Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 208 Chapter 208 Blueprint and Skill Book

Chapter 208 208. Drawings and Skill Books
Just when they looked at the broken bones on the ground and hesitated whether to put them away together, the two of them felt that their eyes were blurred.

When they could see the scene in front of them clearly, they found that they had left the ghost stone gate and appeared beside the broken stone gate.

"Well done." Looking at the four neat bundles of firewood... oh no, it should be four neat bundles of bones, Su You patted them on the shoulder as if applauding, then walked over and put all the four bundles of bones in In the backpack.

Others also came over one after another, and handed all the drops to Su You.

After all this is done, everyone is ready to go about their own business.

Meke and Vivian both had their own shops to manage, so they returned directly to the territory.

Duoya didn't go back, but was going to see if there was any prey nearby.

As for Lyle and Lake, the two brothers originally cut trees and dug rocks to mine, but now that there are more people in the territory, all resources have been collected, and there is no need for them to do this kind of unskilled hard work , so they are quite free now.

Sometimes I cut down trees and mine, sometimes I hunted, sometimes I went to the training ground to exercise myself, and sometimes I would go back to my old job - helping Suyou to explore the map that has not been unlocked.

Now they have a new task, which is to help find the ruins hidden in the forest. Su You has not forgotten that there is still a forest ruins waiting for her to explore.

Everyone scattered and left, but Su You stayed.

She looked at the stone door that hadn't disappeared, and then took out the stone hammer.

Because the core has disappeared, this stone gate is now just an ordinary stone gate, which cannot spawn monsters or be entered, but it still has a little value, that is, it can be destroyed with a stone hammer, and some materials can be recovered.

In addition to materials, Su You can also obtain a blueprint.

【Ghost Stone Gate Blueprint】

Quality: purple
Category: special

Introduction: You can learn to make 'Ghost Stone Gate' after using it.


Su You patted the dust on her hands, changed hands and directly learned the drawings, and then began to pick up other materials on the ground.


【Obtain Marble*18】

【Obtain Star Stone*5】

【Obtain Essence Mine*13】


After all, it is a stone door, and after it is destroyed, it will drop some stone ore.

What I have seen is nothing more than marble, ore, etc. I have never seen it, such as star stone, which is also an ore, but it is just an associated ore, and its function is to increase the success rate of making certain advanced equipment.

In addition, it can also be used as a material for alchemy.

There are not many things, but there are many kinds, so Su You's backpack is full. Fortunately, there is still a space bag to hold things, otherwise she would have to worry about what to throw away.

Letting a hoarder think about what to throw away is worse than letting her throw herself away.

Su You returned with a full load, and the first thing she did after returning to the territory was to empty the contents of the backpack, and then went straight to the mission hall to open the treasure chest.

At the same location, Su You found the 【Ghost Skeleton Leader Treasure Chest】.

Due to some bad experiences, Su You came to the sewing shop with the treasure box in her arms to find foreign help to open the treasure box.

Because there is no halo now, there are not many people in the territory. Even the sewing shop that was very lively a few days ago, now there are only a few scattered people.

It's just these people, and they're just looking at the stuff in the sewing shop, and they don't know whether to buy it or not.

Dolly was originally making a piece of equipment, and her neck was sore from bowing her head for a long time. Perhaps it was a coincidence that she raised her head just as Su You walked into the sewing shop to relax.

"Why are you here?" When there are outsiders around, unless Su You asks, they usually don't directly call Su You the lord. This has become a habit.

Su You didn't speak, but put the treasure box on the table in front of Dolly, the meaning was very obvious.

Dolly, who had the experience of opening a box once, immediately understood what she meant. She hesitated for a moment, then put down the things in her hand and opened the lock on the treasure box.

【Get Gold Coin*3】

[Obtain Primary Thick Armor Skill Book*1]

[Obtain primary collection skill book*1]

[Get the statue of the ghost skeleton leader*1]


[Elementary Thick Armor Skill Book]

Category: Skill Book
Quality: blue
Introduction: After learning, you can get primary thick armor skills.

Thick armor (active skill): After use, the current defense value can be doubled for ten seconds, cooldown time: 10 minutes.

[Elementary Collection Skill Book]

Category: Skill Book
Quality: blue
Introduction: After learning, you can get primary collection skills.

Collection (passive skill): It can slightly increase the efficiency of all collection-related activities.

【Ghost Skeleton Leader Statue】

Category: Furniture

Quality: blue
Introduction: An unattractive statue that can be placed in buildings to increase comfort.


Su You blinked, picked up the two skill books and read them repeatedly, and then said with emotion: "You are really my lucky star!"

Excluding statues, the effects of these two skill books are well understood. The former can be used for defense, and the latter can increase the collection efficiency of the residents of the territory... The most important thing is that I have just built the skill hall now, which means She can take these two skill books for printing!

After rubbing, the skill book will be stored in the database in the skill hall. As long as there are enough materials, she can make countless skill books for others to learn!

Of course, not all skill books can be rubbed, but these two are.

Hearing Su You's words, Dolly was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "I didn't have such good luck before. Since I met you, my luck has only started to improve."

After chatting for a few more words, Su You directly took away the gold coins and the skill book, and then prepared to send the two skill books to the skill hall for rubbing.

Thick armor is fine, this skill is only necessary for combatants to learn, but the collection skill is different, this is a general skill, everyone can learn it, after all, it is also the biggest benefit.

Dolly looked at her figure leaving in a hurry, feeling a little happy, but when she sat down, she saw the slightly scary statue next to her...

Dolly: "..."

Dolly: Sir, have you forgotten something?
Because Su You had gone far away, and there were already customers here who had already taken things and prepared to pay, so Dolly couldn't catch up.

She simply put the statue next to her, and was going to talk to Miss Lord later.

"Boss, I want this, how much is it?" A customer took something and came over to pay.

As a result, he got close to the counter when he was taken aback by the statue next to the counter.

(End of this chapter)

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