Chapter 200
The letter was opened, and the money was naturally taken away, but Su You found a dozen gold coins, presumably it was part of the money.

A dozen gold coins!

Not silver coins and not copper coins!
The person who wrote the letter was generous, but Su You could understand why he was so generous when he thought that the person he was going to tie up was an elf.

No matter where there is light, there is always darkness. There have been rumors that the elves have the ability to live forever. Using the blood of elves as medicine can preserve youth, and using elf beads as medicine can give them eternal life!
If Su You remembers correctly, in a plot released by the game company, she once saw a noble elf who was dug out by humans for the elf pearl. Although he was rescued later, he lost the elf The elves of the Pearl are like humans who have lost their souls, and they did not survive in the end.

...It shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?
Su You rubbed the letter paper, feeling more and more that the matter was not simple.

It's just that the matter here does not refer to the kidnapping of elves, but the entire digital world...

"My lord! There is a resident named Lilith who wants to see you." Lyle's voice came from outside the door. Su You regained consciousness and stuffed all the packed and sorted things into her backpack.

"Where is she?" Su You was very impressed with Lilith. After all, she was an NPC with skills, and her skills were relatively rare as a beast trainer.

Logically speaking, with Lilith's "introverted" personality, she should not take the initiative to find herself, and even if she can't find herself, she must find herself through other people.

This is obviously abnormal, unless she has something extremely important to say to herself.

"She said she was waiting for you at home."

"I'll be there right away." The past few days can be described as eventful in the territory. Su You is busy going around every day, not to mention, she still has to find time to do construction, recruit residents, and arrange work... It's hard to wait until the halo is over. Okay, now let's do it again Something about the elves came out.

Su You sighed, and asked Lyle to sit by the bulletin board to recruit people before leaving.

She always had a premonition that she would not be free today...



Perhaps it was a fulfillment of inspiration, after Su You knocked on Lilith's door, she was led by Lilith...or rather, she was led by the little gray wolf next to Lilith to a corner of the territory.

Lilith: "My lord, Xiao Hui has been restless since yesterday afternoon, and even brought me here this morning...but it is usually very obedient and won't run around."

Su You looked at the little gray wolf crouching in a corner and circling anxiously, as if she had guessed something, so she took out the shovel from her backpack.

"Let it stand far away."

Lilith called Xiao Hui's name in a low voice, and when it felt a little bit reluctant, she simply walked over and hugged the little wolf cub back.

After digging with a shovel for less than 2 minutes, Su You saw a box with some unknown white powder around it.

Originally, Su You wanted to see what the powder was, but because it was mixed with sand, the powder was not pure enough, so she could only come to the conclusion of [unknown impurity].

Since she didn't know what the powder was, Su You put it away and turned to check the underground box.

The box was not big, and it looked like it could only hold something the size of a basketball. After opening it, there were several bloody weapons inside, including swords and arrows.

Lilith saw that she had opened the box, so she asked in a low voice, "Is there something?"

Su You didn't want to scare her, so she didn't say anything, but closed the box and prepared to take it away.

"You should know what happened at the post station yesterday, right?" Because many people saw it, the news of "the thief came out of the post station at night, but was quickly arrested by the territory" quickly spread throughout the territory .

Because the secrecy is very good, everyone only knows that Youai's statement is that there are thieves, but they don't know what they stole.

"I know." Lilith nodded.

When she thought that the things here might be related to those thieves, she was a little scared.

Su You didn't expect to scare her, so she comforted her: "They have been arrested, this is just something they hid."

Saying that, she knelt down, took out five silver coins and handed them to Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui glanced at her, and while taking the silver coin away, he rubbed against Lilith's feet with a flattering look in his eyes.

Lilith was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously wanted to take the silver coin back, but Su You's next words made her hesitate.

"This is the money I gave to Xiao Hui. You have no right to return it to me, unless Xiao Hui doesn't want it." After all, Xiao Hui helped find this box, so it should be rewarded.

Anyone who sees the contents of the box can guess that this should be the 'weapon' that hurt the two elves. Naturally, they can't have grown hands and feet to bury themselves here, so the only possibility is that the group of people did it on purpose. buried here.

First, leave something with the elf logo in the room, and then bury the murder weapon in the territory. Although this method of "planting the blame" is not subtle, as long as it can interfere with the elves who came to rescue for a while, it is a success of.

If you really want to mislead the elves and blame this incident on the sunset territory, that would be even better!

But Lilith didn't know this.

All she knew was that Xiao Hui in her family had just found a box, so why did she suddenly earn five silver coins.

"Keep it. You still have to earn money to buy a house. If you really feel embarrassed, you can buy more meat to reward your partner." After giving the money, Su You took the box and left.

Lilith hesitated for a moment, and felt that what Su You said made sense, so she still accepted the money.

She has time to worry about this, why not take Xiao Hui to buy something to eat.

When Lilith and Xiao Hui were going to find Duoya to buy some raw meat, Su You had already brought a lot of odds and ends to the house where the two elves were placed.

It's just that after the door was opened, they were not inside, not even Bu Guo, whom she arranged to take care of.

Su You raised her eyebrows, then put down her things, and waited here for their return.

The waiting time was actually not long, only less than 10 minutes before Su You heard footsteps outside.

Because she didn't expect that there would be other people inside, Ah Ning pushed the door directly and entered. When she saw Su You, she was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Bu Guo next to her, and asked who this person was with her eyes.

Unexpectedly, Bu Guo didn't notice her gaze at all, and didn't introduce Su You to them, but her words and deeds had already exposed Su You's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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