Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 205 205 Destroying the Monster Spawner 3


HP: 221/250

HP: 216/290

Originally, Lyle's upper blood volume was 230, and Lake's upper blood volume was 260, but because of the continuous "monster fighting upgrade" and "training upgrade" during this period, they now have all attributes besides blood volume. promoted.

Vivian, who had been keeping a close eye on their situation, saw that they were being attacked, and immediately began to cast primary healing magic.

Vivienne: "...cure—"

Following a spell that could barely understand two words spit out from his mouth, Lake, who had a lower blood volume, recovered about 5 points, but this was obviously not enough, but after recovering 10 points in an instant, every In two seconds, Lake's blood volume will increase by [-]~[-] points.

But within ten seconds, Lake's blood volume was restored to full again.

What Vivienne cast was a magic that could restore a certain amount of blood in an instant and at the same time continue to restore blood for 20 seconds.

This magic is relatively basic and commonly used, so Vivian cast it very smoothly and very quickly.

After one milk was finished, Vivian turned around and started treating Lyle again.

Because Lyle didn't lose much blood, using continuous healing magic was a bit of a waste of mana, so she just read a shorter spell that took less than two seconds, and then Lyle's blood volume also decreased. returned to full value.


Seeing that the situation over there was good, Su You was also relieved, and then began to focus on the position of the core, thinking about how to arrange it.

Because she didn't know the time to refresh the ghost skeletons, Su You didn't dare to go to the core to arrange buildings, and she didn't dare to do the time-consuming work of digging holes, and there was a high possibility that she would kill herself directly.

She thought about it, and finally just made a 'U-shaped' obstacle with the last bit of material left, and then aligned the opening of the U in the opposite direction to the position of the ghost skeleton leader.

Although I don't know if this is useful, because some monsters will be 'driven' by leader-level monsters. In this case, even if they can't get through, they will find ways to get past.

But if the leader of the ghost skeleton does not drive mobs, then this obstacle can have a certain impact, affecting the action path of the ghost skeleton when it is just refreshed.


Su You had just placed the last obstacle, and then heard the roar of the ghost skeleton leader. She subconsciously turned her head to check the situation of the ghost skeleton leader, and then her expression became a little dignified.

【Ghost Skeleton Leader】

HP: 3992/5000
Attack: 100 (80+20)

Defense: 30 (50-20)

[Rage (one layer)]: The leader of the ghost skeleton hates being injured. When it is injured, it will superimpose the state of Rage. For each additional layer of Rage, the attack power will be +20, and the defense power will be -20. There is no upper limit for attack power, and the minimum defense power is 0.


Because of the high defense, after fighting for so long, the blood volume was barely a thousand.

When the blood volume fell below [-], the attributes of the ghost skeleton leader changed significantly.

Just like the introduction of the passive skill Rage, the attack power of the ghost skeleton leader has been increased by a full twenty points, and correspondingly, its defense power has also been reduced by twenty points!
Because of the decrease in defense, the damage they dealt to the ghost skeleton leader has increased by an average of [-] points now.

At the same time, Lyle, who originally only needed to take [-] points of damage, will now receive [-] points of damage at a time!

The ghost skeleton leader has a four-digit blood volume, and just adding [-] points of damage is nothing to it, but Lyle and the others are different, their blood volume is even less than one-tenth of the ghost skeleton leader .

If every time a thousand blood is lost, twenty points of attack will be superimposed, and when the blood volume of the ghost skeleton leader is less than one thousand, wouldn't its fury be stacked four times, the attack power will increase by 80 points, and the total attack power will reach 160 point?
This is equivalent to doubling its original attack power!

Not to mention that they can't handle a 160-point attack, even if the blood volume drops below 140, which means three layers of rage, and the attack power is [-] points...

At that time, if there is no critical strike, it only needs to attack three times, and Lake will die on the spot.

If it's a critical strike, it only takes two... No!It only takes one critical hit, and Lake will enter a near-death state!
Because the critical strike of the leader monster is double the full damage!
Although the defense will decrease as the attack power increases, the minimum defense value can only be 0.

This means that after the third level of rage, this state is only used to increase the attack power of the ghost skeleton leader. It will not help them kill the ghost skeleton leader, and it will even put them in absolute danger.

In other words, in the case of three levels of rage, if everyone present has no ability to clear more than 2000 blood at one time, then Lyle and Lake will fall into a situation where they may die directly at any time.

Although the probability of a critical strike is very small, Su You doesn't want to gamble on even a ten thousandth possibility.

"Stop first! Vivian, pay attention to their blood volume, you two also stop, if you can dodge the attack, try to dodge the attack." Su You felt that she needed to think again...Think again...

This ghost skeleton leader may not be this style of play at all!

It’s just a one-and-a-half-star dungeon, and it was refreshed ten days ago. It can’t be this difficult... There must be other ways to crack it...

Although I don't know why Su You gave such an order, everyone stopped decisively. The blood volume of the ghost skeleton leader stopped at '3246' at this time, and it was only a little bit close to adding another layer of rage.

"Don't attack it yet. The more you attack it, the stronger it will be. Lyle and the others will be very dangerous." Facing this kind of leader, someone must pull the monster, otherwise the probability of a complete collapse is greater.

So Lyle and the others still need to deal with the ghost skeleton leader.

After they stopped, Su You's brain was running fast... She wanted to think of a solution quickly, but not long after they stopped, five ghost skeletons appeared out of thin air at the location of the core.

While screaming, these ghost skeletons came towards the building where Su You and the others were located because there was no one blocking them.

Su You was a little irritable when her train of thought was interrupted. She calmed herself down, then glanced at the skeletons and said, "Attack the ghost skeletons that just appeared, and the leader of the ghost skeletons should not move."

At present, an attack is only [-] points of blood, and the brothers can still bear it, not to mention that they don't need to attack now, they just need to play hide and seek with the leader of the ghost skeleton, and the probability of dodging the attack is greatly increased. Usually the leader of the ghost skeleton attacks Three or four times to hit once.

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