Chapter 210 210. Swift · Wutong Wooden Bow
There are so many birth-inducing fertilizers, enough to last for a long time.

If Yousen saw so many bones, he would be very happy, because it means that he can safely consume the birth fertilizer to increase the progress of his improved seeds.

In addition to the gray bones, there are also gray scale powder in the harvest this time, as well as a material called 'ghost bone' dropped by the batch of leaders.

【Gray scale powder】

Category: Material

quality: green
Introduction: The gray scale powder produced by the mutated ghost skeleton is twice as effective as ordinary scale powder. It is one of the raw materials for corrosion potions and can also be used to make other things.

【Ghost bone】

Category: Material

Quality: blue
Introduction: Although the skeleton of the ghost skeleton leader looks eerie, it is extremely hard and can be used as raw materials for making equipment and props.


Can you really make equipment?
Su You was a little surprised.

Originally, she had the idea of ​​taking it back and using it as raw materials for fertilizer... It seems that she underestimated this pile of skeletons!
Although there is no exact formula, Su You has seen many formulas and knows how to integrate them, so she has already thought of what these ghost bones can make!

Bone Arrow!Bone armor!Bone Knife!Bones!
Of course, this is only a part, and it is also the most commonly used part. As for whether other things can be made, it must wait until these are finished. If there are still ghost bones left, it will be used to research new gadgets.

As for the gray scale powder, Su You is going to sort out the materials to see if it can be used to make corrosive potions directly. If it can be done, then save a part of it for later use, and then sell the rest to the caravan.

The effect of corrosive agents seems to be relatively limited at the moment, but caravans traveling all over the world may not know when they will be able to use them, so they will basically accept them if they sell them.

It's okay to sell the raw materials directly, but the price of the raw materials is definitely not as good as the finished product, so she has to do a good calculation at that time before making a decision.

After figuring out the use of these materials, Su You called Bu Guo and asked her to help watch the making of bone meal and Shengsheng fertilizer, and distributed the ghost bone to Lyle and Canglan to let them watch making some things.

As for herself, she brought a material called 'Sky Ice Stone' knocked down from the ghost stone gate, and was about to make the sycamore wooden bow that had been delayed for many days.


Sky ice stone, also known as lucky stone, is a material that can engrave 'lucky runes'.

The lucky rune, as its name suggests, can improve one's luck for a period of time after wearing it. When the time is up, the rune will be automatically destroyed, and even the stone with the engraved rune will be reduced to ashes.

Su You can seal and carve runes. She has read and memorized all the runes in the "Rune Encyclopedia" in Sunset Continent, whether they are included or not. After all, runes are actually one of the few. It is an item that can be crafted especially depending on the skill level.

If it weren't for the rare materials suitable for carving runes, and if even ordinary stones could be used for carving runes, then Su You might have passed the level early.

After seeing the Sky Bingshi today, Su You's first reaction was to take this opportunity to quickly make a sycamore wooden bow.

I found a quiet place, first made a carving knife, and then drew the lines of lucky runes on the paper.

She stared at the lines on the paper for a long time, and stroked the sky ice stone while watching. Not long after, she picked up the knife and began to seal the runes.

The seal cutting runes are all done in one go, but if there is any pause or hesitation, it will fail directly, and the semi-finished materials will also be broken directly.

Su You had carved a lot of runes in the past, even though she hadn't done it for several years, her muscle memory allowed her to naturally drive her hand to start carving the runes from the moment the knife was dropped.

From dropping the knife to closing the knife, all the movements are smooth and flowing, it doesn't look like you are carving something, but it looks like you are painting.

[Get Intermediate Lucky Rune*1]

Not enough... just one is not enough.

For materials of the level of sycamore wood, without the assistance of skills, at least one high-level lucky rune is required, and the effect of intermediate lucky runes is very limited.

So Su You carved two more intermediate lucky runes.

[Get Intermediate Lucky Rune*2]

Looking at the three palm-sized stones in her hands, Su You placed them on the table in a triangle shape, and then filled the empty space in the middle with another piece of sky ice stone that had not been carved.

The level of most runes is not only determined by the material itself, but also can be upgraded by connecting three runes of the previous level.

For example, now, Su You is going to connect these three middle-level lucky runes together and merge them into one high-level lucky rune.

Because there are a lot of sky ice stones, and there are more than a dozen pieces, Su You is not worried about failure, because she can come again... Maybe it is because of this good attitude that she succeeded directly once.

【Acquire Advanced Lucky Rune*1】

After the success, the original three middle-level lucky runes shattered, leaving a table full of broken stones, and the one in the middle was now covered with complex lines of runes.

【Advanced Lucky Runes】

Category: Props

Quality: purple
Introduction: After wearing it, it can greatly improve the wearer's luck and last for six to ten minutes.

An hour is not long or short, but if it is only used to make things, it is enough.

Su You casually took out a rope from her backpack, then strung up the rune and hung it around her neck.

Afterwards, she exercised her muscles and bones, and then took out the materials for making the sycamore wooden bow... The rune was immediately effective from the moment it was worn, and she couldn't waste time.


About four 10 minutes later.

[Acquire Swift · Indus Wooden Bow*1]

[Swift · Indus Bow] (upgradeable)
Category: Weapons

Quality: Red
Attributes: Attack Power (105), Armor Break (12%), Penetration (5), Critical Strike (5%)

Durability: 500/500
Skill: Quickness (Active Skill): After using it, it can greatly increase its movement speed and attack speed, duration: 5 minutes (cooling time: 10 minutes)
Introduction: A bow and arrow made of sycamore wood. The bow string is tough animal tendon. The material is superior and the workmanship is excellent. The quality of the bow is extremely high.Because the spirit ore was added in the production process, its speed attribute has been improved, especially suitable for people with agility.


It has a prefix, can be upgraded, is high-quality, and has an active skill... No matter which game it is placed in, it is the ultimate equipment that can be used when the game is shut down.

After browsing the information of this bow, Su You blinked.

(End of this chapter)

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