Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 220 220 Tracking Curse

For them, these two things are just the loess sand that can be seen everywhere in the human world.

The same is true for seeds, not to mention only one pack of each kind, even if it costs ten packs of each kind, it is not worth a gold coin. After all, what she wants are ordinary seeds, not some special seeds with spirituality.

There are also wood and white dew. The former is the same as the red soil and black soil, and it is everywhere. Although the latter is more difficult to collect, it is not a scarce thing.

If I really want to talk about the most troublesome thing, it is the planting manual of the elves, because there is no such thing as a printer here, and the planting manuals are all 'written' by the elves themselves.

Although it is troublesome, it is not worth mentioning in terms of value.

Elder Tongsheng took a look at Su You, and then put down the things in his hand: "Lord Su, you don't have to be so polite. After all, you saved the princess and Aning, and you are the benefactor of the entire elf clan."

As if he was afraid that Su You would not know Anita's identity, Elder Tongsheng raised his mouth specially.

In the eyes of the elves, as long as Anita can go back safely, even if she pays a lot, it is acceptable. After all, they all know what will happen to the elves who lost their successors.

But in fact, Su You also knew.

"It's not that I don't want some good things... I've heard that the elves have the fruit of life and the flower of rebirth that can revive the dead, and the elf spring can prolong life, but I can't afford it."

It was the first time to see a human being who spoke of himself so righteously, Elder Tongsheng was speechless for a moment.

Even the expression on Anita's face, who was always smiling, was broken, she never expected Su You to answer like this.

"Puff..." Anita couldn't help laughing out, and the original standard smile was a little more realistic, "Then these are the things, if you really want the fruit of life, the flower of rebirth, Suyou, how about you?" There is fairy spring water, as long as you can get something equivalent or money, I will definitely sell it to you at that time."

Although these three things are extremely precious, the elves are not without reserves, they just took out a share in exchange for the safety of the elf princess, not to mention that Anita is here, even if the elf king is here, it must be the eyesight Just blink and respond directly.

What's more, it's not a free gift, but a real equivalent exchange.

What Su You wanted was Anita's words.

Not having money is one thing, and the second is because even if she wants to come with so many good things, but there are no NPCs with corresponding skills, and no other materials with corresponding levels, those treasures are useless.

If so, it might as well not.

Anyway, the elves are not stingy in the first place, so Su You's behavior at this time will definitely be remembered in their hearts.

But... Su You does have a slightly special item that needs to be purchased.

"Speaking of which, although you can't afford Elf Spring water, you can still afford the ordinary spring water around the Elf Spring's eyes."

There are two types of elf spring water, one is the spring water located in the spring eye of the elf spring water, which is the most precious and rare, and the accumulation of thousands of years is only a small spring of talent.

But the spring water around the Elf Spring is different. Those springs were originally ordinary spring water, but because they have been influenced by the aura near the spring, they are also infected with a bit of aura.

It's just that it was formed after all, and it is not as good as the spring water that comes out of the spring, so the effect and value must be greatly reduced.

Anita nodded and said: "If you just want ordinary spring water, then it will be calculated as ten gold bottles, and the upper limit is thousand bottles."

A bottle of ten gold is actually not expensive. After all, ordinary spring water is a blue quality of the panel data, and the actual quality is close to the purple quality, because it has a wide range of functions.

Not only can it be used for cooking and refining medicine, but if you use this common spring water for forging, you can also improve the quality of the forged product.

Of course, the setting sun territory is not yet luxurious enough to use ten gold bottles of spring water for cooking and refining medicine. She wants this spring water for building buildings, such as hot springs, such as baths.

"Then please help me bring twenty bottles first." Twenty bottles are two hundred gold, Su You must not have two hundred gold on her body, and it will even be less than a hundred gold soon, but the other party obviously did not bring spring water with her After all, they are here to save people, not to do business.

They had to go back to pick up the goods, and Su You had enough time to pick up the goods.

Tang Lu and the others left for a few days first, and now they should be on their way. She will come back earlier than the elves. As long as she comes, Su You will be rich.

Su You believed that Tang Lu and the captain of the caravan behind her would not refuse such a bargain as long as they were smart people.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Tang Lu rejected the deal, at worst, Su You would take back the two hundred gold coins that she gave to the caravan to buy herbs... After all, it is impossible for her to be short of money to buy spring water.

"That's twenty bottles." Anita actually didn't care how many bottles Su You ordered. Anyway, the elves have a lot of ordinary spring water. If it wasn't for Su You who wanted to spend money to buy it, she would just give away dozens of bottles. A hundred bottles is not a problem at all.

But she could also understand Su You's purpose and meaning, so she didn't say these words.

Now that the deal is over, the next step is to deal with Anita's kidnapping.

Elder Tongsheng: "Are those people still alive?"

The people Elder Tongsheng mentioned here are naturally those who kidnapped Anita and Aning.

"All of them are alive, and you can take them away when the time comes. Apart from them, you will also keep the letters and other items that contacted the person behind the scenes." Su You took out the letter that Anita had read before, and handed it to Anita. Give it to Elder Tongsheng.

It's just that Elder Tongsheng didn't pay attention to the words on the letter. She didn't know what she did when she got the letter. In short, Su You saw a wisp of black smoke floating above the letter.

"Elder?" Anita looked at her with doubts.

Although Anita's injuries have been fully healed thanks to the powerful recovery ability of Vivienne and the elves, the damage caused by the unknown bell lock is still there, and she is still an ordinary person now , unable to use any abilities, and unable to see certain other things.

She and Aning must go back to the elves, go to other elders of the elves or find the elf king to check the condition of the body, and then make corresponding treatment.

Facing Anita's inquiry, Elder Tongsheng's expression became a little serious.

"This is a tracking spell, but it's just a low-level spell, nothing more."

Spells are not magic. They are not moves that magicians would use. Only wizards can use spells.

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