Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 225 225 Time-limited task refresh

Having said that, An Jie was inexplicably sad again, as if he felt uncomfortable because his talent was too low.

If it wasn't for his low talent, it wouldn't have taught him how to make parts by himself.

" the process of learning, all my parts are made of it."

Oh, so he definitely didn't teach it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do it now.

Hearing An Jie added the second half of the sentence, Su You laughed inwardly. Based on her understanding of goblins, she felt as if she understood something.

Her face was calm, and she continued to ask in a very natural tone: "Is it a free part for you?"

An Jie seemed a little puzzled when he heard Su You's words, as if he couldn't understand why she asked such a question.

"No, I paid for it. It said that it was willing to teach me for free, which is a big loss, so all the parts have to be paid for." An Jie thinks what the goblin said makes sense, after all, mechanics The craft is indeed seldom taught, and it is indeed profitable to be able to learn it for free.

Su You: "..." Ah...she knew it would be like this.

The character of the goblin who wants money to death is simply amazing!Even the money of the savior was cheated!

The problem is that because Su You knows the temper of goblins well, she still thinks it's not surprising that they would do such a thing, and she even expected it.

No wonder An Jie is so poor, he doesn't know how to make parts, so he has to find someone else to customize parts, isn't that just poor?
Even with the unskilled, one ore ingot can make a common part.

After proficiency, one ore ingot can make two or even three ordinary parts. If the talent is high, you can even use leftovers to make other small parts.

A copper ore is [-] copper coins, even if it is made one-to-one, a copper part is only [-] copper coins.

But outside, a copper part can be sold for at least the price of two copper ores or even three or four copper ores... and the parts are made of copper and iron, and the price has to be several times higher... …

It is amazing that An Jie can support himself while also taking care of his studies as a mechanic!
As for 'making parts is too difficult', these are just excuses for the goblin not wanting An Jie to learn how to make parts.

He can make mechanical products, but can he still make parts?
When will the processing of semi-finished materials be more difficult than the processing of fine finished products?
Su You knew the truth. Since An Jie had just arrived, her loyalty was high but her favorability was not high. She couldn't tell An Jie right now that the goblin she saved was cheating on him, otherwise he would think she was trying to sow discord. .

In the end, Su You could only say that he would no longer have to spend so much money on parts, because she could teach him how to make parts.

"This is the production manual for the basic parts. Read it first, and ask Cang Lan if you don't know it." Although Su You can also teach, she doesn't have that much time.

And Cang Lan has a talent for blacksmithing, learning forging blueprints will be much faster, and parts are general-purpose blueprints, so it's not bad for her to be a teacher.

For An Jie, mechanics is something he loves, just like cooking is for Maker, a senior magician can stay for a skill book, and An Jie will naturally have enough skills for him to use. materials remain.

"Thank you Lord Lord!" An Jie was very happy, his eyes sparkled with excitement, he took the parts drawing book Su You gave him, and then bowed to Su You.

Su You: don't have to be so excited.

Facing such a sincere child, Su You felt a little uneasy... no wonder!
That goblin doesn't even have any qualms. She provides housing and jobs, and she also teaches how to make parts. Why should she have any qualms?

"Study hard. When the time comes, the finished products you make will be sold in the blacksmith's shop for the time being. I will pay you for the materials." Although there are shops that can be operated by mechanics, An Jie's current His strength is too poor, he doesn't even know how to make the most basic parts, he can't support the lintel of a store.

It just so happens that the blacksmith shop has a lot of space at present, so he can go to enrich the products in the blacksmith shop. The things made by the mechanic are also made of ore, so they are also suitable for sale in the blacksmith shop.

An Jie: "Okay! Don't worry, my lord! I will definitely work hard!"

Successfully brainwashed again... Su You has recruited a person who is devoted to the territory, and Su You shows a satisfied smile.

She first took An Jie downstairs to check out the room, and then took him to the residential room 4 arranged for him.

Residential house 4 was originally used as a warehouse, but now that there are sufficient supplies, several warehouses have been built and upgraded. For convenience, Su You emptied the boxes here and put the furniture back. This place can still be used as a warehouse. Residential houses are used for living.

At present, several residents in the territory have already saved up the money to buy a house, so the first floor is already full. An Jie lives on the second floor of the residential house, and another room on the second floor is also inhabited. .

Originally, Su You wanted to say something more, such as asking him in detail what he will do now, and then see if there is anything that can help the development of the territory, but she just sent An Jie to the door and received it. a message--

[The time-limited task has been refreshed, please check and complete the task in time. 】

Compared with what she wanted to say, the time-limited task was obviously more important, so Su You didn't plan to stay here any longer.

"This house already belongs to you. You should settle here first and learn how to make parts. If you don't know anything, you can go to the owner of the blacksmith shop. Her name is Cang Lan. I will tell her about you." Su You After explaining, leave some ore for him to practice, and then headed towards the reward list.

And An Jie simply cleaned up the room as Su You had explained, and then took out the blueprints and ores Su You gave, as well as his own production tools, and began to tinker without sleeping and eating.

In the past, he didn't have the conditions to work hard, but now that he has the conditions, whether it's for his love or to repay the lord, he must work harder.

So much's all money!
He can't live up to the Lord Lord's trust in him!


On the other side, Su You, who had already arrived in front of the reward list, saw the three newly refreshed time-limited missions at a glance.

【Prosperity II】(Completed)
Publisher: Unknown
Mission objective: Increase the prosperity of the territory to 500 (503/500)

Mission rewards: random card chest*1, territory reputation, money
Task limit: time limit 120 hours (remaining time: 119 hours 52 minutes 45 seconds)
Failure penalty: territory prosperity -100

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