Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 207 207 Destroying the Core

Chapter 207 207. Destroying the Core
Vivienne was here to see the milkman and the milk monster, and the few people who had already produced mushrooms over there immediately took out their weapons after hearing Su You's words.

A wave of attacks that had been charged for a long time hit the leader of the ghost skeleton like a storm. The layer of rage that had been eliminated was superimposed because the blood volume dropped below [-].

But because it already had two layers of appeasement, Vivian used the healing technique again under Su You's order, and then the second layer of rage disappeared.

While disappearing, the core refreshed another batch of ghost skeletons. This time, there were seven ghost skeletons, just in line with Su You's previous guess—every time the core refreshes, there will be one more ghost skeletons than before!
Su You arranged for everyone to clean up the mobs first, lest they wander around to the ghost skeleton leader.

At this moment, Vivian, who had been concentrating on her babysitter, frowned.

Vivian: "My magic power is running out."

It’s okay if it’s just a milkman, but now I want a milk monster and a milkman, and there are still two people, and the magic power will be consumed three times. No matter how powerful Vivienne is, she is only a junior magician. May hold for too long.

In other words, it's pretty good that she's been able to support her for so long.

"How many times can you use healing? Will it affect your treatment of them?"

"Twice won't affect it, but three times it will." Vivienne meant that if she used the healing technique twice, it wouldn't affect her healing of Lyle and the others, but if she used it three times, it would.

Although the healing technique is a primary magic, it consumes more mana than the healing magic that restores the state.

Although Vivian couldn't see the information panel, she could also find the conclusion that 'the healing technique must be used three times to produce a certain effect' from the law that Su You asked her to cast spells before, so she said so.

"Then stop using the healing technique." Since it can't be used three times, it can't eliminate the rage, and it is useless to waste two layers of appeasement.

What's more, two layers have been eliminated, which means that as long as they don't put the ghost skeleton in the past to let the ghost skeleton leader heal back, so that it has a chance to stack more rampage, then the ghost skeleton leader can only stack up to [-] stacks of rampage.

The attack of the two layers of rage is only 120 points. Although it will still cause more than [-] points of damage in one hit, as long as Vivian heals in time, they will still be able to bear it if they dodge and resist a little.

Even if you accidentally hit it critically, it won't fall down with one blow.

In this way, after more than ten minutes of 'scraping' attacks, the leader of the ghost skeleton suddenly stared, raised his hand, and then his bones began to tremble, and the ear-piercing voice made goosebumps all over his body.

The original majestic ghost skeleton leader is now like a crumbling building, and then collapsed.

When the leader of the ghost skeleton died completely, the core pillars refreshed the No. 12 batch of ghost skeletons as if they were dying.

There were sixteen ghost skeletons in this batch, but even the leader of the ghost skeletons had already been killed, and they handled the ghost skeletons very easily. The dozen or so ghost skeletons quickly turned into a pile on the ground and fell.

"Go dig the core first." Digging the core is actually attacking the core.

The core also has blood volume. When the blood volume is emptied, the core will be destroyed, that is, the entire monster spawner will be destroyed.

[Ghost Stone Gate Core] (Attackable)
HP: 9841/10000
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Introduction: The core supporting the ghost stone gate will continuously refresh ghost skeletons.


Because Su You had attacked the core once before to summon the ghost skeleton leader, the core was not full of blood at this time.

And because the core does not have any attack and defense capabilities, even if the blood volume is [-], which is twice that of the ghost skeleton leader, it is easier to deal with than chopping melons and vegetables.

At the moment when the blood volume of the core returned to zero, the core suddenly made a sound similar to an explosion, and then it exploded until there was not even ash left.

[Congratulations to No. A1-16 for successfully leading the team to destroy the core of the ghost stone gate and killing the leader of the ghost skeleton. Relevant rewards have been distributed to the mission hall. 】

[Due to the loss of core support, the illusion inside the ghost stone gate can only exist for 5 minutes, please leave as soon as possible. 】

Su You: "Hurry up, pack up everything on the ground, we're leaving soon."

As soon as Su You heard that there were only 5 minutes left, Su You couldn't care less about other things, she yelled at the others, and before she finished speaking, she rushed out first.

She didn't pay attention to what fell on the ground, and just kept stuffing it into her backpack.

It just so happened that all the materials she brought with her had been used up, so the space in her backpack was sufficient.

The others glanced at each other, and then hurried over to help clean up the fallen objects on the ground.

Although they didn't have backpacks, some of them had space bags, so they helped pack a lot of things.

Perhaps it was because the ghost skeleton had mutated, so the dropped items were different from before, but the time was tight, and everyone didn't pay attention to what they had installed.

Halfway through packing, Su You seemed to suddenly think of something, then turned her head to look in the direction of Lyle and Lake——

"You two quickly put away those skeleton shelves on the ground, don't waste them."

Lyle Lake froze, with a strange expression on his face: "..." Your lord, don't you even let go of the skeleton?

As I said before, after the mobs die, the corpses will disappear directly. Only monsters at the leader level will leave their corpses for people to search. In addition, Lyle and the others are the ones who restrain the leader of the ghost skeleton, and they are the closest, so Su You The skeleton frame referred to is naturally the 'remains' of the ghost skeleton leader.

The bones of ordinary ghost skeletons can be made into bone powder to make fertilizer, not to mention that this is still a leader-level skeleton.

Even if it can't be used as a material to make any kind of weapons and equipment, it's good to try to make intermediate-level birth fertilizer... Even if you can't even make intermediate-level birth fertilizer, it's good to be able to make elementary ones.

It's a small territory, lacking everything, not picky!
Although Su You's words were shocking, the two brothers were already used to obeying Su You's orders, so after a brief shock, they quickly took out the ropes and gathered all the skeletons scattered on the ground together, and then tied them together like a bundle of firewood. Bundle.

But after all, this is a ten-foot-tall skeleton, so it is naturally impossible to have such a little thing.

The two brothers worked for a while, and tied up four piles of bones. Only then did they clean up the complete bones on the ground. At this time, there were still many broken bone fragments on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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