Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 217 Chapter 217 Elf Princess

While admiring the beauty, Su You replied casually: "I have said a lot of thanks before, don't forget what you said before."

Everyone has a love for beauty, and Su You also loves to look at beauties, but in terms of the benefits she should strive for, she will not miss an inch because of "addiction to beauty". Beauty is beautiful, but it is not for her. Valuable...Of course, except if there are elves willing to stay!

However, it is clear that this is impossible.

Because what they just talked about was about kidnapping, Rui Ya and Aning didn't know what Su You said about the "previously agreed" thing.

But they didn't ask aloud at this time.

As the only elf who understands Su You's meaning, Lingsi doesn't feel that Su You is greedy. On the contrary, if Su You doesn't want or ask for anything, they need to worry about whether Su You will repay her kindness and ask for revenge. more stuff.

Of course, this does not mean that this kindness is for nothing, but their elves have a relatively simple and straightforward personality, and they don't like the twists and turns, and they don't like the kind of human beings with secretive minds.

Lingsi: "I definitely remember, I'll go back and inform the others." With that said, Lingsi stood up alone and was about to leave.

Su You looked at Rui Ya and Aning who were not about to leave together, and also stood up.

"Aren't you going together?" Su You's words seemed to surprise all three of them.

Lingsi stopped, looked back at her several times, and then turned her head to look at Rui Ya and Aning... Although she was looking at two people, she was mainly concerned with Rui Ya's expression.

Ruiya pondered for a moment, she seemed to understand something, and then smiled.

Ruiya: "In that case, let's go together."

She said so, and the other two elves naturally listened to her.

So Su You came with only one person, and after leaving, Su You left with three people.

There are few people living in the residential houses, and most of the residents still live in the post station, so the residential area looks a little deserted.

In addition, it is broad daylight now, and everyone who has something to do goes out to do errands, and those who want to make money take the task to make money, so when returning from the residential area to the tavern, Lingsi didn't take out the previous outfit and put it on .

They returned to the tavern quickly, and Lyle Lake was still dutifully helping to watch the door of the tavern, preventing others from coming here and seeing the group of elves that didn't look like humans inside.

"My lord." Lyle briefly recounted what happened during the time they left.

They haven't been away for a long time, and now the tavern has no other functions. The restaurant is still in front of the tavern, blocking the tavern, so not many people come over.

Only a few residents and travelers who lived in the territory before but did not know that the tavern had moved to the restaurant came over to take a look and inquired about the situation.

But these people were just asking. After Lyle and the others answered, these people left without doing anything unnecessary.

The three of Lingsi and the others have already entered the tavern, only Su You stayed outside to listen to Lyle talking about what just happened.

"Thank you, go and do your own things." After knowing that nothing actually happened, Su You let them do their own things, and then she followed into the tavern.

The moment she entered the tavern, Su You felt what a beauty crit was, and it was more than ten times the beauty crit.

This group of elves, men, women, young and old, are glamorous, delicate, handsome, gentle, dignified, indifferent and cold... There are all kinds of styles, it is simply a paradise for dogs.

Only the digital world can gather so many beauties, otherwise, in real life, I am afraid that even a work that Nuwa regards as a treasure will not be found.

Su You is not considered a good-looking dog, but it is also a very good thing to be able to look at beautiful women.

As before, the elf chatted with them in elf language, while Su You sat beside her thinking about her own affairs... For example, what would she propose to the group of elves to buy later?
But she hadn't been alone for a minute, and a little girl who seemed to be about Bugo's age walked by her side.

"I am Sugar Star, the elders and the others want to discuss something, please wait a little longer~" Sugar Star Elf's appearance is consistent with his age, full of cute and playful teenage children, and because of his race, his appearance is direct Pull it up a few points, and it looks very cute.

"It's okay, let's talk, anyway, I have nothing else to do." This sentence is true, because the forest temple has never been found, and she has never taken the initiative to find and trigger the inexplicable locking event. , so in the last few days the territory really has nothing to be busy with.

Every day, she is nothing more than gradually supplementing the buildings in the territory with the materials collected by everyone, or upgrading the original buildings, trying to complete all the buildings that can be built before 25 days, and then use the remaining five days to prepare Supplies needed for double natural disasters.

Tang Xing didn't expect her to be so talkative, so she squinted her eyes and smiled.

She seems to be a chatterbox, obviously of different races, and she has never met before, but she still has the ability to chat with Su You on many topics.

Because it is really cute, and the small movements when speaking are also very vivid, as if acting out what she said in front of Su You, so Su You is still very interested in it.

Sugar Star: "Speaking of which, what happened this time is really worrying. When we found out that sister Aning and His Royal Highness were missing, the entire elf clan was in chaos!"

Sugar Star: "Fortunately, Elder Xingxiang helped find the location of Sister A Ning and the others, so we were able to come back so quickly, but we seem to be a bit late... Fortunately, Sister Su helped to save us, otherwise we might have to go back to the hospital. Gonna miss it."

From 'Master Lord' to 'Sister Su', Sugar Star only took less than 5 minutes, and her social skills are definitely at the level of social cattle.

However, Su You didn't care what she called her, but cared a little about what she called Ruiya.

Your Highness?

Your highness of the elves, could it be... an elf princess? !

This can also explain why Aning called Ruiya Miss before. This is obviously a title with a class relationship. In fact, it shouldn't appear directly in the elves.

Originally, Su You thought that Aning called her that just to hide her identity as an elf, but now it seems that's not the case.

The elves are basically all elves are equal, unlike humans, there are many complicated relationships.

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