The few special ones are the elf queen (or elf king), the elders of the elves, and the next elf king, that is, the elf princess/prince.

But because the elves have a pure and peaceful personality and love peace, even if they are elf kings, ordinary elves will not have an excessive sense of class towards the elf king.

King, Elder, Your Highness, these words are more like a simple address to them, just like the name Aning, the identity represented by these words is only secondary.

Having said that, Su You remembers that in the background time when she played the game, the name of the elf princess was not Ruiya.

But this is not surprising. After all, the game may be the same game, but the timeline may not be the same timeline... But Su You still feels that something is wrong, because some plots match up with the plots of her previous games.

One is the plot of Qin Yao.

As I said about Qin Yao before, Su You met a person with the same name as 'Qin Yao', but when they met, they were enemies, because she was the leader of Su You when he resisted the No. 20 attack of dark creatures. The 'leader' of the dark creature side.

She became a black mage with the ability to summon darkness.

Su You suspects that Doli did not faint at first, but was fainted by someone secretly observing, and the purpose of this person was for Qin Yao.

He discovered that Qin Yao had the talent to become a black magician, so he rescued Qin Yao and took Qin Yao away.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Qin Yao would definitely not be willing to leave. At that time, she had no strength to fight back, and there was Doli beside her. If the other party threatened Doli with her life, even Qin Yao would give her life to save Doli. Judging from the situation, she obviously would not refuse the other party's other requests.

In this way, it can also explain why Qin Yao is willing to become a black magician.

You must know that a black magician is different from an ordinary magician. The conditions for becoming a black magician are extremely harsh. The first and most important thing is that you must be willing and not have a trace of resistance.


The second is the story of the fairy princess.

As mentioned earlier, Su You had good friends with the elves in the file of the former territory, so she naturally knew a lot about the elves, including the fact that the next elves king of the elves lost his title of elves king due to an accident. Eligibility rumors.

It is also because of something wrong with this successor that the current elf king has no choice but to continue to sit in the position of the elf king, but her age has expired and her strength is gradually weakening, so the elves gradually decline in the future.

Su You was able to make good friends with the elves at that time because she got a reward, which could help the elf king maintain his strength for a period of time, so that the elves had time to wait for the birth of the next elf king.

For such an important thing, she chose to give it away for free in order to obtain the spring water of the elves and the fruit of life on the elf tree in order to increase her favorability. become.

Having said so much, the key point is actually quite obvious—is Ruiya the same as the 'successor of the Elven King who had an accident'?
If Su You fails to save Ruiya, what will happen to Ruiya is unknown, but it is definitely not a good thing. In this way, the plot will be connected with the previous one.

Because she rescued Ruiya, although Ruiya was injured, she was not fatal, and she did not fall into the hands of the mastermind behind the scenes, and did not suffer any bad things, so she still has the qualifications to be the successor, and she can still become the Elf King.

With a successor, the current elf king doesn't have to forcibly shoulder the heavy burden. The elves will not decline under the leadership of the new king, and naturally there will be no follow-up events.

This sudden causal relationship made Su You's thinking briefly confused.

She seems to be able to change the original plot - this is the idea that suddenly emerged in Su You's heart.

She suddenly thought of many things, many past regrets... If these can be changed through her actions, then...

Then she felt as if she had missed something...

Sugar Star: "Sister Su, the elder said he wants to chat with you~"

Sugar Star's words brought Su You back to reality, she paused for a few seconds, and then took out two candies from her backpack.

At this stage, the territory is naturally unable to produce candies. This was bought from the caravan. It was originally intended to impress Buguo or other children. Although Sugar Star is an elf, he is also a child of the elves. That's right.

Putting the sugar in front of Tang Xing, Su You stood up: "Then I'll talk to your elders."

She got up to leave, Sugar Star looked at one small blue candy and one green candy, after hesitating for a while, finally put away the green one, and then unwrapped the blue candy wrapping paper.

Um!so sweet!tasty!
Woo... If I knew it was so delicious, I would leave one for Sister Aning and the other for Your Highness.

Annoyed, Tang Xing pressed the tip of her tongue against the candy in her mouth. She pinched the small green candy in her pocket, thinking about the chances of going to that gentle and beautiful Sister Su to ask for a few more... just one.


On the other hand, Su You, who had already left, didn't know what Sugar Star was thinking. If she knew that she could buy an elf with just a few candies, then she would definitely take out all the candies on her body.

Isn't it just sugar!
eat!All for you to eat!You can eat until you vomit!Not enough to buy from the caravan!
She may not have the money to buy other things, but she still has a lot of money to buy candy!
However, she doesn't know how to read minds, so she naturally doesn't know about it.

"My lord, hello, since you already know our identities, I don't need to keep hiding... I am an elder of the elves, named Tongsheng." The person who spoke was a gentle and dignified woman, The tone is soft and soft like water, even if you don't look at the appearance, the voice alone is extraordinarily friendly and affectionate.

"Hi Elder Tongsheng, I am the lord of the sunset territory, Su You." Su You nodded in response.

Lingsi, Sugar Star, Tongsheng, I have to say that the names of the elves are quite different from those of humans, but these names are very pleasant no matter whether you read the sound or read the words.

In contrast, the name Aning is a bit strange, it sounds like a name just for convenience...

Wait, she seems to have always regarded Ruiya and Aning as the real names of the two elves, but what if they are not real names?
Although it is understandable if it is a pseudonym, but because of the previous speculations, Su You is now interested in Ruiya's real name...

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