Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 204 204 Destroying the Monster Spawner 2

204 Chapter 204. Destroying the Monster Spawner 2

"These ghost skeletons have mutated. Be careful, you two." The original ghost skeletons had 100 health, 20 attack, and 10 defense. Doubled and tripled.

Where is this variation?
This is clearly evolution, okay?
And it's super evolved!

But fortunately, Su You is also ready. Now Lyle Lake's defense is over [-]. Unless luck is extremely bad and a critical strike or armor break occurs, these mutated ghost skeletons can't hurt their fur, Weiwei An Lian had no room to cast healing magic.

"Fix it as soon as possible, the speed of refreshing ghost skeletons here will be faster." Although the fur cannot be damaged, the equipment is durable. Every time it is attacked, the durability of the equipment will decrease.

Once the durability returns to zero, the equipment will disappear directly. At that time, they will go into battle naked. A slap of these ghost skeletons will cause fifty drops of blood. Even if the two of them have ten lives, they are not enough to die.

Su You also wanted to control the arrow tower's attack, but she wanted to quickly find the core pillar for spawning monsters and the monsters that guarded this core pillar.

Otherwise, these ghost skeletons will be refreshed infinitely, and they simply cannot withstand the consumption of wheel battles.

"I found it..." Su You looked at a bulge shining with purple light on the ground not far away, and then manipulated an arrow tower to aim at that position...


A sound like an explosion attracted everyone's attention.

"Continue to attack, the leader is about to appear, kill these ghost skeletons before it appears!" Sometimes the leader in the monster spawner appears on his own initiative, and some need to be "physically summoned".

It guards the core pillar, so when the core pillar is discovered and attacked, it will also actively appear.

This is the method of physical summoning.

'call out--'



Because of Su You's words, everyone unanimously accelerated the attack speed in their hands.

In less than a minute, the last mutated ghost skeleton fell to the ground, turning into a ball of light all over the ground.

At the same time, Su You manipulated the arrow tower and shot another arrow at the core pillar—just as the arrow was about to hit the core, the ground suddenly began to shake, and a skeleton hand rose from the ground , and then grabbed the arrow with all his strength, and broke it fiercely.

Su You: ...

For some reason, this scene should be scary and tense, but Su You always felt a little weird watching it.

Maybe it's because the animation that appeared when clicking "Start Game" in a certain single-player game before?

The inexplicable familiarity brought a serious sense of disobedience, which made Su You feel that this dungeon was inexplicably weird.

Soon, Su You didn't have the time to think about these things, because the owner of this skeleton hand immediately raised a second hand from the ground, and then the two hands were propped on the ground in a very twisted posture , and then just 'rise from the ground'.

Su You: "Attack."

Before it came out of the soil completely, Su You waved his hand, and directly let the long-range combatants start attacking without saying a word about martial arts.

As for Lyle and Lake, in order to avoid being overwhelmed by the soil overturned by the monster when it rose from the ground, they consciously stood far away, not daring to take half a step closer.

After the ghost skeleton leader crawled out of the soil, they put on their weapons and armor, approached carefully, and rushed up after confirming that there was no danger.

Vivian tested the distance, and then found a place where she could see the two people, her magic could be used, and she would not be affected.

This is a skeleton monster more than ten feet tall. Standing in front of it, no matter how tall a human is, it looks like a chicken.

Although it has no flesh and only has a very skinny appearance, judging from the appearance of the bones, it can also be found that this ghost skeleton leader is very strong.

At least compared to the skinny little skeleton next to him who is only one person tall, it looks like a difficult thing to deal with.

Su You found a suitable location, and then wanted to check the leader's information, perhaps because the level of the leader monster was a bit high, so she failed four times in a row, and did not succeed until the fifth time.

【Ghost Skeleton Leader】

HP: 4762/5000
Attack: 80
Defense: 50
[Rage (Passive Skill)]: The more damage you receive, the lower your blood volume. The ghost skeleton leader will undergo some changes due to his rage. After that, his defense attributes will decrease, his attack speed will increase, and his attack power will increase.

[Drain]: When there are other ghost skeletons around, the ghost skeleton leader can absorb their blood volume for his own use. When the blood volume is restored, the attributes superimposed by the previous 'rage' will not disappear.

Introduction: The guardian of the ghost stone gate, the core pillar can only be destroyed after being killed.


Because of his rich experience in the game, after reading the monster's information, Su You could see at a glance what its most important mechanism was.

Although it is not clear what the specific value of the attribute that can be changed by the passive skill of Rage, there are currently two key pieces of information that are obvious——

1. Soon, ghost skeletons will be refreshed here.

2. Don't let these ghost skeletons stay beside the ghost skeleton leader.

Otherwise, the continuous blood recovery of the ghost skeleton leader is a problem. The most important thing is that after the blood is recovered, the attributes it increases through rage will not change.

This means that in theory, the attack power and attack speed of the ghost skeleton boss will have an unlimited increase.

The only good news is that the defense of the ghost skeleton leader will also be reduced in the state of rage, otherwise it is really impossible to fight.

"Lyle, Lake, you lead it to this position..."

Because the ghost skeleton has not been refreshed yet, the ghost skeleton leader is currently just a bare commander. The best situation is to kill the ghost skeleton leader before the ghost skeleton is refreshed, but this is obviously impossible, so she has to do The most important thing is to take the ghost skeleton leader away from the position of the core pillar in advance.

Because the core pillar is the source of refreshing monsters and the 'birth point' of refreshing monsters.

Hearing Su You's words, Lyle and Lake glanced at each other, then tugged tacitly, and brought the leader of the ghost skeleton to the position Su You said.

During this period, they inevitably took a few hits. Facing the ghost skeleton leader who attacked at 20 points, even though they were wearing armor, they still received 30-[-] points of damage each time.

From the core to the destination, the distance is only more than ten meters, but their blood volume has dropped a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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