Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 206 206 Destroying the Monster Spawner 4

206 Chapter 206. Destroying the Monster Spawner 4
And even if he got hit accidentally, he was quickly nursed back by Vivienne.

It's just that their physical strength is always limited, and Vivienne's magic power is also limited. They can refresh the ghost skeletons infinitely here, and they can't continue to consume like this.

"Rage...passive skill...blood volume..." Su You muttered, she repeatedly checked the information of the ghost skeleton leader, and seemed to have found something vaguely.

But the clue she found was like a slippery fish, whenever she thought she was about to catch it, it slipped away from her hands.

In a blink of an eye, the second wave of ghost skeletons appeared, this time six ghost skeletons appeared.

If this is not a coincidence, can it be explained that the number of ghost skeletons refreshed each time will be one more than before?
But Su You still had no clue.

Just when she was thinking about whether to use up a chance to leave and let everyone save their energy, leave here, and let her think outside in a safe, quiet and stress-free environment, she felt that she seemed to see a very important keyword .

"Injury... It's an injury!" Su You suppressed the excitement in her heart, and immediately turned her head to look at the people around her: "Have you learned the healing technique? Or other things that can only heal the wound, but not restore its state magic."

Healing, literally, helps wounds heal.

But this magic can only help the wound heal, it will not restore any blood volume.

Although it seems useless, in some cases, it will be better to use healing to heal the wound first, remove the negative status such as serious injury/bleeding, and then use the healing magic to restore the status (blood volume).

As expected, Vivienne knows this magic. After all, healing is only elementary magic, and basically there are not many healing magicians who can't.

She nodded and said, "I will, are you hurt?" As she spoke, Vivienne looked like she was about to start chanting a spell.

Su You lowered her hand, then pointed to the leader of the ghost skeleton: "Use it on it, it's injured, I didn't."

Vivian: "...?"

Vivienne got stuck halfway through the words and spells. For a moment, she even forgot the healing spell. She was stunned for several seconds before she understood the meaning of what Su You said.

"Are you sure you're right? You want me to use the healing technique on that monster?" Vivienne always knew that she was an abnormal lunatic, but she never expected that her lord's thinking was even crazier than her own.

Who would think of a normal person to heal the enemy?
this is not……

Vivian thought for a long time but couldn't think of a suitable adjective.

"I'm not wrong, you just need to use it." Su You's very affirmative words made Vivian start to pay attention to what she said.

Vivian: "Okay, I will use it, but I don't guarantee success."

Although she has used the healing technique many times before, this is the first time she has used the healing technique on monsters... It is estimated that there are not many people who use the healing technique on monsters on the entire continent.

But since Su You said so, and was so sure, Vivian could only do as she said.

Because the distance was a bit far, Vivienne moved her position a little bit, and then put away her magic wand—she wasn't going to waste her magic power until she couldn't guarantee that she could achieve her goal.

Here, Vivienne was casting a spell, and Su You's eyes had shifted to the leader of the ghost skeleton.

As the chant-like incantations in his ears stopped, the action of the ghost skeleton leader who was about to attack seemed to have paused for a moment.

This pause made Su You a little happy, and Lake, who was the closest to the leader of the ghost skeleton, who was about to avoid the attack, also froze for a moment.

Originally, he was going to dodge to the left, because he was not fast enough, and he was ready to be beaten, but because of the pause of the ghost skeleton leader this time, Lake went directly to the back of the ghost skeleton leader, avoiding the attack. Not to mention the attack, but also came to the blind spot of its vision.

"Hey, it seems to be really useful?" Vivienne opened her mouth slightly, her tone was a little surprised, and she forgot to put down the hand that was raised for casting the spell because of surprise.

Although the others did not speak, their inner thoughts were also very rich and wonderful.


After about four or five seconds passed, the ghost skeleton leader returned to his original rampage form, his attack speed remained unchanged, and his attack damage did not decrease much.

At present, from the outside, its state at this time is the same as before.

But this is just the appearance, Su You doesn't think that the healing technique just now had no effect on it, otherwise it wouldn't have stopped just now.

And she trusts her own judgment.

So Su You opened the information of the ghost skeleton leader again and started to check, and found that in the status column, in addition to the rage, there was another status called 'pacify'.

[Comfort (one level)]: The ghost skeleton leader can be soothed through certain methods. When the number of sootheing layers reaches three layers, three layers of soothing state can be directly consumed to eliminate one level of rage state.


After seeing the introduction of the 'pacification' state, two words popped out of Su You's heart——

That's it!

"Continue to use the healing technique." If using a healing skill once can add a layer of soothing, then Vivian needs to use the healing technique twice to reach the third level.

Although Vivian couldn't see the information, she also saw the pause of the ghost skeleton leader just now, so after hearing the same order this time, Vivian didn't say anything, but treated Lake After one time, use the healing technique directly on the ghost skeleton leader.

With the end of the second healing spell, as Su You expected, the number of soothing layers increased by another layer.

"Do you want to continue?" Vivian looked at Su You uncertainly.

Because although the healing technique this time healed the wound on the leader of the ghost skeleton, it did not stop its attack. Vivienne couldn't help but began to wonder whether the effect of the healing technique was just a one-off.

However, she didn't know that Su You asked her to perform the healing technique not to stop the ghost skeleton leader from attacking, but to counteract the state of rage.

"Continue to use the healing technique three times, and the others start to attack." Continue to use it three times, which means that when the time comes, appeasement will offset one layer of rage and leave two layers.

In this way, when the time comes, Vivienne only needs to use it once more to directly counteract the rage. The purpose of this is to prevent special circumstances from causing Vivienne to use the healing technique three times in a row.

Vivian: "Okay."

 The regular update of the settings, I didn't notice that there was a chapter missing, it has been added.

(End of this chapter)

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