This includes but is not limited to bread, cakes, steamed buns, steamed buns and so on.

With this skill, Aru naturally wanted to open a shop. This is not only her own dream, but also the dream of her grandmother.

However, the price of goods in the city where she lives is not high but not low either. She can't even pay for renting a shop, so she has to run a business with Yunli for the time being, and wants to save money slowly, and then talk about things later.

"You want to open a shop in the sunset territory?" Yunli saw through Aru's thoughts at a glance.

The person in front of her was her closest friend, Aru naturally didn't hide it, she nodded without hesitation, and asked Yunli's opinion in a low voice.

"Captain, Sister Yun~ You know that I have liked this since I was a child, and now I finally have this opportunity..." The prices in the big territory are high, the rent is high, and the competitiveness is strong. No one wants to apply for a pastry shop, let alone open a shop by yourself.

So if she wants to open a shop and continue to operate smoothly, it is best to go to a smaller territory and let her shop and territory develop together.

But the risk of the small territory is too great, they have seen too many small territories that died halfway, so even if Aru wants to realize his dream, he dare not act without authorization, for fear that he and the territory will be submerged in the darkness.

Her parents also knew her wish, they didn't want to stop her, but they didn't feel at ease, and they were busy outside all the time, so they didn't have time to watch Aru, so they asked Yunli to take care of her.

In other words, if Aru really wants to open a store in the Sunset Territory, the first thing he has to pass is not the level of his parents, but the level of Yunli.

"But..." Yun Li frowned, looking somewhat disapproving.

"Sister Yun, didn't you praise the Sunset Territory before? That Lord Su is very nice and smart. Her territory has developed so well. How long has it been since we left? She has issued rewards for two regions in a row. ..." For the sake of her own dream, it was rare for Aru to disregard politeness and forcibly interrupt Yunli's words, her tone was full of urgency.

The way npc releases area rewards is different from that of players, but it does not affect them knowing that it is very difficult to issue area bounties.

So when Aru saw that it was only three days before the end of the last reward in the Sunset Territory, he issued a second reward. He believed that the Sunset Territory was developing well and had unlimited potential. This was actually a very normal speculation.

"Are you sure you're going to the Sunset Territory?" Yun Li looked at her, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

If Aru listened carefully, she would find that Yunli's attitude was not a strong refusal, but she was too impatient now, so naturally she didn't find anything.

Aru: "Of course I'm sure! I've saved a lot of money in the past few years. Although I don't know how the prices in the Sunset Territory are, it's definitely not a problem to rent for a year or so. Lord Su should keep his word People, if I go earlier now, I can still catch up with the store's discount..."

Listening to Aru's rambling words, Yunli remained silent, and her attitude made Aru's voice become smaller and smaller.

It wasn't until Aru completely silenced that Yunli raised his head and glanced at the person who was so excited that he didn't even know when he had stood up.

"Why don't you continue talking?"

"What else can I say..." Aru was a little disappointed, because in her opinion, Yun Li should still not agree with her doing this.

However, Yunli's next sentence gave Aru a huge surprise.

"Didn't you say you're going to open a shop? Tell me about your detailed plan, and then we can arrange time for everyone to go together." Actually, Yunli didn't want to stop Aru just now, she was just thinking about other things. Unexpectedly, Aru misunderstood him.

Looking at Aru who had fallen into a sluggish state after hearing his own words, Yunli smiled helplessly.

"Is what you just said true? You agree with me to go to the sunset territory?!"

"Well, and it's not just you, we're all going together."



The effect of the reward card is very significant, which is mainly reflected in the second day after the release of the regional reward, that is, the No. 18 day in the digital world, many people came to the territory.

At the same time, Su You received more than a dozen applications to join the territory. Among them, there are as many as four NPCs with skills, namely junior fisherman, junior carpenter, junior management and junior melee.

First arrange the room, and then Su You starts to arrange their work in the territory according to their skills.

Before this, Su You had asked them whether they wanted to choose by themselves or be arranged by the territory. As a result, all four of them expressed their willingness to obey the arrangement of the territory, so Su You assigned them according to his own ideas.

Those with fisherman skills went to fish ponds to raise fish, those with carpenter skills were assigned to artisan shops, those with management skills temporarily went to one of the post stations, and those with melee skills joined the ranks of gatekeepers.

It is worth mentioning that the fish pond is not a shop, but a production building like farmland and ranch, so it cannot be regarded as one of the progress of completing the task.

In addition to these people who joined the territory, Su You saw many people who came for the store, and also answered many questions from those who wanted to rent or buy a store.

Most of these people are travelers who already have a territory, so they generally don't consider leaving their original territory, just to join a small territory.

Some of them came here to inquire about the news, some came to watch the fun, and some felt that the price of the territory they were in was too high to support, so they wanted to find a territory with potential value.

Although they don't want to join other territories, this does not affect their desire to find a place where they can make money to develop. When they make money, they will return to their territory to buy a house.

As the sunset territory that has often appeared in the public eye recently, it has become the best choice for these people.

After some conversation, two people were left by Su You to discuss alone because they had relatively strong intentions.

As for the others, either they didn't have a particularly strong desire to open a store, and they left directly when they heard that the conditions were not satisfactory;

For this kind of people, Su You doesn't want to waste time, if they have something to do, just drive them out, if they don't, then stay and contribute to the economy of the territory.

The two remaining people are NPCs with elementary enchanting skills and intermediate management skills. The former wants to open an enchanting shop, while the latter wants to open a grocery store.

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