smoothly.

"So that's how it is." Hearing that they were rescued by a magician of the healing department, a flash of understanding flashed across Aning's eyes... No wonder, it turned out to be a magician.

"Sister Aning, do you want to see sister Vivian? I can take you there, she should be in the hospital now." Since Aning said that he wanted to thank, Bu Guo naturally said where Vivian was , and by the way asked if she needed to lead the way.

But Aning is not going to go out now, after all Ruiya is still in a coma, she wants to guard here.

But just when she shook her head and was about to refuse, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind——

"Then trouble the little girl to lead the way. After all, she is the one who saved us. We should thank you."



"My lord, these are all things that were looted from them. In addition, they may have left a lot of things in the room to leave as soon as possible. I also sorted them out and put them here. . " While talking, Youai took out the two most suspicious things.

Su You took a look and found that it was a pair of golden bells the size of ping-pong balls.

Of course, what can appear in Youai's hands and be given to her alone cannot be an ordinary bell.

It's just that Su You can't find anything wrong by looking left and right, and even after using the detection skills many times, she can't find out the specific information of the bell.

(End of this chapter)

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