Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 203 203 Destroying the Monster Spawner 1

203 Chapter 203. Destroying the Monster Spawner 1
The balance of the game will favor those who work hard. In other words, although there is still a 4% probability of failure, the success of Yuai's job transfer is an inevitable event.

With the end of the job change, the magic rune book on the round table has disappeared, not even a trace left behind.

[The transfer was successful, and has been transferred to a junior water magician. 】

As Su You speculated, Youai's job transfer was successful, and he is now a junior water magician.

The joy of becoming a magician filled his brain, so much so that even after the job change, he still stood on the high platform and didn't come down for a long time.

Officially becoming a magician and just being a magician apprentice, although both can use magic, there is actually a big gap.

For example, the magic that can be cast, and the reserve of magic power... The most important thing is that apprentice magicians cannot use magic wands, which are weapons that only junior magicians can use.

"I actually..."

"I actually became a magician! Hahahaha!!!"

Youai laughed excitedly, then rushed to the tavern for the first time, and then embraced Meke vigorously under Meke's disgusted and puzzled eyes that then turned into horror.

"Master Meck, thank you so much!"

"I am now a junior magician, and I have lived up to your expectations!"

Meke: " let me go." Meke, who was almost suffocated, wanted to use magic to summon a fireball to directly bombard this guy, but for some reason, he still didn't do it in the end.

Su You, who inadvertently watched all this, drank the berry juice in the glass silently, then ignored Meke's eyes asking for help, and left the tavern slowly.

Hmm... the weather is really nice, tomorrow is a day suitable for fighting~


Doya (intermediate bow and arrow), Lyle (primary melee bottleneck), Lake (intermediate melee), Meck (primary fire magician bottleneck), Vivienne (primary healing magician), Yuai (junior water magician) ).

There are six people in total, including three magicians. They have output, meat shield, and nanny. Even the output has physical output and magic output. If this is not a real digital game, this configuration is simply good. Couldn't be better.

Duoya brought the copper and iron arrows made by Canglan, because Su You is not yet sure that she can make a perfect sycamore bow, so Duoya still uses the original bow for the time being.

Lyle and Lake put on armor, and Lyle's dagger and Lake's gauntlet were strengthened by Canglan and Dolly respectively the day before.

The body of the fang dagger was changed from copper to iron, and the glove was reinforced with animal skin.

Originally, Su You had found silver mines and gold mines from the previous silver treasure chests and gold treasure chests, but because Canglan's skill level was not enough, she could only upgrade the dagger body to iron materials.

The upgrade of materials has greatly improved the attributes of daggers and gloves.

Everything was ready, and a group of people came to the monster spawner. First, they cleaned up all the ghost skeletons refreshed in the past two days like chopping melons and vegetables. Then, under the leadership of Su You, everyone came to this place, which is as ruins as before In front of the broken stone gate.

【Ghost Stone Gate】

Difficulty: ★☆

Number of people: 0/10
The number of possible escapes: 3 (every time you leave the stone gate, the number of escapes *1 is consumed. When the number of escapes returns to 0, you can only escape by killing the leader in the stone gate)
Introduction: A stone gate ruin left behind at an unknown time, inside which seems to be sealed a powerful monster, and a core that can continuously generate monsters...

[Do you want to enter the ghost stone gate? 】



It's all here, the preparations have been done so well, it's just a one-and-a-half-star dungeon, Su You naturally wouldn't choose to leave directly.

What's more, there are still three chances to escape, which means they have three chances to save their lives.

When Su You chose 'Yes', everyone felt a dark light flashing in front of their eyes, and then they were in a lifeless land like a wilderness.

This piece of open space is huge, and the muddy ground is not flat, and there are some traces of potholes. What makes people feel very uncomfortable is that there is no life on this piece of land.

They couldn't see any plants, let alone animals.

"It's such an uncomfortable place." Vivienne frowned, somewhat disgusted by the environment here.

Not only her, but other people were also very uncomfortable when they found themselves in this dead place.

"My lord, look over there." Lyle pointed in a direction, and everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and then saw a group of figures in the distance.

"They're approaching..." Duoya grasped her own bow, and while speaking, she had already placed the arrow on the bow and arrow.

"I'll build up the defense first, you guys be careful." As soon as the words came out, other people stood in front of Su You in a protective gesture.

In the dungeon, the lord can also build buildings, and even because of the special environment, the time for building buildings will be shortened.

If the materials and experience are sufficient, the lord can make a copy alone.

Su You has the experience of solo dungeon, but she doesn't have enough materials at this time, so she still needs the help of npc.

Stone walls, towers, arrow towers, spikes, traps...

Different environments, the same layout, because it has been done more than once, so it took less than 5 minutes to place all the buildings.

Because the materials that can be carried in the backpack are limited, the safe space made by Su You is not large, and it just happens to be able to accommodate seven or eight people. If more people go in, it may be difficult to even turn around.

"The tower is complete, the three of you go up." The three here naturally refer to Doya, Meke, and Youai.

Vivienne is a healing magician and has no combat power. What she has to do is to stand below and observe the situation of Lyle and Lake at all times, because they are the only two who are in close combat and may be hurt.

So her healing magic is naturally used on them.

She can't stand on the tower, although she can have a wider view, but she can't use magic on the two of them... In game terms, that's 'insufficient casting range'.

As Su You said a word, they quickly came to where they should be.

When they returned to their positions, dozens of ghost skeletons attacking them from a distance also entered the attack range of the arrow tower and Duoya.

【Variation Ghost Skeleton】

HP: 500/500
Attack: 50
Defense: 30
(End of this chapter)

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