Chapter 216 216. Lingsi

But one of the parties seemed very calm and composed, as if she hadn't realized that what she said just now was the culprit of the current situation.

"Let someone come with me, and I'll take him to meet the... person you're looking for." Su You gave them a pointed look, then greeted the two brothers, and the three left the tavern, but Instead of leaving the tavern directly, he stood at the door of the tavern and waited.

There were some slight movements from inside, which seemed to be conversations.

Outside, the three of Su You also had a brief conversation.

The specific situation was nothing more than the other two people asked, and Su You answered.

Lake: "The lord knows them?"

Su You: "Of course I don't know you."

Lyle: "That's the person they need to know...Maybe we both know each other too?" After all, the territory is so big, it makes no sense that they wouldn't know someone Su You knew.

Su You smiled and didn't speak, but the other two felt that they already knew the answer.

After they finished chatting these two sentences, there was the sound of approaching footsteps inside, and a moment later, a person pushed the door and walked out.

Although they were dressed similarly, all wearing white cloaks to cover their figures, and then covering their faces with masks, they were barely distinguishable between tall and short.

At least Su You knew that this person was not the one who spoke just now. The person just now was taller, while this person was a little shorter.

She walked up to Su You and said, "My name is Lingsi. Please, Lord Lord, lead the way. If we find the person we are looking for, we will be grateful afterwards."

"It's not necessary to thank you..." Although Su You was going to be more polite, she didn't want to push out the benefits: "I just hope that I can buy something from you when the time comes."

Ling Si paused for a moment, thinking that it was true.

Sure enough, the lord already knew their identities, as well as their identities.

However, apart from the tension brought about by the exposure of her identity, Lingsi did not doubt Su You's previous statement that she could take her to find someone.

Now that they knew their identities, they must have met each other.

Lingsi: "Our young lady has a distinguished status, if she can be retrieved, ordinary transactions are worthless."

Su You understood what she meant, and took two steps forward to take her to find someone. Before leaving, she didn't forget to give the two brothers an order.

"You two entertain them well. If they don't want to leave, then don't let outsiders come here." Since they are dressed like this, they must not want to be discovered. Restless people disturb them.

Anyway, it's not a big deal, and it can be considered a good sale, and it's a good impression.

In fact, the reason why she proposed to bring only one person is to avoid attracting the attention of others. After all, the goal of a dozen people is too big, especially if they are still dressed like this.

Besides, her resident's house here is not big enough to stand up to so many people.

Lyle, Lake: "Yes."

Hearing Su You's words, Lyle and Lake naturally acted according to the order. As for Ling Si, who was next to him, after hearing these words, he did feel a little fond of Su You in his heart.

Since she knew that Su You had guessed their identities, she would not foolishly think that Su You arranged for these two people to stay to monitor them.

Su You left with Lingsi, and Lyle Lake stayed here.



It took only a few minutes to go around from the tavern to the residential area. Although the pace was fast, Lingsi saw that although the environment here was not exquisite and luxurious, it was also considered clean and tidy. The superficial goodwill gradually increased.

After walking for a while, Su You brought Lingsi to a house.

Seeing her stop, Lingsi was a little excited and nervous: "Is it here?"

Su You nodded, then raised her hand and knocked on the door, a voice of inquiry came from inside.

Before Su You could speak, Lingsi, who had already heard a familiar voice, responded loudly: "It's me! Lingsi! We're here to pick you up and Aning to go home!"

Then, there was a commotion inside, and before Su You could react, she was pushed and pulled into the room by people inside and outside the house.

Just this sudden movement, if you don't know it, you may think that Su You has encountered some kind of evil hands, why did you disappear directly through the crack of the door in the blink of an eye.

The first thing Lingsi did after she came in was to look up and down Ruiya, and after making sure she was fine, she looked at Aning's situation like this again.

After confirming that both of them were safe and sound, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Su You's expression and demeanor just now showed that the two of them were fine, but Lingsi was still worried that she didn't see it with her own eyes.

In the following time, Su You sat here bored in every possible way, yawning, and listening to these three amazing-looking women chatting about what happened before.

They communicate in elven language, which ordinary humans can't understand at all, so they don't worry about Su You eavesdropping, so they just chat openly.

Having said that, it is not an exaggeration to say that they have amazing looks. After all, the elves are all handsome men and women. Even if they pretend to be human beings and pull one out casually, if they only look at their appearance, they are still peerless beauties. .

Thinking about it this way, it's no wonder they would be secretive. After all, these one or two beauties can only be a coincidence. If the appearance is too outstanding and they are gathered together, then anyone who knows something can guess that they are not people.

It's just... why don't they know how to dress up? !
Now that they can pretend to be human beings, wouldn't it be better to pretend to be a normal-looking human being than to make a bunch of cloaks and cloaks?

You must know that although these things can also cover up their appearance, they are more conspicuous on the contrary!
Su You didn't understand... She really didn't understand what these elves were thinking...

However, just when Su You didn't understand, the three people over there had already explained everything to each other at some point.

"At the end of the day, I still have to thank Lord Su...Lord Su?" Rui Ya, who had already switched to human language, saw that Su You was in a daze, so she called her softly.

Su You blinked her eyes, turned her head to look over, and found three people... all three elves were looking at her.

Su You: "Are you finished talking?"

"Well, we are all thanking Lord Su." Lingsi, who had already taken off her cover-up, showed a delicate and beautiful face. Although she only smiled at Su You, it seemed as beautiful as thousands of flowers blooming in an instant. color.

(End of this chapter)

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