Chapter 199 199. Not Human
There are only two possibilities for what she can't see the information. One is that she has recognized the Lord, so she can't check other people's things; Its strength is limited, so it cannot be detected.

Although the lord cannot be upgraded, the territory she is bound to can be upgraded.

The level of the territory is actually the level of the lord. As the level of the territory increases, her attributes will also change.

For example, although the blood volume will not increase, the basic defense value will increase in the case of pure naked clothing; although the upper limit of the physical value cannot be increased, the physical value consumed for each action will decrease, and the recovery speed of the physical value will also increase. ; Also, the more detailed the item information she can view, the higher the level of the item she can view...

"Let's talk about other things first." Su You tried it, and when she found that the bell could be put into her package, she already had the answer in her heart.

The player can't put the owner's stuff in the backpack, otherwise, it's too unreasonable. People recognize the master's treasure, just because the player has a backpack, they can take it away casually, which seriously affects the balance of the game.

But she can take it in, which shows that it is just of high quality.

Youai: "The other things are actually nothing. Most of what they looted from them were money and identification items. There were not many things in the post station. It must be said that the strange thing is that they have women's clothes here. .”

Youai was looking after the inn at night, and didn't follow to the residents' houses, so naturally he didn't know that there were two people in the sack, let alone two women, so he was surprised that this group of big men had women's clothes on them. normal.

But Su You wasn't going to tell him about it, so she just nodded and checked the clothes Youai mentioned.

"Sure enough..." While looking through the clothes, Su You saw something, which basically confirmed her guess about the identities of the two women.

They really... are not human.

In fact, Su You had already used the skill of viewing information on them while rescuing them last night, but also found nothing.

As I said before, only when she is building a certain building can she directly view all other people's information without revealing herself, but the information here does not include the name.

This building is a library.

Before the library was built, the information about living creatures that Su You could view was basically only humans, monsters, and animals.

They couldn't even see their names, which only showed that they were not human beings—the marks representing the elves that Su You saw on these clothes also showed this point.

They are from the elves... no, it should be said: they are elves from the elves.

Of course, there is another situation that she can't detect but is human, that is, magicians or wizards will use their own power to cover themselves, and she can't see it in this case.

But this kind of spell is extremely high-level, if both of them have the ability to cast this spell, they won't be arrested by a group of ordinary people.

"Go ahead, let me check if there is anything else." She needs to put away all the things related to the elves, destroy what should be destroyed, and return what should be returned.

After all, this is an event that may affect the social relations between the territory and the elves, so she must be careful.

"Yes." Youai nodded, ready to go back to the station and continue working.

Before he left, Su You took out a book and threw it to him: "By the way, this is for you."

Youai was stunned for a moment, but subconsciously reached out to catch the thing Su You threw over him. He looked down and found that it was a book with strange patterns engraved on it.

What's even weirder than the pattern is that he can't open this book!

"This is……"

"The job transfer hall will be completed this afternoon, and you can take it to the job transfer magician by then."

As soon as these words came out, the 'identity' of this book became self-evident - this is the magic pattern book that Youai has been thinking about.

Su You actually wanted to give him the magic rune book a long time ago. After all, the territory needs combat power, and a water magician with low talent is at least a magician.

Especially after discovering that there were so many gossips after only three days of opening, Su You wanted to improve the fighting power of the territory as soon as possible.

It just so happens that Youai has been running the inn very well in the past few days, and he has made a great contribution to discovering the problem keenly and making arrangements yesterday.

If they are really asked to take away the elves, and let them leave a bunch of things with the elves' logo, it will be very difficult when the elves find out that some people have been kidnapped and investigate all the way to the sunset territory explained.

Even if the explanation is clear in the end, losing favor is inevitable, it's just a question of how much.

But if the explanation is not clear... then the social interaction between the territory and the elves will be completely over.

After driving out the excited and incoherent Youai, Su You was going to classify the 'trophies' here.

In terms of money, they put it in the bag directly, and packed the things with the elf mark and returned them to the two elves. The identity certificates of these villains were withheld and handed over to the elves for processing...

After everything was processed, Su You found a letter.

The letter had already been opened, so Su You didn't hesitate to take it out and read it.

After reading the above content, Su You understood why these people actually knew where the elves were, how to identify them, and were able to catch them.

Since the elves will enter the human world, they will definitely make a certain disguise.

According to the letter, these people owed money, and one day they suddenly received this letter, saying that they could give them a large sum of money, but they had to help tie up two people and send them somewhere.

The letter didn't say that the person they tied was an elf, it only said that they would give them something, and when they found that the thing vibrated, it meant that the person they needed to tie was by their side.

Although elves don't like to fight, it's not that they don't know how to fight. The person who wrote this letter also knew that a group of mobs couldn't beat elves, so he gave them something, which was the bell that Youai had just given to Suyou alone.

This bell can prevent elves from using their abilities, just like magicians cannot use magic.

Having lost their abilities, the elves are just like ordinary people, at the mercy of others.

In order to make this group of people believe that they will give money, the owner of the letter is also generous, and put money in the letter while sending the letter.

 I saw that many readers responded to the question of "hunger value", and felt that the hunger value was more difficult to understand, and it would be more appropriate to change it to the satiety value. First of all, I think this makes sense.

  However, the name of the hunger value comes from the game 'Minecraft' (My World), and the satiety degree is another hidden attribute in MC, which represents different meanings.

  This is the first survival sandbox game I played, it can be regarded as Baiyueguang, so I am not going to modify it, I hope it will not affect your reading experience.

  Although I am not going to modify it, I would like to thank everyone for their support for this article, and thank you for your willingness to make suggestions.

  If there are any reasonable opinions in the future, they are welcome to put forward.

(End of this chapter)

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