Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 213 Chapter 213 Tavern Refresh

"Hey! There are animals, now we have to plant some pasture!" Yousen muttered to himself, while continuing to be busy with his work, and at the same time thinking about which piece of land to set aside for growing cattle and sheep. pasture.

As for the chicken... It's simple, just sprinkle rice or chaff, and the chicken can eat some pasture occasionally, so it's not that particular.

Before Su You knew, these animals hadn't arranged their homes yet, and someone had already started to worry about the rations of these animals for her.

She brought these five guys to the ranch, and at the same time as she opened the door, she took out all the furniture stored in the ranch warehouse.

For example, things for them to eat and drink, ordinary furniture such as windows, tables and chairs, can be said to be readily available.

"You two live here." Su You brought the two soft and obedient sheep into a circle.

The two sheep gave a well-behaved 'bleat', and then walked into the circle without running around.

After the cow saw the sheep go in, it seemed to want to go in, but Su You stopped it and took it to the smaller pen next to the sheep pen.

The cow seemed a bit unhappy, perhaps because both sheep and chickens were in pairs, and she was a lone cow.

A cow is fine, it still wants to find animals of other races to play with, but Su You doesn't give it this chance.

'Moo—' The cow looked at Su You with a hint of grievance in her eyes.

Su You casually threw the two chickens that had been in her hands for a long time into the cage and closed them, then opened the gate between the sheep pen and the cow pen.

"You can play together if you like, but remember to go back to your own home at night." Su You was not surprised that these animals were so humane, and she was prepared to meet their needs as much as possible.

It's just that they want to find a playmate together. It's not a big deal, but there are some things that need to be agreed in advance.

They can only rest in their corresponding 'home' at night, otherwise there is an upper limit on the number of animals that can be accommodated in each enclosure. If the upper limit is exceeded, although no particularly bad things will happen, it will be more troublesome.

'Moo~' Seeing that Su You was willing to let herself be in contact with the sheep, the cry of the cow was much gentler this time.

It recalled how the sheep acted like a baby before, and then wanted to rub Suyou, but before it got close, Suyou took several steps back.

Just kidding, no matter how gentle this is, it is still an adult cow!

Animals can't control their strength well. As a thin-skinned city lord with a weak body and low defense, Su You doesn't want to be the first person to be injured by an animal raised by her family!
Saying this makes people laugh out loud!

"You guys will eat here from now on." In order to alleviate the embarrassment caused by her just taking a few steps back, Su You naturally took out a pile of animal feed from her backpack, and poured it into the trough where they ate.

Seeing this, the cow also forgot what happened just now, and didn't even suspect that Su You avoided it on purpose just now.

Watching them eat, Su You stopped by to fetch water for them, and then left the ranch.


Compared with the first gift bag, the contents of the second gift bag are not so good.

If I had to pick a name, the second package would be the 'Food Set Package', which contains a restaurant building card, a bunch of ingredients, and some crop seeds.

Now everyone eats in the tavern, so the restaurant is optional, and there is no shortage of food, so these ingredients can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

There are only three kinds of crop seeds: wheat, rice and potatoes, nothing unusual.

Although it was useless, Su You still used the restaurant building card and placed it in front of the tavern.

Now that there is a restaurant, Meck doesn't need to go to the tavern anymore, but instead goes to work in the restaurant. After all, the tavern is a place that sells alcohol, and many cooking settings are not comprehensive.

As for the tavern, it will be empty for the time being, and we will wait until when we can recruit npcs with the skill of 'brewing'.

[The tavern has been refreshed, you can go to the tavern recruitment point to choose the residents you want to recruit. 】

"Huh?" Isn't this... a coincidence?

Said that there was a lack of people, and the tavern was refreshed.

Su You went first and then gave all these seeds to Yousen, then turned around and went to the tavern.


"Yo, you still know you want to come here?" Hearing Meke's sly words, Su You was not angry, because she knew that it was because of the delay in setting up a big kitchen for him that she had promised earlier, and with his Personality, but the yin and yang are already very face-saving.

Su You: "The big kitchen you want is here."

Maker paused for a moment, then looked at her suspiciously: "It's true."

"Whether it's real or not, don't you know if you go and see for yourself? Can I still lie to you with an illusion?" Su You rolled her eyes, and then told him about the restaurant.

Perhaps it was because Meke was the only npc she had known twice, so Su You naturally treated him kindly and casually.

Meke didn't suspect that Su You lied to him about this matter, but he was born with a low mouth and wanted to say something.

Knowing that the big kitchen has been settled, Meke finds her much more pleasing to the eye.

He opened his mouth to say something, but seeing Su You walking towards the other counter and not responding to him, he rolled his eyes and stopped talking.

Because the tavern has been upgraded once, the current recruiting interface is quite different from before.

The first is the number of recruits. It was originally one of three choices, but now it is one of four choices, and the probability of refreshing NPCs with higher skills has increased.

The second is the time to recruit refreshes.

Originally, it was refreshed every three to five days, but now it is refreshed every two to four days. Both the upper limit and the lower limit have been reduced by one day, which is still a big improvement.

The others are not too important. Su You opened the recruitment interface and began to browse the information of this batch of npcs.

The first person has two primary skills, namely carpenter and craftsman. The talent values ​​of these two skills are also good, one is 75 and the other is 80, which is a relatively rare dual-talented talent.

In terms of traits, one positive and one negative are standard configurations, the positive traits are dispensable, and the negative traits are not very good, which is a trait that will affect the success rate of production.

The second person has intermediate pharmacist skills and a good talent, with a full 80 points. With this talent, he only needs to be trained simply, and it is only a matter of time before he can be promoted to a high level.

But after seeing that it was a pharmacist, Su You stopped watching.

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