【Resist Natural Disasters】(Accepted)
Publisher: Unknown
Mission objective: successfully survive the first natural disaster, and obtain a grade B or above evaluation in the settlement of natural disasters.

Task rewards: Territory reputation (fixed reward), money (fixed reward), ? ? (rewarded according to natural disaster settlement evaluation)

Mission Restrictions: None
Failure penalty: according to the settlement evaluation, a certain territory value and potential value will be deducted
【Development Territory II】(Accepted)
Publisher: Unknown
Mission objectives: develop the territorial economy, build shops, make the number of shops in the territory reach 9 (20/5), and the total number of profitable shops reach 10 ([-]/[-])

Mission rewards: territory prestige, money,? ? (Random rewards will be obtained according to the time of submitting the task)
Task limit: Complete and submit before 29:23:59 on the 59th day

Failure penalty: the territory gets negative aura*1, and the potential value decreases


Although this is only the second time to receive a time-limited mission, because of the previous comparison, Su You also tried to summarize the rules.

1. There are currently three time-limited tasks, among which [Prosperity] and [Territory Development] are serial tasks, and the third task is the main task (so far it seems so)
2. The first task is not difficult, and there is a high probability that the rewards are sent for nothing on purpose; the second task is related to a major event in the territory (main line), the first is the attack of dark creatures, and the second is natural disasters. The mainline events driven by time cannot be changed; the third task focuses on the development of the territory itself, which is more difficult than the first task, but as long as the territory is carefully managed, it can basically be completed.

3. Forcibly delaying time-limited tasks is not advisable!

After all, it was only the second time to refresh the time-limited task, so Su You didn't find much.

The first two points are easy to understand. Regarding the third point, the reason for saying this is because the mission limit of [Development Territory II] this time is not a countdown, but a specific number of days.

If she had been procrastinating before handing in the task, and waited until 30 days before handing in the task, Su You seriously doubted that the task of [Developing the Territory II] would directly fail.

Because the time of this task is not a coincidence, but it is stuck exactly one second before the natural disaster, which shows that this time point is meaningful, and the system will most likely not change the time because you procrastinate.

Su You always felt that this setting had a high probability of trapping many people, unless they never handed in time-limited missions in their entire lives, and did not refresh the next batch of time-limited missions. In addition, the system did not want to punish those who did not hand in missions maliciously.

Still the same sentence, on the first day of the digital world, the execution system said 'can't be passive', and forcibly delaying the time-limited tasks can be regarded as being clever or negative.

"So... why on earth..." Su You couldn't think of the answer to the question she was thinking, she scratched her hair in a rare irritability, and then submitted the first task.

Now that everyone knows that it is not good to procrastinate on time-limited missions, and the development of the territory is on the right track, Su You is not going to procrastinate any longer.

It just so happened that she was also quite envious of that card box, and enjoy the recruitment card, bounty card and so on as soon as possible... If it is a building card, then just pretend that she didn't say anything.

Unless you can get the building cards of those legendary buildings!

[Would you like to submit the task 'Prosperity II'? 】

[Congratulations on completing the mission 'Prosperity', system rewards: random card treasure chest*1, territory reputation +10, gold coins*10]

Five minutes later, Dolly fell into deep thought as she looked at the lord who appeared at the door of the shop again holding a box.



"Not bad..."

Ignoring the process, Su You successfully got two cards, one is the building card of the 'stable', and the other is the familiar reward card.

The reward card was used directly by Su You the moment she got it. The content of the reward was basically the same as last time, and it was also for recruiting people, especially those with skills.

In addition, there is an additional advertisement this time, the content is very simple, it is nothing more than saying that the Sunset Territory provides a large number of shops for rent, and the first five rented shops will give certain discounts.

Because of the halo and the three time-limited missions that have been completed, the current prestige value of the territory has reached the [-]s, and it will soon break through [-], so even if there is no halo bonus this time, the effect of the reward card is no better than The previous visit was bad and could have been even better.

As for the building card for the stables, Su You also used them directly. The stables were built behind the inn, which was convenient for the people staying there.

After finishing these, Su You began to study how to complete the third task.

The task of 'Developing the Territory II' is actually divided into two parts. One requires [-] shops, and the other requires [-] of them to be profitable.

The former one is easy to complete. With the current reserve of materials in the territory, Su You can build dozens of shops in minutes.

But she didn't need to do this, because no one could support the business of these shops, and building them would be a waste of materials, and it would also lower the average prosperity level of the territory.

According to the progress of the task, she currently has nine shops, including the stables, a total of ten, and five of them are in a state of profit, which means that she needs to build ten more shops and make five of them profitable.

First of all, the expenditure of the store is mainly divided into three parts, one is the maintenance fee (a certain amount of the store is deducted every day as the maintenance fee to support the operation of the store, and the store does not deduct money), the other is the salary of the employees, and the last one is The cost of commodity raw materials.

Income is very simple. At present, it can only be obtained by selling goods, and there will be other income in the later period, but it is not within the scope of current consideration.

Currently there are ten operable shops: Post Station 1, Post Station 2, Tailor Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Artisan Shop, Medical Hall, Restaurant, Tavern, Training Ground, and Stables.

The five profitable shops are: Station 1, Station 2, tailor shop, blacksmith shop, and restaurant.

It is a pity for Su You that the skill hall is a purely functional building, it is not considered a shop, otherwise it must be profitable after selling so many skill books.

Although it is not difficult to gather ten profitable shops, one more can complete the task earlier. You must know that the reward of this task is closely related to the time of submitting the task.

But at the same time, Su You is glad that the same building can be counted repeatedly, which means that if she really can't complete the task in the normal way, she can also complete it in other ways.

For example, building a bank.

The Qianzhuang is a special building, and the money in the Qianzhuang must be profitable before paying interest.

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