Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 227 Chapter 227 Pastry Chef

If she directly builds five banks, and then temporarily promises high interest to tempt others to deposit money, because the time limit has not yet expired, the banks are in a profitable state when depositing money, and after the task is completed, the interest will be paid, and then the bank will be demolished. It is equivalent to spending money to complete the task.

However, if possible, Su You doesn't really want to do this, because it is a waste of money and materials, and she always feels that it is not appropriate to take advantage of loopholes to complete the task, so this method can only be used as the last option.

Su You took this method as the last hole card, and then began to think about how to complete the task in a normal way.

Start with an existing, but unprofitable building.

One is the craftsman's shop. She has to recruit craftsmen, or directly let Lyle be the boss temporarily. In this way, there are people who run the shop and products that can be sold. With the current flow of people in the territory, it should not be difficult to maintain a small amount of profit.

The second is the tavern, but the premise is that she has to recruit a winemaker.

As long as there is a winemaker, the territory has sufficient materials, and she also has sufficient wine-making recipes, there is no need to worry about not being able to make wine or making money.

The third is the training ground. The way to make money in the training ground is nothing more than opening it to the outside world, and then charging a certain usage fee and maintenance fee for the venue. This is relatively simple. Just send someone to collect money. It is the same as collecting money at a post station, without any technical content. .

However, the space of the first-level training ground is limited. If it is opened to the outside world, people in the territory will not be able to use it, and there is no need to build two training ground buildings, so Su You is going to not open it for now, and use other shops to complete the task. Mainly.

The fourth is the stables, which are the same as the training ground and the station. There is no technical content. You can hire a few people to help take care of the guest's horses, replenish feed and water, and then charge some fees.

It's a pity that Suyou doesn't have adult horses that can be bred, otherwise she can make money by selling horses.

The only medical center not mentioned was of a special nature, and Vivian's salary was not low, so Su You didn't expect the medical center to be profitable.

Unless there are some accidents in the territory, many people are injured and many people get sick, so the medical center can make a lot of money... But compared to letting people in the territory get injured and sick, Su You would rather exclude the medical center from the ten profitable shops.

After analyzing the existing buildings, Su You began to look at other shops in the building list.

When she saw the pet shop, she stopped because she thought of a very suitable person to be the owner of the pet shop, and that was Lilith.

She is an animal trainer, and she also possesses friendly qualities, no one is more suitable to be the boss than her.

Su You marked the pet shop, and then began to look for other suitable buildings.

After a while……

Su You lowered her head to check the notes she had made—these were the people she needed to recruit in the next few days, as well as the buildings that had to be built.

For example, for a pet shop, she can ask Lilith about her intentions at that time. As long as she is willing, she can open the shop immediately. The time to build a pet shop is the same as most shops, but it only takes five hours.

Although she hasn't asked yet, Su You has seen Lilith's current favorability and loyalty, and knows that this matter is basically inseparable.

As for the pets in the pet shop, it is not difficult to get them. Let Doya catch some cute little rabbits, squirrels, fluffy pigs, golden squirrels (similar to hamsters but not hamsters), or ask the caravan if there are any cubs for sale. , the 'goods' in the pet shop are done.

Then there's Angie's Mechanical Shop.

Given An Jie's love for machinery, if he could open a shop, he would definitely agree without hesitation.

Although Su You planned to let him go to the blacksmith shop for a while at first, but now that the shop needs to be profitable, Su You still plans to get him out and open a shop alone.

However, before that, he had to learn how to make parts, otherwise, without raw materials, the machinery shop would inevitably lose money.

In addition to these two stores, Su You is also planning to set up some stores like post stations, which don't require technical skills, and only need someone to look after them to make money, such as hot springs, bathing pools, banks, laundry shops and so on.

The first two need to wait for the elves to send spring water. Although ordinary water can also be used to build hot springs and baths, the effect is far inferior to special spring water... Besides, there are sufficient materials for other buildings.

In this way, there are more than ten profitable stores, but the problem is still lack of people.

Su You looked at the building with less than half a page written on it, then looked at the recruitment information that had been written on nearly two blank pages, and sighed silently.

But thinking of the reward card that had already been used, Su You quickly cheered up again.



"Captain, guess what I saw in the mission hall today?" A young woman approached the woman she called the captain with a mysterious expression on her face.

And this captain is the captain of the first caravan to reach the sunset territory, Yunli.

"Aru, you...! If you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't keep it up." Yun Li poked her on the head, telling her to stop talking nonsense.

"Okay, let's just say it... I saw the reward offered by Lord Su again today!" Aru briefly explained the content of the reward, and when he mentioned the discounts on renting shops on top of the reward, Aru said in a tone Reveal the emotion called heartbeat.

Yunli and Aru are Qingmei and Qingmei who have played together since they were young. She has known her for more than ten years, so she naturally knows her dream.

Aru's grandmother used to work as a handyman in a dessert shop.

In the process of working, my grandmother was interested in pastry pastry, so she paid money to be a teacher. Although the pastry chef in the shop cannot accept apprentices due to regulations, the other party is still trustworthy after receiving the money, and taught my grandmother a lot.

Later, the owner of the store was greedy to make more money, so he cut corners on the materials, and even used cheap and low-quality materials to save costs. Everyone couldn't stop them, so they had to follow suit. Unexpectedly, they were discovered in the end.

After being discovered, the reputation of the dessert shop was discredited, and then closed down. The pastry chef who received the money was not bad, and before leaving, he gave a pamphlet related to pastry to his grandmother.

When the store was gone, my grandmother returned home with money and pastry booklets, and helped the family with the business while teaching herself with the pastry booklets until she got married and gave birth to Aru's mother.

The grandmother wants to pass on pasta, but the mother does not have the talent in this area, but the granddaughter has the talent, and it happens that Aru also likes to make these, so she has been learning from her grandmother since she was a child.

So far, Aru is already a junior pastry chef.

Sunset Continental has a relatively broad definition of pastry chefs. It can be summed up in one sentence as 'all foods related to flour belong to pastry pastry'.

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