Chapter 202.

With Dolly's efforts, the sewing shop earned a total of 8 gold coins, 12 silver coins, and 60 copper coins in three days. On average, nearly 270 silver coins were recorded in the account every day.

Among them, animal skin equipment accounted for nearly [-]% of the income, and the remaining [-]% of the income came from some clothes, daily necessities and the like.

The tavern with the second highest income earned a total of 4 gold coins, 24 silver coins and 15 copper coins in three days, which was half of the income of the sewing shop!
But this is also normal, after all, the price of even the cheapest piece of animal skin equipment is enough to feed a dozen or twenty people for a day.

The difference in commodity prices is here. If it is not for the large sales volume and the fact that some people are willing to praise Meke as a fire magician, otherwise, let alone four gold coins, it is already very good to earn half of it.

As for the post station ranked third, the total income of the two post stations is 42 silver coins and 10 copper coins for three days.

Although this value without even a single gold coin may seem unbelievable, it is very reasonable.

After all, there is an upper limit on the number of rooms in the station, and the number of people that can accommodate it, which means that there is also an upper limit on the money that can be earned in a day.

If you want to increase the income of the station, the most important thing is to improve the service quality of the station and earn tips from other aspects.

It's just that the conditions of the territory are not so sufficient now, all Suyou can do is to let Youai post a notice first, and recruit a few errand runners to help carry the luggage and heat the hot water.

The main reason is that the territory lacks talents with management skills. Otherwise, having such a person as the boss can increase the income of the store to a certain extent, and this kind of person is the most suitable for managing the store, and will adjust the store's operation method according to the actual situation.

After all, Youye is not a talent in this area, and what he can do is very limited.

Apart from these three shops, the combined income of blacksmith shop, medical hall and artisan shop is only a few silver coins.

Originally, the blacksmith's income was more than that, but Su You had asked Cang Lan to help make things these few days, so she naturally didn't have time to forge products for sale.

Speaking of Cang Lan, the two sets of copper armor that Su You asked her to forge before have been completed.

From hats to tops to bottoms and finally to shoes and handguards, everything is available, and the attributes are not bad.

The advantage of armor is that it has high defense power, and the defense power of a complete set is as high as fifty points!
But the armor also has a big disadvantage, that is, it is bulky. After all, it is equipment made of ore, and it is impossible not to be heavy. Therefore, affected by the weight of the armor, the attributes related to agility and speed of the wearer will decrease.

However, this has little effect on Lake, after all, he has the characteristic of 'vigorous', and as long as he gets used to wearing the armor a few times, it will be the same as not wearing it.

Moreover, his attack method is to stand up. He used to dodge attacks when necessary. Dodging attacks depends on speed. Now with Vivienne, there is no need to even dodge, as long as he doesn't get instantly killed.

The dagger used by Lyle is actually an agility weapon, but it may be influenced by Lake, and in addition, Lake usually attracts hatred, so he is basically no different from Zhanlu.

Except for the gauntlets that he can't wear (daggers are used because of the heavy impact on the strength of the arms), other parts of this armor are fine.

In addition to the two sets of armor and armor, Su You also asked Cang Lan to make many balanced arrows, such as copper and iron. It happened that she bought a lot of ore from the caravan, which was enough for consumption.

Seeing that everything was almost ready, Su You informed everyone that she was going to go out to destroy the monster spawner tomorrow morning.

The reason why it is not today is because the construction of the job transfer hall was a bit late. Su You wanted to wait for Youai to change jobs before going there. This way, he could have more fighting power, and the fault tolerance rate and success rate would be greatly improved.

Because the internal situation of the monster spawner is unknown, Su You only knows that entering the monster spawner will not affect the passage of time, so she naturally has to arrange an earlier time to avoid accidents.

In order to give Youe time to change jobs, and to allow him time to become proficient as a magician, Su You arranged for an ordinary resident to do the registration work at the post station.

It's not difficult to register information and arrange rooms. You can learn it once you teach it. Besides, there are few people now, so this person can get started very quickly.

After he took over, Youai, who had been busy for a few days, squatted at the door of the job transfer hall with the magic rune book without stopping.



[The construction of the job transfer hall has been completed, and the job transfer function has been opened. 】

[The construction of the skill hall is completed, the skill rubbing, and the skill learning function have been opened. 】

Although Su You was the first person to receive the information that the construction of the building was completed, the first person to rush into the job transfer hall was Youai.

The job transfer process is very simple. There is a job transfer platform in the center of the job transfer hall. There is a round table and a high platform on the platform. The round table is used to place job transfer props, and the round table is where people who need to change jobs stand.

It was the first time for Youai to see the job transfer hall, so even if he came in, he didn't know how to change jobs for a while.

In the end, it was Su You who walked in and taught him how to change jobs, and then he put the very precious magic rune book on the table, and then walked up to the high platform.

At the same time, Su You received a lot of information reminders one after another.

[There are residents in the territory who are changing jobs...the resident information is being detected...the job transfer data is being calculated...]

【Test results--】

[95% of them have been transferred to junior water magicians. 】

[4% job transfer failed. 】

[0.9% are transferred to junior ice magician. 】

[0.1% are transferred to special department magicians. 】

【Changing jobs...】


The biggest difference between job change and skill book learning is that the former job transfer may fail, while the latter is 100% successful.

The probability of success in job transfer is related to talents, attributes, and acquired efforts.

Otherwise, Su You wouldn't let Youai learn the basics of magic from Maker. She did this to improve the success rate of job transfer.

But she didn't tell Yuai, because she didn't want this matter to affect his mentality of learning magic knowledge.

If he thinks that with the Magic Rune Book, he can stop working hard, then Su You can just recognize his true character, but if he works hard, Su You will try his best to help him change jobs successfully. He is also helping himself.

It will take a while to change jobs, and this time is neither long nor short, but Su You is not going to wait here.

The probability of failure is only 4% in total, and this 4% is just a failure probability added because of his low talent. If the talent can reach 60, the probability of this value is 0%.

(End of this chapter)

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