Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 211 Chapter 211 Random package package

Chapter 211. 211. Random package package
Afterwards, she looked down at the high-level lucky rune that was inexplicably scrapped ahead of time, and vaguely guessed why she was able to perform at a super level.

When using a rune, there is a chance that the rune will be destroyed in advance, but the total energy value of the rune itself is there. If it is scrapped in advance, the remaining energy will be infused into the wearer at one time.

To put it simply, this high-level lucky rune gave her all the lucky energy of the remaining 10 minutes when she was about to make the finished product. Without energy, the rune shattered ahead of time.

At the same time, she possessed nearly half of the total energy of the high-level lucky runes in an instant, and made this bow and arrow super-level.

It is no exaggeration to say that the value of this bow may have exceeded the total value of the entire territory. If the material of the bow string is not inferior, it can definitely be regarded as one of the top equipment on the continent.

If it is replaced by dragon is useless to replace them with dragon tendons, because two top-level materials are superimposed and made, so it is not something that can be solved by a high-level lucky rune.

Even a hundred or a thousand high-level lucky runes are useless!
Now the result is already very good, Su You is not greedy.

Shaking her sore hand, Su You's mind fell into a state of complete emptiness... In order to make this bow and arrow, she has been tense and concentrated in the past four to ten minutes.

Although only four or ten minutes passed, it was more tiring than cutting trees for four hours outside, or digging stones for four hours.

But since I got this bow, no matter how tired I am, it is worth it.

Su You rested for a while, and then prepared to hand over the bow to its future owner.

It wasn't until she walked out and looked at the still bright sky that she realized that although she felt that she had spent a long time making things, in fact, less than an hour had passed.

Less than an hour, which means it's not even noon yet.

Duoya usually hunts outside during the day, and only comes back for lunch, especially now that she has a space bag, she can bring food very conveniently, and she doesn't even bother to come back at noon.

Su You thought for a while, then went to Duoya's residence, and hung the bow and arrow at her bedroom door, so that she would definitely be able to see it when she went home to rest at night.

Afterwards, Su You turned on the message prompts—in order to prevent the production failure from being affected by system messages when making things, she deliberately turned off all message prompts.

Opening it now is just to see the situation in the skill hall.

But what surprised Su You was that there were a lot of news in the skill hall, but most of them were about residents applying to join the territory.

After a cursory glance, there are six or seven pieces of application information!
At first, Su You didn't know why there were so many people applying all of a sudden, but she didn't realize it until she overheard the conversation of a few people passing by.

"Hey, I heard that the skill hall is open in this territory, have you visited it? Do you have any skills?"

"Look, it's just a book of elementary collection skills. I'm in a hurry to read it. I haven't seen it in the market."

"Hey! How did you talk, as if the person who was holding on to the window just now is not you, if you don't have to join the territory to buy it, I think you would have bought ten copies and eight copies a long time ago!"


Oh ~
It turned out to be for the skill book~
Although Su You restricted the skill book to only the residents of the territory to buy it, it was a bit attractive, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good.

However, since they joined the territory for the skill book, there is no guarantee that they will not leave the territory directly after learning the skill book. In addition, the territory is not particularly short of people now, what is lacking is only people with management skills or other advanced skills. So Su You didn't immediately agree to these people's application to join the territory.

She screened these people first, and then only left two with relatively high initial loyalty values.

As for the others, it will take a few more days to observe.

"Hey! My application is approved! Let's go and buy a skill book!"

At the same time that Su You agreed to the two applications, she happened to hear a man next to her speak excitedly.

Su You paused, she didn't expect such a coincidence.

She simply looked at the person's information, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, she checked the situation in the skill hall—there were only [-] elementary collection skill books left, but now there are only [-] left.

Among the skill books that were sold, two were bought by Lake and Bugo, and the remaining few were bought by other residents who had no skills but a small fortune.

After confirming that the inventory of the skill book can last for a while, Su You closed the panel and prepared to go to the reward list.

She still remembers that she still has two time-limited tasks that have not yet been submitted!
She didn't hand it in before because she was worried that she wouldn't have time to do it in case a new time-limited task was refreshed, but now the dark creature attack is over, the busiest period of the territory has passed, and the monster spawner has been destroyed... Now that That way, she wouldn't have to drag on any longer.

The existence of system tasks must have its meaning, and it is definitely not good to drag it on by yourself.

[Do you want to submit the task 'stop the darkness'? 】

[Note: Before submitting the task, please ensure that there is enough space in the backpack to prevent rewards, otherwise you will bear the consequences. 】

Su You didn't pay attention to the familiar reminder, because she had only cleaned out her backpack once, and the space was definitely enough.

[Congratulations for completing the mission 'Stop the Darkness', system rewards: Level 1 Warehouse Card*10, Prestige +5, Gold Coin*[-]]

Level [-] warehouse card... okay.

Although it is not a rare thing, it is better because it does not require construction time. Now that the population of the territory has increased, the storage of various materials has greatly increased. Even if she does not have this warehouse card, if she wants to upgrade the warehouse.

Su You put away the cards and gold coins, and then submitted the next task.

Speaking of which, the third mission was the only one that didn't directly specify the rewards, so Su You was still looking forward to getting something.

Any recruitment card, reward card, or even a few rare building cards... She doesn't pick, really.

Su You thought quite well, but the development of the matter seemed to be somewhat beyond her expectation.

[Would you like to submit the task 'Developing Territory'? 】

[Congratulations for completing the task 'Developing the Territory', system reward: random package package*2, reputation +10. 】

Su You: ...

Random package gift package... what is this?
Su You suddenly felt a headache.

She looked at the two basketball-sized gift bags with strange packaging that suddenly appeared in her hands, and felt a strong sense of disobedience.

(End of this chapter)

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