Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 222 222 The Friendship of the Elves

As a result, on a certain data panel that Su You could not see, one of the favorability values ​​rose rapidly at a 'shuashuashua'.

Elder Tongsheng: "Although it is a reprint, the impact of not removing it for a long time is not small. We need to take the princess and Aning back immediately."

What she said was true, but Su You had another reason because they wanted to use the locked bell to follow the clues to find it, and then find out the person behind the scenes.

This locking bell looks powerful, but everything is balanced. Although the bell can seal the ability, it also needs to pay a huge price.

First of all, the strength of the person using the bell cannot be lower than that of the user, and at worst must be equal.

At the same time, during the use of the bell, the user's strength will be greatly reduced. If the seal is lifted, the person using the bell will be doubled according to the strength of the sealed object.

As long as there is a backlash, the elves of the elves will naturally have enough skills to find each other through certain means.

For Su You to evaluate the locking bell, it is actually a thing that can hurt the enemy by [-] and hurt yourself by [-], but it can still play a good role in some special cases.

For example, in the case of Anita, the people behind the scenes used ordinary people to kidnap elves, which not only avoided the risk of being discovered, but also avoided their own weakness.

If it weren't for Su You's meddling, something would happen to Anita, and the plot line would return to the previous path. The past facts have also proved that this method is indeed feasible.

"Since it is the forbidden lock bell, then I will give this thing to the elder." The forbidden lock bell can only affect the sealed object, and other people cannot be affected, so Elder Tongsheng and other elves afterward will not be affected. Forbidden to lock the bell's damage, Su You can also hand over the things with confidence.

She hadn't thought about leaving the lock bell at all. On the one hand, she couldn't keep it, and on the other hand, the replica of the lock bell could only be used once, and it would be automatically destroyed once it was released.

The only thing that can be used unlimited times is the original Forbidden Bell of the Giants, so unless she wants to control the elf princess, it is useless to keep it. This replica of the Forbidden Bell can no longer harm other people.

"Then thank you Lord Su." Although such an important thing is only a replica, they still need to use it to lift the seal on Anita and Aning. Even if Su You doesn't say anything, Elder Tongsheng will take the initiative Offer to exchange something for the bell.

Since Su You took the initiative to send the bell without asking for any reward, Elder Tongsheng was naturally very grateful.

Elder Tongsheng: "When I return from this trip, I will definitely tell the king about Lord Su's kindness, and the elves will become friendly friends in the sunset territory."

[Congratulations to the Sunset Territory for obtaining the 'Friendship of the Elves', the social system of the Territory has officially opened. 】



On the 17th day of digitization, the Sunset Territory to which Suyou belongs officially reached the first territorial friendly social interaction with other races, and the other side of the friendly social interaction is the elves.

After socializing, these elves left the territory as quickly as if they had never been here before, but before leaving, Anita and Aning even came to find Suyou.

She thanked her first, and then gave her a book, and the name of this book was: "Elf Bow and Arrow Skills".

This book is not a skill book, but a book that can increase the corresponding attributes after reading. It belongs to the book that can be placed in the library for unlimited viewing.

The "Handbook of Elves Planting" that Suyou needed before also belongs to this kind of book, but the price of bow and arrow skills will be more expensive, and it is not something that ordinary elves can write, so Suyou didn't buy it, unexpectedly Anita gave it to her directly.

When she was talking with the elder just now, Anita was 'writing hard' over there, and now that she thinks about it, she knows who wrote this manual.

The things that come in vain are naturally good, because there is no library yet, and there is only one outstanding archer in the territory, so this book was naturally sent to Duo Ya by Su You.

The elves were sent away, and the territory returned to peace... This is obviously impossible.

Not long after the elves left, Su You saw crowds of onlookers appearing in the trading area.

Su You was originally not interested in these commotions, but she saw a person——An Jie.

It was the human mechanic she recruited, who was also the 'culprit' who caused crowds in the trading area.

She was only two steps closer when she heard other people discussing An Jie on the road, to be precise, they were discussing the things on An Jie's stall——

"What are they selling over there? Why are there so many people?"

"I don't know the specifics. I heard from others that they seem to be selling some handmade gadgets."

"Huh? Are there so many people who are raring about handmade gadgets these days? Then it's okay for me, my hands are flexible when I'm young, and I can make any gadgets."


Listening to the conversations of others, Su You said silently in her heart: No, you are different, can a gadget made by a mechanic be called a gadget?

But they didn't seem to know what An Jie was selling, so it was normal to dismiss it.

But Su You knew, so she was also very curious about what An Jie was selling that attracted so many people's attention.

Because there were too many people, Su You knew that she couldn't squeeze in, so she found a place with higher ground and looked down at the crowd - she saw six or seven dark things in front of An Jie, and two of them seemed to be moving. , and the others were silent, without any movement.

Su You knew that even if she saw something, she might not understand its usefulness, so she hadn't planned to observe what An Jie was selling with the naked eye since the beginning.

Isn't it stupid to have skills without using them?
After throwing out several detection skills in a row, Su You got the detailed information of these gadgets——

【Inferior · Music Spirit】

Category: Props

Quality: white
Durability: 98/100
Introduction: A toy that can be powered by twisting the spring to make the mechanical box emit music. Because the workmanship is too poor, the music is not beautiful.

[Inferior Small Mechanical Puppet]

Category: Props

quality: green
Durability: 256/300
Introduction: A small mechanical puppet that can automatically perform a series of activities, such as attacking, defending, building, manufacturing... none of these, its only function is to transport a small amount of items through a small space, and because the workmanship is too Poor quality, there is a possibility of paralysis at any time.

【Inferior · Time Bomb】

Category: Weapons

Quality: white
Introduction: An ordinary bomb that cannot be timed, with medium power. It is used by pulling out the lead wire directly. After pulling out, the bomb will explode at an unknown time...Of course, if there is no explosion for a long time, there are two possibilities, one possibility It's not time to explode, another possibility is that it's broken.

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