However, the number of wizards is rare these days, and most of the spells of wizards are shady means, so even if someone is a wizard, they will not be proud of their special status like ordinary magicians, and show off in the market.

"It shouldn't be that simple, right?" Su You looked at Elder Tongsheng and felt that things were not as easy as she said.

If it was just a simple spell like the Tracking Curse, Elder Tongsheng would not have shown such an expression, so she must have discovered something else.

Elder Tongsheng originally thought that if Su You didn't ask, she wouldn't tell, but since Su You asked, it wasn't a secret, so she told her discovery.

"Lord Su's reaction is really quick. That's right, apart from the tracking spell, there are traces of black magic on it."

Black magic... Is there a black magician involved in this matter?
Or, the man behind the scenes is a black magician?
Or, was this letter tampered with by a black magician?
There are many possibilities, and all of them are reasonable, but after all, it is only speculation, and the truth is ultimately unknown.

"Besides this letter, I have a bell here." Su You only said that there was a bell, but she didn't take out the bell.

It's not that she doesn't want to take it, but that she can't.

Anita understood what Su You meant, and then explained the matter of Bell to Elder Tongsheng.

Anita is the victim restrained by the bell, so it is most appropriate for her to tell the power of the bell. Even if Su You knows that the bell has affected her and Aning, she has never experienced it personally and cannot empathize with it.

Elder Tongsheng: "What kind of bell is this?"

Anita has never really seen the appearance of the bell. After all, as long as the bell is around, she will feel uncomfortable all over, and the same is true for Aning, so they naturally have no way to concentrate on seeing the appearance of the bell.

"It's hard for me to describe this. It's best to show it to the elder to see for yourself." Su You's intention was to keep Anita away for a while.

Before the elves came over, Su You and Anita had tried several times. Whenever the bell was within a certain range of her, she and Aning would feel uncomfortable, but as long as they left a certain range, they would feel uncomfortable. It won't be uncomfortable.

"Elder, I'll go over there first and talk to them about the situation in the clan in the past few days." Although Anita also wanted to see what the bell looked like, she knew she couldn't do it, so she didn't force it.

The only thing she is worried about now is whether this bell only affects her and Aning, or whether it affects the entire elves of the elves.

If it's the former, it's okay, if it's the latter, then they need to think about how to bring this thing back to the elves.

It is impossible for them to put something that can threaten the elves in the hands of a human with complete confidence, even if the human seems to be friendly at the moment.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention to the elder's situation." Su You's words undoubtedly reassured Anita a lot. She glanced at the elder, nodded slightly, and then left the area where the bell would affect her.

When Su You took out the bell, he reminded, Elder Tongsheng seemed to have made some preparations, and when the bell was taken out, Elder Tongsheng's expression changed.

"Could this be... the forbidden bell?" Elder Tongsheng's expression and behavior at this time all revealed surprise.

Not only was she shocked, Su You was also quite shocked, because she knew what the Forbidden Bell was, and also knew that it was almost impossible for the Forbidden Bell to appear here.

Forbidden lock bell, this is the treasure of the giant clan, and it is also one of the few ancient artifacts that are still intact in the world.

Su You flipped through her memory to confirm that she did not remember the information wrongly.

Every race always has some town treasures, such as the elf tree of the elves, which is the lifeblood of the elves; for example, the ancient cheats of the goblins, which are their proud capital; It's their trump card for suppressing the clan...

The function of the locked bell is to drip blood into the bell, and the owner of the blood will be affected by the bell, unable to use his special ability, and his body will become very weak, just like Anita.

Of course, this is only one of the functions, and it has other functions, but this is not important for the time being.

Elder Tongsheng looked at the bell over and over again, and finally came to an accurate conclusion, and at the same time answered Su You's doubts——

"No, this is not the one from the giant race, this is the engraved forbidden bell." After saying this, Elder Tongsheng was obviously relieved.

Forging, in fact, is the same as the rubbing skill book. It is a method to recreate an item with the same effect when the materials are sufficient.

But the higher the item level, the more demanding the engraving requirements, and the more and rarer the materials needed.

Things like the lock bell, which can seal the ability of an elf princess, are already gold-quality items, and it is not easy to reproduce them successfully, so the effect of replicating them is naturally greatly reduced.

For example, although Anita and Aning have been sealed, as long as they return to the elves, the elders of the elves and the current elf king can still remove this effect, but it will take some time.

But if it is not a re-enacted pirated bell, but a real giant artifact, then even the elf king, or even the leader of the giant clan will have difficulty disabling it, and the user must disarm it himself.

As the saying goes, 'to untie the bell, one must tie the bell'.

Although we all know that the forbidden lock bell is almost impossible to appear here, it is impossible for the giants to let others steal their town's treasure, and they have not found it for such a long time.

Anyone who knows the function of the forbidden lock bell is unlikely to be stupid enough to take out the ancient artifact just to catch the princess of the elf clan... Why would you catch the elf princess if you have this thing?
If you have the ability to steal the forbidden lock bell from the giants, then go directly to the Elf King!
That's the way it is said, but it's not the real thing, it still makes Elder Tongsheng breathe a sigh of relief, and Su You also breathes a sigh of relief...

She finally changed the plot, but she didn't want to go back again. You must know that the decline of the elves had a great impact on the Sunset Continent.

"It's fine if it's not true." Su You's words came from the heart, because she knew the story of the decline of the elves, so she didn't want the elves to decline, not to mention that she was really friendly with the elves, and she was very friendly to the elves. Naturally, there is a natural affection.

The elves are sensitive to the emotions of others, and the elder Tongsheng can tell whether Su You is sincere. She was very grateful to Su You for saving Anita and Aning, but seeing her so sincere now, she felt even more fond of her.

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