Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 201 Chapter 201 Territory Income

Chapter 201 201. Territory Income
Bu Guo trotted to Su You and said, "My lord, why are you here? I just took them to the medical center to thank sister Vivienne."

Bu Guo knew that besides taking care of these two people, his task also meant 'surveillance'.

After all, they are two people with obvious identities and stories. It is impossible to let them walk around in the territory casually, let alone let them leave casually.

Especially after knowing their true identities, it is even more impossible for Su You to let them leave. What if they just leave the gate of the territory with their front feet, the elves will come back, and they are both 'weapons' and 'relics'. A hundred mouths can't explain it clearly.

"So this is the lord." Ruiya laughed, and then walked in with Aning from the door.

"I am Ruiya, and she is Aning. The two of us have to thank the lord for your help." Ruiya's thanks are naturally sincere. After all, no matter whether Su You has any other bad intentions, at least for now No, and they were indeed rescued by her arrangements.

Since both of them went out to thank Vivienne, there was no reason not to thank Su You.

"Buguo, you go out first." Although Su You believed in Buguo, the identity of the elves was always a problem until it was resolved. Since it was a problem, the less people knew about it, the better.

Bu Guo didn't think too much, she whispered something to Su You before leaving the room.

"Please sit down, both of you. There is no need to say more to thank you. If you really want to thank you, then please stay in the territory for a while." In order to prevent her words from being misunderstood, Su You will leave their reasons He said it directly.

Now that the reason was given, it was inevitable that she already knew their identities.

"Since someone is targeting you, it's not safe for you to leave now. It's better to wait for your family to pick you up." Ever since Su You said that she knew their identities, Aning seemed a little nervous, afraid that Su You would also get along with those people. People want to catch them.

In contrast, Ruiya seemed much calmer, because she knew that Su You would not attack them.

Ruiya: "Lord Su's consideration is reasonable, then we will have to trouble for a few more days."

The lord of a territory, even if they are elves, but now that she has caught people and grasped all the evidence clues, it is very simple to want to harm them and push the blame to those people, there is no need to sit down at all. Waste your tongue with them here.

What's more, Su You was right in one point. Since the person who wrote the letter knew that she was going out, and even had items to restrain the elves, it might not be safe for her and Aning to leave the territory.

It's better to stay here, anyway, this is still a territory with healing magicians.

"It's not troublesome at all, but it's just room and board for two more people." Su You also said politely, and then thought of the bell in her package.

"The thing mentioned in the letter to deal with you is now on me, do you want to see it?" Because I don't know what it is, how to use it, and whether it is harmful to elves now, so although Su You took out all the things things, but did not take that out, for fear of accidental injury.

As soon as the bell was mentioned, Ah Ning's complexion became very bad. Obviously, he thought of the difficulty when he was dealt with by the bell before... Ruiya was no exception. After all, if it wasn't for the bell, those people would never have beaten them.

But Su You's words reassured Rui Ya, and confirmed once again that Su You should not harm them.

If that wasn't the case, Su You might as well not mention this matter, and treat the bell as a threat to them.

Ruiya: "Take it out and have a look. I just want to see what it is that can put us in such a mess."

After she said that, Su You naturally would not refuse to agree, and took the bell out of the backpack by herself.

The moment the bell appeared, a familiar feeling of powerlessness struck, and Aning and Ruiya's faces were a little pale. Seeing this, Su You immediately took the bell back.

"Don't watch it." Su You couldn't bear the excitement if the person who was finally rescued died again.

To put it bluntly, even if something happens to Ruiya and Aning, it cannot happen in the setting sun territory.

Ruiya also knew that Su You had good intentions, so even though she still wanted to endure the pain to study the bell, she still didn't speak in the end.

"You should have a way to contact the tribe, right?" Su You knew that every special race had a unique means of communication exclusive to its own race.

Because Su You was confirmed to be friendly, Ruiya didn't hide it either.

Ruiya: "Yes, I have notified the clansmen this morning, and although we were in a coma before, there were traces along the way."

As for when it was notified and what the marks on her mouth were, Ruiya didn't say anything, and Su You wasn't going to ask, she just hoped that the elves would come and take them away quickly.

In view of their special identities, Ruiya and Aning chose to stay in the room even though they were no different from ordinary people under the cover of spells.

The place where they lived was the most remote, next door was Lilith, who was introverted and seldom talked, and there was no one else besides that.

After talking with Ruiya, Su You went to see the situation of those bad guys, and when she saw that they were still in a coma but not dead, she left directly.

In order to prevent people from doing anything wrong with interrogation, it is still handed over to the elves, and she will not get involved.


Today is the first day when the halo disappears, but there are still many people in the territory. They all came a few days ago, but have not left yet.

But because of the disappearance of the halo, everyone can clearly find that the flow of people in the territory has dropped a lot.

Originally, at least 30 to 12 people would come every day. For example, on No.[-], there were even more people, and nearly [-] people came!
Although some of them came and left before staying for a while, since they came, they naturally contributed a lot of GDP to the territory.

Although Su You is very busy these days, she spends some time every day to check the various data of the territory, especially the data related to the economy.

Currently, the income of the territory ranks first in sewing shops, followed by taverns, post stations, blacksmith shops, and medical halls...

The income of the sewing shop is the first because the price unit of the things sold is 'silver coin', while the food sold in the tavern is relatively basic, so the price unit is 'copper coin'.

But in terms of sales volume, the first sales must be the tavern, followed by the inn, and then the sewing shop.

(End of this chapter)

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