Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 215 Chapter 215 The Mysterious Group of People

Chapter 215 215. A Mysterious Group of People

An Jie is the name of the mechanic.

Regardless of whether my guess is true or not, as long as it is possible, it is worthwhile to recruit this mechanic.

If a land can teach me mechanical knowledge carefully and willingly, the relationship between this person and the goblin must be very good, which means that the territory has the opportunity to get in touch with the goblin and make deals with the goblin.

After the recruitment was over, Su You left the tavern, and then went to update a wave of reward boards and quests in the quest hall.

At the same time, she also added a few new messages on the bulletin board——

【Recruit artisans】

Introduction: A craftsman is recruited, who is mainly responsible for the production, operation and management of the craftsman's shop, and other matters are negotiable.

Requirements: Junior Artisan (minimum)
【Recruitment of brewers】

Introduction: A winemaker is recruited, who is mainly responsible for brewing wine and operating and managing the tavern. Other matters are negotiable.

Requirements: Junior Brewer (minimum)
【Recruiting managers】

Introduction: Two managers are recruited, who are mainly responsible for the operation and management of the station.

Requirements: Junior Administrator (minimum)
【Rental shops】

Introduction: A series of matters such as renting out various shops, shop types, rent, and lease time can be negotiated.

Requirements: none

In fact, only the residents of the territory can open shops in the territory. As long as someone is willing to pay the rent, they can rent a place and build shops.

This is what the third proclamation is meant to express.

The number of shops is an important factor affecting the prosperity of the territory, and it is also a factor affecting the economy and population flow of the territory.

Now the territory has a certain flow of people every day because of the prestige accumulated before, but if there are not enough things to attract these flows and make them spontaneously attract more people, then the flow of people will be over time. Slowly descending, this is naturally not what Su You wants to see.

As soon as these announcements came out, there was another commotion.

It's just that this time is different from the last time, the commotion soon ended, and these announcements were not as attractive as the previous announcement related to the skill hall.

Think about it too, after all, learning skills can be learned as long as you have money, but whether you want to rent a shop or apply for the first three positions, you must have skills.

As far as the current reputation of the Sunset Territory is concerned, this kind of talent won't be attracted much. In the past few days, it has only recruited Canglan and Lilith.

But this was also expected by Su You, so Su You was not disappointed, she had enough patience to wait.

What surprised Su You was that she waited for only two days.

Although many people applied to join the territory in the past two days, and Su You also agreed with the expressions of many people joining the territory, she didn't have any talents she needed.

Just when Su You thought she had nothing to gain today, a group of very special guests came to the Sunset Territory.

These guests seem to have come here with a purpose, and they are all wrapped up tightly. If they say they are ordinary people, no one will believe it. And as soon as they entered the territory, they began to ask around how to see this territory the lord.

During this period of time, Lyle and Lake, in addition to collecting resources and exploring maps and fighting monsters, occasionally helped to look at the city gate.

As one of the few people in the territory who knew the identity of the lord and her movements, they immediately discovered something was wrong with this group of people, and naturally notified Su You immediately.


"You said... a group of people who wrapped themselves tightly came to find me?" Su You had a little doubt in her eyes, but she didn't suspect that Lake was lying to her, she just felt a little strange.

Lake nodded and said, "Yes, about a dozen people, and Lyle is holding them back."

More than a dozen people, this number is actually not a lot. You must know that after losing the halo, the daily flow of people in the Sunset Territory is only a dozen or 20 people. doubled.

There are so many people, and there are no patrol guards in the territory, in order to prevent them from messing around, Lyle naturally has to stay, and then let Lake come to inform Su You.

Su You thought about what Lake said, and couldn't think of what was going on for a while, but anyway, she was going to take a look.

After all, the other party has come, and they didn't do anything, which proves that at least they are not the kind of people who make trouble for no reason.

And they didn't specify that they had to find her, the person they were looking for was the lord of this territory... In other words, instead of coming here to find a job, they might be asking for the lord of this territory, that is, she.

What's more, this is her territory after all, and she is timid in her own territory, so what's the point of living?
"Let's go, take me to have a look." Su You collected the things and followed Lake to the tavern.

The current tavern is completely empty because Meck has moved to the front restaurant, no one comes, and no one will stay here, and the space here is also large, it is indeed a good place for meeting and temporary accommodation A place for special guests.

As soon as Su You entered the door, she felt an inexplicable atmosphere.

While observing the situation in the house, she tried to use her skills to find out the information of these people.

When she saw the message, the leader of the group also stood up to greet her after knowing Su You's identity.

"Hello Lord Lord, we are..."

"I know what you are here for." Before the other party finished a sentence, Su You seemed to be able to predict their purpose: "You are here to find someone."

Hearing Su You's words, the person who spoke moved invisibly. Unfortunately, because his face was also covered, no one could see his expression at this time.

And it wasn't just him, the dozen or so people behind him who were just sitting now stood up at the same time.

Don't worry about the reason why they did this, but the dozen or so people who were wrapped tightly and couldn't see their faces suddenly stood up in unison, and the first reaction of people must be 'the visitor is not kind'.

Both Lyle and Lake thought so, so Lyle, who had been staying by their side, saw this scene without hesitation and pulled out the weapon he was carrying from the scabbard around his waist. Lake next to You calmly touched the glove at his waist.

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene became very tense and suffocating.

 Thank you [Wild Things] for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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