Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 209 Chapter 209 Unique Taste

Chapter 209 209. Unique Taste
Dolly: "Nine silver coins, thank you for your patronage."

Guest: "...Boss, your a bit unique."

Dolly was still looking at what he took, but finally quoted a price. When she heard such a sentence, she was also taken aback for a moment, and then followed his gaze, only then did she realize what he meant by this sentence. .

She just wanted to explain that the statue had nothing to do with her, but then she saw that the guest had paid and left with an inexplicable emotion on her face.

Perhaps it was because the statue was too scary, so the customer left quickly, but in the blink of an eye, there was no sign of him in the store.

Dolly: ...? ? ?
Dolly: No, listen to me!This statue is not mine! ! !
Dolly, who couldn't explain it, stared at the statue helplessly. She rarely showed some anger. She decisively put the thing in the corner under the table to avoid being seen by the second person.

It's fine if you accidentally scare someone, but if the other party thinks that she has some unique hobbies like this guest, it's not good.



On the other side, Su You, who had already arrived at the skill hall, put the two skill books into a place similar to a bookcase. This was the 'library' of the skill hall.

It's just that the 'book' hidden here is not the kind of book in the library, but a skill book.

Any skill books placed in the library cannot be taken out, but rubbings can be made.

[The elementary thick armor skill book has been stored, and the rubbing elementary thick armor skill book has been unlocked. 】

[The primary collection skill book has been stored, and the rubbing primary collection skill book has been unlocked. 】

Making [Rubbing·Primary Thick Armor Skill Book]: Paper*10, Iron Hat*1, Iron Armor*1, Iron Bottom*1, Iron Shoes*1, Iron Gauntlet*1, Primary Defense Potion*5.

Making [Rubbing · Primary Collection Skill Book]: Paper*10, Fiber Scraps*100, Wood*100, Stone*100, Red Berries*100.

Although in terms of the amount of materials, Rubbing's primary collection skill book consumes more, it is obvious that Rubbing's primary collection skill book consumes basic materials. There are a lot of such materials, Suyou, and it is not rare at all.

But the materials for rubbing the basic thick armor skill book are not so simple. First, a complete set of iron equipment. Su You has not found iron ore veins yet. Even if she bought a lot from the caravan, she opened a lot of boxes before. , but still very scarce.

This set of equipment consumes at least a dozen iron ingots, which is equivalent to a dozen iron ingots consumed by a skill book, which cannot be afforded.

What's more, Su You didn't have a primary defense potion yet.

This kind of potion belongs to refining medicine, and it can also belong to alchemy. Although Su You has a formula, it has no materials, so it cannot be made.

However, Su You expected that the basic thick armor skill book could not be produced. She was not disappointed, but took the materials and prepared to print some basic collection skill books first.

Among these materials, the least amount is red berries, so Su You only rubbed fifteen elementary collection skill books for the time being.

Although it is impossible to reach one copy per person, it is still enough for the current territory.

The rubbed skill book was put on the shelf in front of the skill hall by Su You, and then she went to the City Lord's Mansion and issued an announcement——

[Lord Announcement: The skill hall is open, residents of the territory can go to the skill hall to buy skill books for learning. 】

At the same time as the announcement was released, the information on the bulletin board at the door was automatically updated, and everyone could read the above announcement to know the news.

It is clearly written in the announcement that the skill book is to be 'purchased', not to be received for free.

Regarding the price of the primary collection skill book, it should not be too high. After all, this is only a primary skill book. If the price is too high, they will not be able to afford it, and they will not want to buy it. Then the skill book will have no meaning.

But it can't be too low. If it is too low, they will not pay attention to the skill book, and it will prevent the skill book from being distributed to those who are willing to work hard to make money.

After all, in most cases, only those who work hard will want to improve themselves, and only those who work hard can save money to buy skill books, so the pricing of skill books is actually a screening process.

Su You's pricing for the primary collection skill book is ten silver coins.

This price is not particularly high, even a little lower than the market price. As long as you work hard enough, even if you only do hard work like cutting trees and mining every day, you can save ten silver coins in a month.

In addition, Su You also set an important restriction on the skill book - that is, only residents of the territory can buy it.

In the future, they may also be able to sell skill books, but that is a matter of the future. At least for now, they must give priority to meeting the needs of their own territories.

And because the rubbed skill book is automatically bound after purchase, and only after upgrading can a specific material be used to rub the skill book that is not bound, so Su You doesn't need to worry about someone reselling it.


After doing all this, Su You was about to leave the City Lord's Mansion, but she happened to see many people walking towards the skill hall. These people should have seen the bulletin board and got the news, so they wanted to go and see the excitement .

Among them, there were territory residents whose names Su You recognized, as well as wanderers and travelers whom Su You didn't know at all.

"Is everyone going to buy skill books?"

"That's right, if you don't come to buy a skill book, why would you go to the skill hall?"

"I just don't know what the skill book is... I hope it's a useful skill book, otherwise it's just a waste of time."

"It sounds like you can afford it. Didn't you read the announcement? You have to buy the skill book, and it's not a free gift!"


There were voices of conversation coming from all around, but Su You didn't stop for that. After listening to a few words, she was ready to go to the warehouse to sort out a series of trophies brought back today.

It is said to be spoils of war, but most of them are infiltrating skeletons.

The first is the bones of those mutated skeletons. These bones are gray. Because of the weird color, they look more terrifying than ordinary white bones.

It was daytime now, otherwise, if it was night and such a pile of bones shared a room, few people would be able to endure it.

After Su You's inspection, she found that although the bone looks strange in appearance, it actually functions the same as ordinary bones. The only difference is that gray bones can produce more bone meal.

Originally, one normal bone stick is equal to three parts of bone meal, while one mutated gray bone can produce five parts of bone meal.

A total of more than 700 bones were harvested today, which is equivalent to more than 3000 servings of bone meal, which is equivalent to more than 3000 packets of primary growth fertilizer.

(End of this chapter)

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