【Mechanical Axe】

Category: Tools

quality: green
Durability: 87/100
Introduction: The mechanical axe has the same chopping effect as the stone axe, but because of some special internal structures, it can reduce the physical consumption of the user to a certain extent.


Su You: ...

She apologized for what she just said.

The gadgets made by this mechanic are really just gadgets...it's not even as good as some small toys, at least their toys won't kill him.

Among this pile of things, the most useful thing is just an axe, and it is also an axe with the same effect as a stone axe. This can be said to be of no use to the sunset territory that has entered the iron age.

Su You has now started to think about whether recruiting An Jie was the right decision... Of course, Su You will not regret it, because it is useless to regret, and the tavern will not allow 'return'.

However, these things are useless from Su You's point of view, but to other people, they are quite rare things.

A music box that plays music!

Although it doesn't sound good...

A mechanical ax that will make your reading easier!

Although there are better axes than this...

An indeterminate time bomb that can explode!

Although there is a possibility of self-explosion...

A mechanical puppet that can transport things!
Although paralyzed at any time...

But none of that matters!Just look at it and have fun!

I don't know if it's really fun, or An Jie's price is extremely low, so these little trash... Under Su You's surprised gaze, they were all sold out in less than 10 minutes.

Su You: Brother, being a mechanic has wronged you.

With the ability to sell garbage... oh no, with the ability to sell low-quality products, Su You thinks that An Jie should be suitable for communicating with Bu Guo for a while.

After An Jie sold everything, he counted the money he received in distress, and then calculated the stall fee he still needs to pay for setting up a stall in this territory...

"Ah... I shouldn't have sold it at this price, the money is not enough for me to recycle half of those materials!"

An Jie has always known that being a mechanic is a money-burning thing, but because of his love, he would rather be beaten by his parents than play with these things when he was a child. Splurge.

It's just that the loss this time means that he has to find a new place to work, and then work part-time, save money, and buy materials...


Hearing the movement from his stomach, An Jie sighed. He put away the few silver coins he had earned before, and then took out a copper coin—this was the only change he had.

What can a copper coin buy?
At least certainly can not fill the stomach.

After all, even the multigrain pancakes purchased by the caravan led by Captain Yun cost at least two copper coins per pancake.

And one pancake is not enough to eat, the normal food intake of an adult is at least two pancakes, and even three or five pancakes for those with a large appetite!

An Jie thinks that he is not a person who picks and searches, but because his hobbies are too expensive, he has also changed from an optimistic and cheerful boy to a person who is not only buying materials, but also in other aspects. A dimeless iron cock.

"Forget it, let's eat first." An Jie gritted his teeth, took the copper coin back, then took out a silver coin, and then went to the restaurant that he had seen as soon as he entered the territory.

Because he needed to save money to buy materials, An Jie didn't plan to spend more money on other things, so he bought the most economical rice. A large bowl only cost three copper coins, which was enough to fill him up, and it was one copper coin cheaper than eating pancakes.

The rice was soft and fragrant, and An Jie was hungry, so the rice was cooked quickly. The only uncomfortable thing was that in order to save money, he didn't buy vegetables, he only bought rice.

It was okay to be very hungry at first, but when the stomach was half full and not so hungry, An Jie couldn't eat anymore.

But after all, it was bought with money, and you have to finish it while crying.

Where An Jie didn't pay attention, Su You looked at the little mechanic who was living such a miserable life, and fell into deep thought.

She just wanted to observe An Jie first and see how to attract him to join the territory, but she didn't expect to see such a scene.

Because of the distance, Su You didn't hear An Jie talking to himself, and naturally she didn't know that An Jie was so frugal to save money to buy materials, so she was very concerned about An Jie's huge sum of money, which obviously had several silver coins on him. , In the end, he was unwilling to buy even the cheapest one, which can buy a small dish of potato shreds with only two copper coins, expressing his doubts.

How much does it cost to buy materials?

He is a mechanic. Although he is a mechanic with low talent, as long as he can meet the standard of primary skills, how can he be short of money?
An Jie had already left over there, Su You suppressed the doubts in her heart, and followed in a fair manner.

Youai, who accidentally saw this scene, was a little dazed. He didn't understand why the lord wanted to follow a person, but he also winked and didn't go up to disturb, so as not to destroy Su You's 'plan'.

That is to say, Su You didn't know what Youai was thinking in his heart, otherwise he would definitely correct him—how could the lord's recruitment of people be called stalking!

This is called observation!This is called research!This is called doing what you like!

After Su You left the tavern, she saw An Jie wandering aimlessly in the territory, and then walked into the blacksmith shop.

"Is it to buy materials?" Most of the raw materials for a series of machines made by mechanics are various stones and ores, and some other materials are only used in a few cases.

And the smithy may be short of everything, except for ore.

Su You saw that An Jie seemed to be chatting with Cang Lan, and then left disappointed.

After confirming that An Jie was going to stay at the post station instead of leaving the territory directly after An Jie left, Su You returned to the blacksmith shop.

"Canglan, come here later, I want to ask a question." Su You walked into the blacksmith's shop and saw that although there were not many people in the shop, there were still three or two sporadic people, so she didn't communicate with Canglan immediately, but He walked into the backyard and asked Cang Lan to find her in the backyard later.

Cang Lan: "Okay."

A few minutes later, Cang Lan took the last guest's money and went to the backyard.

"My lord, what do you want to ask?"

Su You briefly described An Jie's appearance, and then asked, "What did he just tell you? He looks disappointed."

Because it happened ten minutes ago, Cang Lan was deeply impressed, and answered directly without thinking too much.

"He seemed to come to buy parts, but I didn't make parts here, so he left."

Thanks for the unknown reward*1

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