Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 212 Chapter 212 Animal Symphony

Chapter 212 212. Animal Symphony

The source of this sense of disobedience is the painting style of this gift bag.

If this digital world is a 'realistic game', then this gift pack is the material deducted from some one-knife 999 web game. The color is bright red and gold, and it is tied with a big bow. An inexplicable feeling.

Su You stared at the gift bag for a few seconds, and wanted to open it directly, but there was a voice in her heart crazily reminding her - don't open it!

At least definitely not here!

Su You didn't know where this feeling came from, but it didn't affect her following her own thoughts, so she prepared to go back to the City Lord's Mansion to open the gift bag.

Before leaving, she didn't forget to take a look at the reward board, and she left with peace of mind after discovering the new countdown on it.


【Random set package】

Category: special

Quality: None
Introduction: A special reward for completing system tasks, including a thoughtful package for building a territory.

Su You: ...the more you look at it, the more strange it becomes.

But no matter what, no matter how strange it is, it is still a gift bag, and it will still be a gift bag for building territory resources.

Suppressing the inexplicable anxiety in her heart, Su You opened the first gift bag.

【Obtain Grass Seed*10】

【Acquire animal feed*100】

【Random Animal*5】

【Ranch Building Card*1】

The moment the bow was pulled away, the packaging of the gift package disappeared, leaving only a table... and a room full of 'things'.





Listening to the 'Animal Symphony' in her ears, Su You suddenly felt her head hurt even more—now she knew where the uneasiness she felt just now came from.

It's a good thing she didn't open the gift bag on the street, otherwise several livestock suddenly appeared around here, even if the npc would not be surprised by this, but if she wants to bring these livestock to the corresponding place, it will be a troublesome matter Son.

If it is not done well, there may be some troubles.

Without waiting for Su You's reaction, a chicken suddenly flapped its wings and flew onto Su You's table, walking with its neck stretched out, its strange walking posture looked funny and awkward.

The other chicken followed suit, but it seemed to be more stupid and could not fly to such a high altitude, so it first flew to the chair next to it, then flapped its wings again, and flew to the table.

Su You: ...

After looking at the two chickens on the table, and at the two sheep and a cow around, Su You took a deep breath, and then took out a bunch of ropes from her backpack.

'Cackling... creaking--! '

'Heck! ! '


After a while of chicken flying and chicken jumping, Su You sneered, then raised her hand and slapped a chicken unconscious, and then tied it up with a rope.

The other chicken seemed to have some spirituality. After seeing the end of its companion's resistance, it stopped screaming strangely, and then froze in place like a statue.

"It's useless to play dead." Su You grabbed the chicken that was playing dead, and tied it up likewise.

Speaking of pretending to be dead, Su You thought of a certain little white thing. After all, it seemed like she hadn't seen it for a long time.

But she wasn't worried that something would happen to it, because Dolly and Doya were still taking care of it. Dolly told her a few days ago that it was very good, even a little too good.

Su You didn't know what "too good" meant here, but as long as she was alive, it was fine.

Instead of thinking about it, think about what you are going to do with the remaining cow and two sheep.

Su You pulled the rope, and looked at the other three animals quietly. One of the sheep flinched visibly, and then let out a cute cry.


Because these three are still obedient, Su You is not going to tie them up directly for the time being.

Moreover, Su You didn't want to tie them up, after all, she could carry the two chickens away with her hands, but this was a cow and a sheep, so even if a few more people came, it wouldn't be easy to deal with.

So they better be good.

"Be more obedient." If it was the real world, Su You would definitely not do such a thing as talking to animals, but this is a digital world, and everything is possible, especially the extraordinarily clever chicken just now can explain Here, even animals have certain AI.

Having AI proves that she can communicate, and being able to communicate proves that she can let them go by themselves later.


Maybe because they understood Su You's words, the two white, fat and cute sheep walked slowly to Su You's side, and then rubbed their soft-haired heads against Su You's arm, as if to greet Su You Make sure you are well behaved.

The other cow was no exception, it seemed to know that Su You was the owner of this place, so it let out a 'moo' again, and then stood obediently where it was, not as naughty and arrogant as the two chicken brothers before , looking forward to Su You's horse.

"Let's go, I'll take you home." Now Su You understood what the 'set meal' meant here.

Animal cubs + animal feed + feed seeds + pasture, isn't this a one-stop service "livestock and poultry breeding package"?

Although their appearance did startle her, Su You must admit that she likes this set meal very much.

Milk, eggs, wool, these are all good things.

In particular, there are two chickens and sheep here, one male and one female, which means that in addition to harvesting the wool and eggs they produce, they can also breed more cubs.

...Thinking of this, Su You has already begun to look forward to what package the second gift package will offer.

But because she hasn't settled the packages brought by the first package, she is going to wait until they are settled before opening the second package.


Because there are ready-made building cards, it is not difficult to place these livestock. Once the pasture card is used, Su You carries two restless chickens, drives two sheep and a cow, and walks towards the pasture. go.

Although cattle, sheep and chickens are just the most common animals, it is not unusual, but perhaps because this configuration appears a bit too strange at the same time, Su You's move also attracted the attention of many people on the road.

Su You is okay, she has a thick skin, and she doesn't pay attention to other people's eyes at all, just pretending that she didn't see anything.

But the cows and sheep she was driving were a little nervous to be watched by so many people, so that they walked a lot faster, even surpassing Su You, and walked in front of Su You.

The ranch is located next to the farmland, and there is a stream nearby, so while Su You's move attracts passers-by, it is also natural for You Sen to see it.

Looking at these animals, he opened his mouth in surprise, and finally came back to his senses when he saw the animals and Su You's figure disappear into the pasture.

(End of this chapter)

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