She knew the name of the previous disqualified successor, so she wanted to know if this elf princess was the one she used to be.

Su You looked at 'Ruiya' who was sitting on the right side of Elder Tongsheng, with deep thought in her eyes.

'Rui Ya' didn't expect Su You to stare at her so directly, but because her gaze was very pure except for a little doubt, she didn't hate it.

Not only did he not hate it, but he even smiled at Su You, and asked, "Why is Lord Su staring at me like this?"

Su You had dealt with the elves so many times before, she knew the likes and dislikes of the elves, and also knew how to communicate with the elves, so she didn't hide her doubts.

"I'm just curious about Ruiya, you and Aning's names." Su You responded with a smile, and then asked her name very naturally, as if it was just a question asked inadvertently.

Hearing Su You's words, Elder Tongsheng and 'Ruiya' paused.

They didn't expect Su You to be so direct. After all, in their past negotiations with humans, human speech has always been nine twists and eighteen bends. In one sentence, they can't wait to plant ten or eight traps waiting for them to jump. go in.

If it weren't for the elves' inconvenient access to certain resources, they had to trade with humans, and they didn't want to negotiate with humans.

In contrast, the elves prefer the goblin race, because goblins only care about money, and they don't engage in those tricks. As long as they have money, there will be no other troubles, and the elves are not short of money.

If they can behave and do things without fighting all the time, then they should like it more.

Having said that, after realizing that Su You already knew that she was using a pseudonym, 'Ruiya' began to think about whether to tell her real name.

But the thinking here didn't take too long, because it was just a name, and it wasn't an ulterior secret. Besides, the other party saved her, but just wanted to know the name of the person he saved. This request was not too much.

"Since you know there is something wrong with this name, you must have guessed something else, right?" 'Rui Ya' put one hand on the table and pointed in the direction of Aning: "A'Ning's full name is Lu Ning. , it’s not a problem to call Aning directly, but my name is Anita.”

Ruiya... No, it should be Anita now. After she introduced herself, she glanced at Elder Tongsheng beside her. Elder Tongsheng seemed to understand something, and then took out a palm-sized piece from her body. brand.

Anita drew a mark on her finger, a drop of emerald green, it couldn't be seen as blood at all, but a liquid like emerald flowed out.

The liquid dripped on the sign and was finally absorbed by the sign without leaving any trace.

After that, she gave the sign to Su You.

This brand seems to be made of wood, but the texture it touches is completely different from wood, and the brand also exudes a faint aroma, which is not strong, but very light, which makes people feel refreshed.

Anita: "This is a gift from me as Ruiya. This is the voice order of the elves. If there is any need for help in the future, you only need to tap it three times. Unless there are special circumstances, I will respond in time."

Even if Anita didn't say anything, Su You knew the usefulness of this, because she had one before, but it wasn't Anita who dripped blood at that time, but an elder, and she also used the hand of that elder, Give something to the elves.

Su You was a little complicated in her heart, but she still accepted the voice transmission order.

Regardless of whether she will use it or not, and whether Anita will respond at that time, this voice order actually has other functions, such as proving her friendly relationship with the elves, and if there is a chance, she You can use this to enter the place where the elves live.

Su You accepted the token, then looked at Anita, waiting for her next words.

She also said that this is just a gift from her as "Riya". She also has another identity as Anita, an elf princess and the next successor to the elf throne.

Anita: "I heard from Lingsi that you want to make a deal with the elves?"

Su You knew that she was speaking as an elf princess at this time, because ordinary elves naturally did not have the right to decide these things.

"Yes, I need something, but I don't need you to give it away, just buy it at the original value." After all, the elves are a special race, and the value of trading with them naturally cannot be compared with ordinary human caravans.

But the value of the things she needs is not high in itself, and she can buy those things with high value later.

Anita nodded: "Okay, what you need will be delivered in five days." Anita didn't even ask Su You what she needed, and directly said that she would send it, which already showed that no matter what Su You wanted What, whether they really pay anything, they will try their best to reach this deal.

But as much as possible does not mean certainty, if she thinks that she can get whatever she wants from the elves by saving two elves, then the elves will not be taken advantage of.

Whether to get more things, but only trade this time and then break the relationship, or maintain a long-term relationship, but any normal person knows how to choose.

Su You: "I need red soil and black soil to upgrade the farmland. I also need all kinds of seeds. I can give you whatever you have in terms of seeds. One pack of each, and..."

While Su You said, Elder Tongsheng wrote it down.

The elves record the text on special materials with their own magic, and do not need to write by hand, so the speed is very fast, and they can easily keep up with Su You's normal speaking speed.

One pack of red soil, black soil, and ordinary seeds of the elves, some trees and wood in the elves, three bottles of white dew, and the planting manual of the elves.

What Su You wanted was basically the above.

"There may be a lot of things you need. I will prepare the money. If you need any other things in exchange, I can also see if there are any."

Hearing Su You said that she wanted these things, Elder Tongsheng gave her a surprised look.

What Su You said was right, she did want a lot of things, but as much as she wanted, they were actually worthless things.

Red soil and black soil, these two are materials for upgrading farmland. In the human world, these two fertile soils can only be found in special places, but for the elves, they have the accumulation of elf trees, so the elves The place where they live is covered with red soil and black soil.

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